Jurassic World Movies

Mammal Clash: Mongolian BearDog vs. Indricotherium

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MemberCompsognathusJul-28-2013 8:34 PM
Indricotherium Picture goes here: http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/265/e/4/indricotherium_by_frank_lode-d4akcfh.jpg Here's a URL, you know the drill Statistics: Height:26 feet Length:30 feet Weight: 20 tons Indricotherium, also commonly known as Paraceritherium is the largest mammal to ever walk the Earth. Indricotherium despite it's appearance is more closely related to the Rhinoceros than anything alive today. The Indricotherium is virtually untouchable by Oligocene standards, but it's long lanky legs are like targets to bring it to the ground. It's skull was thick and built for combat, and it's teeth were large and flat. One thing is certain about this colossus: Anything that attacks it has to be huge. CLASH! Deep in an unknown area of Central Asia is an uncharted circular mountain range. The range is harder to climb then Everest, and is virtually impossible for anything to get over it on either side. But, on the inside of this circular range there is a valley, divided by massive fences into six massive sections, one for each time period. All the fences are labeled with a logo. InGen. InGen built this park in anticipation for a later franchise called Pleistocene Park. All the fences are still in operation except for one circuit that overloaded. The Oligocene section is down, and all the animals in there are now establishing their own ecosystem, but still confined to the master time period divider fence. Then, something approaches the master fence. Something large. As it's head appears next to the massive fence it becomes clear that this animal is an Indricotherium, and at the moment it is nursing a newly born calf. The Indricotherium walks away, with it's infant calf in tow. It's midday and a small band of four Amphicion are approaching an area that reeks of birth and desperation. When they arrive at the scene they are surprised to see nothing. Snarling and bearing their teeth the Amphicion look around desperately for a hiding calf somewhere, but find nothing. The Amphicion pick up a trail of scent that is undoubtedly the calf and it's mother. Then, the pack follows the scent trail, snarling and thirsty for blood. Night is falling, and the two Indricotheres are getting weary. The baby is still bad on his legs and the mother cannot fend off more then two predators at a time. Nearby some omnivorous Daeodon are feeding on some shrubbery, but they quickly turn around and leave as the Indricotherium begins feeding on the treetops and the female calf feeds on her mother's milk. Night has fallen, and it is now completely dark out, and the two Indricotheres know something is wrong. Then the mother sees multiple pairs of eyes reflecting off of the moonlight, like a cat's. They're off in the distance, but the mother is already on the defense. As the group gets closer the snarling becomes louder and the first Amphicion breaks through the bushes. Then a second and a third and a fourth are all surrounding the pair of Indricotherium. The Amphicion pack have just committed to a full scale attack on the two Indricotherium. The first member to break through the bushes begins to circle the two animals in an attempt to confuse them, while the second member runs underneath the mother trying to slice open the belly. The panicked mother kicks her rear right leg at the perfect moment, scoring a direct hit in the Amphicion, sending the squealing animal flying ten feet in the air and colliding into a tree about fifteen feet away. The squealing stops abruptly on impact. The pack has lost their first member and now need to be very strategical, even though they still have the upper hand. The first Amphicion jumps in the air and latches himself onto the left flank of the mother, dragging his claws deep into flanks of the panicked and fatigued mother. The second one jumps onto the right flank of the mother and does the same. The mother is suffering from severe injury and begins spinning and bucking violently in an attempt to throw off the Amphicion. The two on her sides plummet twenty feet to the ground, breaking several ribs on impact. The third Amphicion is nowhere to be seen until the mother hears her calf calling for help. Suddenly the calls stop, and the mother already knows her calf is now dead. The mother charges over to where her calf was calling from, and suddenly feels something odd under her foot. She realizes that it was the third Amphicion, and cannot find her dead calf. The mother runs off quickly in an attempt to escape the other two Amphicion, but she is bleeding severely now and escaping the Bear Dogs could be a difficult task. Morning has come upon the valley, and the mother Indricotherium has been running from a pair of Amphicion all night but suddenly out of a tree up above her and Amphicion jumps and latches onto her back. The other Amphicion runs underneath the mother, swatting and ripping open her belly. The intestines begin to pour out as the mother steps on and crushes the Amphicion below her. With a sharp whimper the animal is dead. The mother finally begins to tire out entirely as the final remaining Amphicion cuts open the mother's windpipe and brings her falling quickly to the ground. The Amphicion begins to feast on the massive carcass but now the Daedon are coming and they're hungry for a feast... End We'll there you go guys and gals! Tell me what you think and maybe I'll make a few more
Pity is for the living. Envy is for the dead. -Mark Twain
3 Replies

Elite Raptor 007

MemberCompsognathusJan-11-2014 3:32 AM

I can't say that the Indricothere lose, because a chance of a bear-dog win is very small. probably if the opponent was a Hyaenodon the chances of indricothere lose is slightly bigger. because mongolian Bear-Dog is at the early evolution so will probably smaller than the other at U.S.A.

Elite Raptor 007

MemberCompsognathusJan-11-2014 3:34 AM

and you dont write about the BearDog Statistic, aren't you

Rex Fan 684

MemberCompsognathusJan-11-2014 12:35 PM

RaptoRex, you had a T-rex lose to a Kaprosuchus! So frankly, I don't wanna hear you talk about accurate outcomes in fights.

"Men like me don't start the wars. We just die in them. We've always died in them, and we always will. We don't expect any praise for it, no parades. No one knows our names." ―Alpha-98
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