Jurassic World Movies

The Legacy of Raptor401: The Next Generation: Chapter 5

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MemberAllosaurusApr-01-2014 5:38 PM

Bet you guys were expecting to read chapter 5, weren't you?


45 Replies

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexApr-01-2014 7:31 PM

Light it up, just hit 3000 posts.


Just a whole bunch of country references. I'm out of ones that make sense without sounding awkward in this situation.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberAllosaurusApr-01-2014 7:33 PM

Well, congratulations on you're 3000th post, sure hope that accomplishment isn't too far away from me. Off topic question, but do you think I should get an N64? I mean, you own one, right?


Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexApr-01-2014 7:35 PM

It took me a year and a month to hit 3000, just for reference.


I'd recommend an N64. Love that system. 


I'm out for the night, reached my goal for the night, and it's past 10:30.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberAllosaurusApr-01-2014 7:37 PM

Good night, I guess I should buy it. But then again, I am VERY happy with my good ol' Gamecube.


UCMP 118742

MemberCompsognathusApr-02-2014 5:39 AM

I did catch some of those references, but not most of them and Raptor... How did I deserve this torture?

Keep in mind that many people have died for their beliefs; it's actually quite common. The real courage is in living and suffering for what you believe in. -Brom-

Rex Fan 684

MemberCompsognathusApr-02-2014 12:52 PM

MrHappy, you mentioned warmer weather. I can't wait till it's sunny and 75, but right now I'm stuck in colder weather. 


Got a few more references in there ;)

"Men like me don't start the wars. We just die in them. We've always died in them, and we always will. We don't expect any praise for it, no parades. No one knows our names." ―Alpha-98

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexApr-02-2014 12:56 PM

Looks like the weather is just doin what she likes right now.

Jack of all trades. Master of none

Rex Fan 684

MemberCompsognathusApr-02-2014 1:04 PM

Yeah, and I keep asking myself why. It just won't let go of this crazy town.


Raptor, sorry we took over your post, haha. That's how we do it round here and that's how country boys roll ;)

"Men like me don't start the wars. We just die in them. We've always died in them, and we always will. We don't expect any praise for it, no parades. No one knows our names." ―Alpha-98

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexApr-02-2014 1:45 PM

It's getting to the busy time of year, so I've got a lot of leavin left to do now while rain is a good thing. With any luck, I'll get the wheels rollin on my Jeep and put some mud on the tires.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberAllosaurusApr-02-2014 3:44 PM

Sorry UCMP, just the spirit of April Fools!



MemberAllosaurusApr-02-2014 4:47 PM

So by taking over posts is how you roll?


Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexApr-02-2014 5:04 PM

Truck yeah. Just chillin it and and taking over a troll post with country references because country is country wide. Helluva life with all kinda of different country songs. I was actually that one in every crowd that actually listened to country music until I reached high school. 

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberAllosaurusApr-02-2014 10:16 PM

Okay, just stop. stop. STOP IT.


Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexApr-03-2014 3:46 PM

Aw naw. You want me stop? I guess I will.

Jack of all trades. Master of none

Primal King

MemberCompsognathusApr-03-2014 4:28 PM

Let's mix things up a bit. So This what you meant when you said that you were spent? And now I'm left to sell. The path to this heaven runs through miles of clouded hell.

"If you can't see it... It's already too late."

-Jurassic Apocalypse (by Paden)

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