Jurassic World Movies

Jurassic Park: The Game Warden's Story Chapters 19 + 20

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Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMay-29-2014 4:04 PM

I've got some good news and some bad news. The good news is, I'm going to be working sooner than I expected. The bad news is that means I'm going to be offline sooner than I expected. More good news though. That means four chapters in one day.

Sorry to be leaving you guys, I'll try to be on a few times a day, but I doubt it. I'll still try to check.

If you've been reading this story, could you comment? Not one chapter so far has cracked 10 comments. It's kinda disappointing, so just comment if you've been reading when you get a chance.


Jurassic Park: The Game Warden's Story Chapter 19

The Queen Is Back


The group had stayed in the visitor centre for about a week before the food that was still good in the kitchen was gone. Nedry was sleeping, and the other three were talking. "I hate that fat bastard." "What should we do about him?" "Well, we can't kill him ourselves, if someone checks the island and finds him, they would be able to track it to us. If we ditch him now, someone could show up, rescue him, and he could say that he's the only one." "I know. It bugs me. The guy sleeps and eats his weight in potato chips everyday." "Maybe a heart attack will get him. Maybe if we feed him to the Tyrannosaur? Maybe then the Tyrannosaur will get a heart attack." "That would be funny."

When Nedry woke up, Muldoon decided to check his armoury for supplies. They reached the armoury after a few minutes, and Muldoon unlocked the door. The group walked in, and Muldoon grabbed all the ammunition they could carry.

The group started walking to the central watering hole. They got there after walking for a half hour, and they climbed a tree. Once they were in the tree, they started planning what to do next. "I suggest we go back to the visitor centre and get some snacks." "Shut up Dennis, your opinion doesn't matter." Harding suggested they make a shelter in the tree. "Good idea. It's out of reach of everything but the Brachiosaurs, and those things are harmless."

The group pulled some branches together and taped them in place. "We can make some walls later, a roof is the most important thing right now, so let's reinforce it some more." Muldoon added some more branches and taped them in place, and then Harding suggested they get something from the ground. Harding was about to climb down when Muldoon told him to stop.

"What's the problem?" "Feel that? The Tyrannosaur is coming." "I don't feel anything." "Be quiet and hold still." Harding did as he was instructed, and then climbed back up. "I felt that. That thing is nothing but trouble." "I know. Just imagine what would happen if she managed to reach one of us."

Nedry lost his balance and started to stumble. Muldoon saw Nedry stumble and tried to save him. Nedry fell, and Muldoon caught him by the ankle. "Guys! Help me rescue this fat bastard!" "Thanks Robert. I feel so good about myself right now." "You really getting sarcastic with the guy who has your life in his hands?" "No. Guys, help!" Harding and Wu reached down and the group pulled Nedry up, much to the anger of the Tyrannosaurus.

"Why did you save me?" "I'd rather deal with your bullshit than give that Rex the satisfaction of killing one of us." "So you don't like me, but you like the Tyrannosaurus less." "Pretty much." The group watched the Tyrannosaur as she looked at them, and then at the tree. The Tyrannosaurus started to back up, and Muldoon knew what was coming.

"Oh shit. Guys, hold onto something, and when this tree hits the ground, run like crazy to the first cavern or building you find. We'll meet up later." "What's happening?" "She's going to ram this tree and try to get us out." "She's not that smart Robert." "Henry, the whole time we've been here, you've been talking about how that Tyrannosaur isn't as dangerous as I say, but she's been our biggest threat yet." "Yeah, but you were nearly killed by a Velociraptor. The Tyrannosaur hasn't touched you." "The Velociraptor is four hundred pounds, the Tyrannosaur is nine tons. The Tyrannosaur could step on one of us and cripple said person just with a step that barely glances a leg. She could bite us in half. That all so mighty Spinosaurus you were talking about was nothing more than a damn chew toy that could put up half a half decent fight."

The Tyrannosaur was about fifty feet away when she charged. The tree snapped in half and fell while Muldoon, Nedry, Harding, and Wu held on. The top of the tree hit the ground, and the group ran in different directions. Wu and Harding were the first to be clear of the area. Muldoon was slowed down by the thirty pound sniper rifle in his hands, and Nedry wasn't going any faster than a fast walk. The Tyrannosaur looked at Muldoon, and then turned to look at Nedry.

She charged Muldoon, but he expected it and had turned around and started shooting. He took the fifth shot when the Tyrannosaur backed off and went after Nedry. Muldoon made it to the brush and grabbed his shotgun as he slung the sniper over his back, and he had bought Nedry enough time to get to the brush. Muldoon set the shotgun down, and then grabbed the sniper again. "I expected you to have gotten him by now. Better this way while you're distracted." Muldoon aimed at the Tyrannosaur and put the last five rounds in her head. The Tyrannosaur dropped, and Muldoon left the area.



Jurassic Park: The Game Warden's Story Chapter 20



It was about a week since Muldoon gunned down the Tyrannosaurus. Everyone thought she was dead because she hadn't moved in a few days, but none of them dared go near her. None of the survivors knew where to go. Muldoon went to the visitor centre, Wu went one of the secret buildings in the south, Harding went to one of the clinics in the east of the park, and Nedry went where the vending machines were.

Nedry walked into the visitor centre and quickly found a vending machine. He was digging around when some tapping got his attention. "Muldoon, is that you?" There was no answer. "Robert, this isn't funny. If it's you, say something." Without warning, the sound picked up and Nedry turned around in time to see a Velociraptor lunge at him.

Muldoon woke up to Nedry's screaming, and went to check it out. Muldoon had the SPAS 12 shouldered and ready to fire, and when he got to the scene, it was too late to save Nedry. Muldoon slowly walked up behind the Velociraptor and grabbed his hunting knife. The Velociraptor didn't hear Muldoon's footsteps over the sound of ripping flesh, and Muldoon put his knife through the Velociraptor's neck in a few seconds.

Muldoon wasn't sure what to do, but he went to the roof. He saw a Carnotaurus and went to grab his sniper. When he got back, the Carnotaurus was gone. Muldoon looked through the scope at where the Carnotaurus was before, and he saw a scar. "I've got you." The bullet went through the Carnotaurus's skull and it dropped with a thud. "Going to be here a while, might as well clear the dangers."

The boom rang across the island. Almost everything heard it. Harding and Wu knew that Muldoon was alive or was only just recently killed, and they went to the source. They reached the visitor centre and saw the Carnotaurus corpse. Harding looked at Wu and said, "Looks like Muldoon got it. The guy isn't afraid to shoot anything he sees as a threat." "Not surprising, he is the Game Warden, and he's always been concerned about safety regarding these things. You could say that anything he believes to be a danger is Muldoomed." "Haha, nice. Well, let's get to the roof."

They walked in together, and they went to the roof. Muldoon heard them coming, and he had his shotgun ready, expecting a dinosaur. Harding and Wu reached the top of the stairs, and they jumped back when they saw Muldoon with the shotgun pointed at them.

"Oh, it's just you guys. I thought you were one of the Velociraptor's pack mates." "What do you mean." "A Velociraptor got Dennis. I put a knife through its throat, and there might be more." "I'll lock the door."

Muldoon heard something, and he looked up. "What's that helicopter for?" "I don't know." Wu spoke up. "When I escaped the Tyrannosaur, I saw a boat. I grabbed a flare gun we kept in the one lab and started shooting. The boat came here and asked why I was here. I told them there were other survivors and that we needed to be rescued." "So, they're here for us?" "Yes."

The Helicopter was about to land on the ground in front of the visitor centre, but the crew went up and hovered above the group and dropped a rope ladder instead. Everyone climbed up, and then asked what happened. "The Tyrannosaur was making its way to this building, so it would have been unsafe to land." "The Tyrannosaur is dead. I shot her several times in the head with this .50 right here." "Then what's that?"

Muldoon looked out the window, and the Tyrannosaur was watching the helicopter fly away. "Well, she's the undisputed ruler of that damn island now." "What do you mean?" "Well, before, we kept her a bay somehow. Now, without us around, she has no competition." "I see. Well, you guys will never have to see this island again. We're taking you home, and John Hammond says he will give you guys a generous amount of money for your dilemma."




All three men were brought to Costa Rica for questioning. After that, they were brought to Hammond's mansion and Hammond gave them all a cheque with enough cash to last them the rest of their lives. Harding went back to his family, Wu went back to his hometown, and Muldoon caught the first flight to Kenya. Muldoon continued his job as Game Warden in the Kenyan preserve, and he had improved as a hunter and teacher because of his experience on Isla Nublar.



See you guys around Monday I hope.

Jack of all trades. Master of none

4 Replies

UCMP 118742

MemberCompsognathusMay-30-2014 4:42 AM

This was an aweosme ending to an awesome story. Loved it. I'm really lookinh forward to RS and I did read every chapter, but I sometimes just didn't feel like commenting because I'm pretty lazy. 

Keep in mind that many people have died for their beliefs; it's actually quite common. The real courage is in living and suffering for what you believe in. -Brom-


MemberCompsognathusMay-30-2014 2:44 PM

It was great.

If I could be anything I would be a Trex.



MemberCompsognathusMay-31-2014 3:56 PM

you know my feelings on this story! good job, RS is gonna be great!

Nature doesn't deceive us; it is we who deceive ourselves.

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexJun-01-2014 3:23 AM

MR.HAPPY9097 - That was an absolutely superb way to polish-off your story! I very much enjopyed how you drew everything together in one neat climax. Excellent work! Thank you ever so much for having brought this to us! :)

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