Jurassic World Movies

What role will the Mosasaurus play in the movie?

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MemberCompsognathusJul-07-2014 9:47 AM

So latly, there has been a lot of talk on the fourms about things, such as Spinosaurus reappearing or D rex vs T. rex and the D rexs size.


So my question to you guys, is what do you think the Mosasaurus will do?


This is how I see the near end, of the movie playing out.


The tyrannosaurus and the D rex are, battling it out. At first it's even but the ad rex starts to take the lead. The D rex forces the rex near a large water source and charges but before the D rex hits the rex, she dodges and the D rex falls in the water and as it's getting out the Mosasaurus comes out of knowere and drags to the bottom leaving the Tyrannosaurus rex victorious!


and the actual fight between the Tyrannosaurus rex and the D rex would be much longer.


Let me know what you think Mosasaurus will do in the movie.

"Somewhere on this island is the greatest predator that ever lived. Second greatest predator must take him down."Roland Tembo"

"Jurassic park: The Lost World"

10 Replies

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexJul-07-2014 9:51 AM

Interesting, though I'd rather see Rex kill D-Rex personally.

Perhaps someone runs into the water to escape, and then the Mosasaur gets them. Or, instead if that "The Pteranodons going to the mainland" BS, their staring at something, and boom! Mosasaur pulls off a Megashark and attacks the helicopter from beneath, dragging it into the ocean. 

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberCompsognathusJul-07-2014 9:59 AM

i belive that the mosasaurus will be the 2nd antagonist and will trap pepole in the lagoon



skip to 0:50

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MemberCompsognathusJul-07-2014 10:07 AM

Both of those would be cool hmm, maybe if spino is in the movie the Mosasaurus will kill it...

"Somewhere on this island is the greatest predator that ever lived. Second greatest predator must take him down."Roland Tembo"

"Jurassic park: The Lost World"

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexJul-07-2014 10:52 AM

HIPHOPANANOMUS - Hmm, that's a very neat concept you've presented! I've a feeling that the mosasaur will be something of a hazard for everyone within the park - people and dinosaurs alike! She'll likely present a danger that must be bypassed in order to reach a safer portion of the resort. :)


MemberCompsognathusJul-07-2014 11:50 AM

I actually think there will be a scene reminiscent of those in Deep Blue Sea or jaws etc.

I can imagine people in an observatory room beginning to flood as the mosasaur enclosure begins to fail and suddenly she's loose! An interesting possibility certainly but we'll have to wait!

Thanks for bringing this up!

How far can we push nature before it pushes back?


MemberCompsognathusJul-07-2014 12:08 PM

I wouldnt be surprised if it is the super pred. there are so many things this film to do its just on going options! Anyone could be the main antagonist. The d rex could terrorise, the t rex u know what it an do, n them there is mososaurus which could terrorise the ppl on the lagoon or whatever. only prob is that it is ristricted . But liked the idea of a fight scene n the moz jumps out n grabs it haha would be awesome to see


MemberCompsognathusJul-07-2014 1:12 PM

Was really Mislead by that first paragraph.


If anything, The mossasaur may play the same role, As it did in JPTG. Killing off one or more of the survivors.


Its supposed to have a Sea world like Enviroment...


I highly doubt anyone of the dinosaurs getting pushed in... 

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way

Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusJul-07-2014 2:44 PM

I see it as at first being a normal park attraction, but then, people are eaten by it when running from the D. Rex. I do like the idea of the big ending battle. However, I'd add the D. Rex emerging, but it and the Tyrannosaurus continue to battle.


However, I'd see the mosasaur as a minor antagonist.

“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

Primal King

MemberCompsognathusJul-07-2014 4:57 PM

I think it will most likely kill the human antagonist, with the T. rex killing the Dinosaur antagonist. Like how the Dilophosaur killed Nedry, but the T. Rex killed the Raptors.

"If you can't see it... It's already too late."

-Jurassic Apocalypse (by Paden)


MemberCompsognathusJul-07-2014 8:33 PM

i don't think it's goingto serve as killing  a human angagonist, or even the protagonist. It's an attaraction, and from the map it looks like it's a main one at that.

Maybe it's going to be like the killer whale shows of seaworld, and perhaps a trainer is swallowed by the mosasaur. Hidden messages inside that, maybe trvorrow is gonna take a crack at that already pretty controversial issue with this

Nature doesn't deceive us; it is we who deceive ourselves.

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