Jurassic World Movies

Jurassic World opening scene Idea

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noah eckeckenrode

MemberCompsognathusOct-06-2013 7:39 PM
Well, since everyone's doing this, here's my idea.: A shot of Isla Nublar appears on the screen. Text reads"Isla Nublar. 120 miles of the coast of Coasta Rica." A boat pulls into the docks with the name BioSyn on it. Lewis Dodgson, his associate George Bassleton and their crew step on the shore. Then, they unload all their gear, including high powered rifles. 'Alright ladies, lets move out." says Dodgson as the walk into the Jungle. As they walk, Basselton enquires Dodgson about their mission objective. “This’ll lead to Dennis?” “Yep, satellite phone I gave him runs on batteries that can last 2 decades.” replies Dodgson. “But didn’t you tell Nedry the coolant in the can only lasted for 36 hours?” asked Bassleton. “That was just so it’d be delivered faster. In reality, it can last a hell of a long time.” He replies. “Well, what happened to him?” “No one knows, they never recovered the body.” Basselton , nervously, says“Look man, I don’t wanna be here and get eaten by God-knows what. Why don’t we send a S.W.A.T. team to do this?” “No way!”Dodgson angrily replies. “I’m sick of being treated like second best to the “oh-so might Ingen”! If we make a dino park that works, We’ll be bigger than Hammond could ever dream.” Dodgson than says “I’m sorry, but it will be quick. We’ll go in, get the canister and leave before any of those beasts knows we’re here. Understand?” Basselton reluctantly nods his head yes. They then come across an electric fence. They throw a stick at it but nothing happens “There’s no power.” a crew member says. “Of course not.” Dodgson syas. “No one’s been here for 20 years.” They each start climbing the fence. But, they miss the sign on the fence that says “Dilophosaurus”. They then find a Jeep overgrown by vines. With a machete, they cut the vines and then open the door. They are repulsed by what they see: Nedry’s rotting corpse with his stomach torn open. They dump the body outside and begin to search for the canister. “It’s not in here.” replied one staffmember. “Look harder!” yelled Dodgson. “It’s got to be here somewhere!” After they give up looking in the car, Dodgson yells “Well, this is just friggin’ great! Now where the hell could it b-“ Dodgson’s outrage is cut short when he slips on the slope of the ridge near the car. As he gets up, he says a few incoherent words as Basselton says “Hey what’s that?” Dodgson looks down and pulls the object out of the mud. “ My God.” He says “It’s the canister!” The crew celebrates as Dodgson says “ Well Nedry old boy, you are going to make me one famous son of a-“ Dodgsons monologue is cut short by a scream from Basselton. He turns around to see a Dilophosaurus feeding on Nedry’s corpse. “Will you relax you coward?” Dodgson asks Basselton. “It’s tiny. Ned, go shoo it off.” The crewmember named Ned walks up to the dinosaur and says in a cutsie voice “Hey little guy, sho off. We’re busy.” The Dilo only stares at him, chirping like a bird. “Shoo, ya dumb lizard!” he yells while spreading his arms out. The Dilophosaur, taking this as a threat, unfolds a rattling neck frill, screeches and spits poison into Ned’s eyes. Ned screams in pain. Then, as the crew watch in horror, the Dilo leaps onto Ned, takes him down and crushes his windpipe, killing him. As it feeds, Dodgson smacks it with a rifle and it whimpers away. Dodgson then says “Alright guys, lets get the hell outta here!” “What about Ned?!” Basselton yells “Ned acted stupid and he got what was coming to him. Now lets go!” “You heartless little-“ But Bassleton’s rant is cut short as the hear a twitter. When they turn around, 2 more Dilophosaurs are standing there. They start to back up but hit something large and pebbly. A fully grown Dilophosaurus. She is about 5 meters long and weighs a ton. Dodgson gets ready to shoot her, but a Dilo pounces on him. The other Dilos move in. But, just as the big female gets ready to kill them. The hear a noise in the brush. It sounds like a mix of a bull elk bugle and a walrus roar. The female then makes a call telling the youngsters to follow her. They run away into the jungle. The crew then gets up and one member asks “what in God’s name was that?” “I don’t know, but we need to head back toward the boat.” says Dogson. “Where’s the path again?” says Bassleton. “You mean you lost it?!!” “Well, excuse me for not remembering while being attacked by a pack of dinosaurs!” The crewmember named Todd yelled “Stop it! Look, can’t we set aside personal differences so we can get of this island alive?!” Dodgson then says “Alright, come on boys. This way.” As they walk away, a pair of glowing eyes stare at them from the bushes.
1 Replies

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexOct-06-2013 8:45 PM
Interesting idea. I skimmed through it, and when I saw Ned was being attacked, I though "what the hell".

Jack of all trades. Master of none

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