Jurassic World Movies

New dinosaurs for Jurassic Park 4

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Allosaur the Great

MemberCompsognathusMay-03-2013 4:40 AM
So it looks like JP4 is returning to Isla Nublar and that is a good thing in my opinion i have always wondered what the island looked like after all those years and it is where the franchise began. However, this means that there are only a few new dinosaurs that can be introduced. If you see maps of Isla Nublar you can see that the dinosaurs we didn't see are Baryonyx, Segisaurus and Metriacanthosaurus. If you include the Telltalle game there was Troodon and the Mosasaurus. I really hope that the scary new dinosaur isn't Troodon. I didn't like them in the game and sure will not like them in the film. The others mentioned i would like to see especially the Mosasaurus it's about time we see aquatic creatures. I would like to see the return of T rex, Velociraptor, Brachiosaurus, Triceratops and Dilophosaurus. What new and old dinos would you guys like to see?
5 Replies


MemberCompsognathusMay-04-2013 6:02 AM
i just hope spinosaurs , T-rex and raptors are returning :)


MemberCompsognathusMay-04-2013 8:42 PM
I highly doubt Colin Trevorrow and the JP4 crew will pick dinosaurs based on the game....just sayin

"Either way, you probably won't get off this island alive."

--Alan Grant


MemberCompsognathusMay-05-2013 12:52 PM
One way or another, they are going to introduce a new predator. Because they can. Not because it will be better, but because they can. Here is a list of options, all of which have no pontential and will end up being a mistake: Troodon Raptorex Mosasaur (or any marine reptile) Spinosaurus Baryonyx If the central focus of the movie is Isla Nublar, abandoned these 20 years, then possibilities are certainly limited...without some nefarious character(s) doing something stupid like aiding the dinosaurs proliferation on Isla Nublar. If we see Spinosaurus show up on Nular without an insanely good explanation, then I've lost all faith already. 20 years of abandonment would create a certain type of ecology on Isla Nublar. For instance, the carnivores would carve out their own territory and would only survive in number based on the available prey. After that much time, a small pack of raptors & a pair of Rex would be lucky to still survive with an initial prey population of barely 200 herbivores.

Allosaur the Great

MemberCompsognathusMay-05-2013 3:19 PM
I highly doubt Spinosaurus will appear in the new film it makes absolutely no sense for him to be on Isla Nublar as you rightly say pmzanetti. However i would like to ask you why Baryonyx would be a mistake in at least giving him some screen time? I don't want him to be the new predator but i would like to see him.

robo t-rex 555

MemberCompsognathusMay-06-2013 2:00 PM
stay with t-rex
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