Jurassic World Movies

Jurassic World top ten

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MemberCompsognathusJan-23-2014 9:28 AM

hey i was thinking about JW and made a list of top ten dinos that deserve to be in JW

10.Utahraptor: it was 25 feet long and hunted in packs to kill large saurapods it also had a killer claw on both feet

9.Ceratosaurus: was 20 feet long and 8 feet tall this dino is cool and strong deserves some recognition

8.Allosaurus: picture a trex but a little smaller but much fasterthis great predator deserves to be in Jurassic World because it has lived in the shadow of trex for too long

7.Guanlong:this dinosaur was the trex before there was trex it was 9 feet long and slightly smaller then the average human and deserves to be known as the first of the rex family

6.Dilophosaurus:was 23 feet long and a bit taller then a 6 foot human this dinosaur could suprise people if it was put in the spotlight this beast spites a type of acid from as far as 20-30 feet this acid would blind its prey and would eat them alive so they could feel every bit of pain a true monster if you ask me

5.Jurassic Parks version of a raptor:this 6 fot tall monster had one sicle like claw on each foot it was problem solving smart and cpuld run at 60mph it has been seen in all the other J-park movies but as a back up i want to see this dinosaur shine

4.Tyrannosaurus Rex: this monsters maximum length was 42 feet long and 14 feet tall i would like to see it again in JW (Jurassic World)

3.Spinosaurus Aegyptiacus: this monster on average was 55 feet long and 17-27 feet tall this is my all-time favourite dinosaur it had long strong arms with hooked claws and a long snout with straight sharp teeth to help it cathc the giant fish it ate but it didnt only eat fish oh no it ate herbivores to and small-medium carnivores it would grab them with its mouth and like a modern croc jerk its prey to break its neck then eat i think spino deserves to be in the spotlight again 

2.Troodon: it hunted in packs had extremly good night vision and a venoms bite like modern komododragons

1.Carnotaurus:its name meaning''Meat-eating bull'' was spot on it was 23 feet long and 3 meters tall it would charge at its prey at full speed like a bull but it had its mouth wide open i think this dinosaur could do very goo in the Jurassic World spotlight

thank you for reading please your top ten or any dinosaurs you tink i missed or that should be in the top ten but arent in the comments below bye

2 Replies

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexJan-23-2014 2:56 PM

Those are all good ones.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberCompsognathusJan-23-2014 5:38 PM

i agree with the list, utahraptor probably won't be in it though. Looks too much like the JP universe raptors

Nature doesn't deceive us; it is we who deceive ourselves.

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