Jurassic World Movies

My JP IV concept

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MemberCompsognathusNov-30-2012 1:21 PM
My Jurassic Park IV idea. Okay. So I spent one day thinking of a good Jurassic Park IV story. One that incorporated some of the same themes, but still updated itself and would remain interesting to a modern auidence. Please feel free to poke holes in it. It's a very rough synopsis and isn't yet finished. This is the synopsis I have so far. The story starts with the death of John Hammond, the executor of his will has called in Neil Hayne (bear with me, these names are mere placemarkers randomly generated). Hayne is a corporate security consultant. Hammond's executor explains that Hammond died a relatively poor man. Hammond spent every dime he had paying fees and fines to the UN, Costa Rican Government, and the US EPA for the upkeep and protection of both Jurassic Park Islands. Likewise, although InGen has been bankrupt and disbanded for sometime, Hammond tried to keep most of the patents to Jurassic Park's genetic research in his possession (and out of the hands of long time competitor BioSyn, which is also now bankrupt). The executor explains that in Hammond's will he was particularly concerned about how he will be remembered. With Hammond's death, the patent will be lost, and no single entity will be able to afford to purchase it due to the expensive legal fees, regulations, and taxation. Hammond knew that upon his death, the patents will be up in the air, Jurassic Park will be considered an “Abandoned Property” by law, and all of it's contents will be subject to reclamation. While no company would be bold enough to attempt to smuggle actual dinosaurs off the island in the aftermath of the San Diego incident, it is of particular concern that companies may attempt to take the genetic encoding and mapping sequences kept on secure hard drives, files, and even DNA sampling (which there is a slight possibility could be intact because of backup generators etc) all held on the island. This is where Mr. Hayne comes in, he is tasked with assembling a team to go onto the island to destroy these files and ensure that Hammond's secret to playing God dies with him. Hayne then gathers a team. He first hires Peter Schwarz, a South African hunter who is contracted by the Coast Rican government to hunt dinosaurs on their rare incursions of surrounding islands and coastal areas. He explains that people have a tendency to sneak past the naval security occasionally and bring back “souvenirs”. These “souvenirs” can range from small compys who multiply and eat peoples chickens and goats, to velocripators. The incident is rare, but still a reality that has Costa Rican officials concerned. Schwarz heres of the plan to go onto Isla Nublar. Schwarz will only go if he can take another “gun” with him, insisting that he gets to pick, and it'll probably not be cheap since he prefers someone with a background in special forces or private military work. Hyane agrees. Hayne then contacts a grown Lex Murphy (who is now an aid worker) propositioning her to be a guide. Lex wants nothing to do with the island and warns them of contacting her younger brother. Hayne contacts Tim Murphy anyway, who is now a graduate student. Tim insists that his memory of the island isn't good enough to go on because he was so young, but he reluctantly agrees to go. Hayne and his team meet in Costa Rica, where they prepare for the operation, despite a hurricane about to make landfall. Hayne explains that in exactly 24 hours the patent will expire, and the other companies will have free reign on the island, regardless of the weather conditions. Hayne goes to the docks to find a ship willing to take him to the island. While at the docks Hayne sees a bustle of armed men with state of the art ships loading and unloading feverishly. Haybe tries to find a local boat captain willing take him to the island but no one is willing to go, they are suspicious of the island and feel that it's to dangerous, especially with the impending storm. A young english speaking woman overhears Hayne, and berates him for trying to tamper with nature and recreate it. Hayne explains that he is there to destroy it's contents, not to exploit it. The girl seems relieved, and introduces herself as Hannah Simpson, she is an environmentalist, who was planning on protesting and sabotaging the companies attempting to interfere and exploit Jurassic Park's animals. She tells Hayne that she can procure him a ship, but she has to be able to go onto the island with him, as she wants to document and ensure he isn't “another corporate hound”. Hayne reluctantly agrees. The next day Hayne and his team wait on their boat in choppy waters, as they watch the minutes roll down as the patent expires. Hayne uses his binoculars to observe the array of Costa Rican Coast Guard, and private vessels in what has become oceanic staging ground. Tim Murphy asks Hayne whats going on. Hayne says that he recognizes one of the larger ships logo's as RIKIN a Chinese Bio-company. The RIKIN ships are state of the art using an array of technologies including an unmanned aerial drone to survey the island. The RIKIN ship heads Northwest, which confuses Hayne because his blueprints indicate that that most of the databases are on the north eastern side of the island. As the patent expires, Hayne's watch alarm goes off, they are dropped off on a beach, and the boat ferries off. Hannah pays the boatman, and tells him to wait within eyesight of the shore for their singal, he nods and slowly pulls his boat away. As the team slowly marches through the jungle, they find a small abandoned encampment. Hannah nearly steps on booby trap, Schwarz catches her just in time. Schwarz and his man dismantle the booby trap. He tells everyone that it looks like drug smugglers have been using this place to hide out and cook up cocaine, it looks long abandoned, but everyone should be careful. Overhead they see large helicopters flying about towing large storage crates underneath them. Hayne wonders what RIKIN is up to on the other side of the island. The team has a couple of close encounters with some dinosuars (filler), but finally make it to the the compound. They take the hard drives, dna samples, and documents. Hayne is overtly suspicious of how easy all of this is, he goes to spy on RIKIN, where he finds out they have armed private military contractors, flown in generators and spotlights. RIKIN's employees number in the dozens. A team of welders, and repair men work on fences and assemble a hasty camp. A group of men unload live animals, goats, and pigs. To Hayne's dismay they are not trying to get the genetic material needed to create dinosaurs, or smuggle the dinosaurs off. Instead RIKIN is attempting to systematically bring Jurassic Park back online. RIKIN has hired a team of game preserve specialists, most notably Kurt Lintz a specialist in zoology. He explains to RIKIN's chief of operations, Steven Lin, that they will hastily repair the fences, heard the carnivores back into their secure areas, and electrify the fences with generators. The operation should take a couple of days at most. Kurt makes a note on the difficulty of dealing with the raptors. This is all I have so far..what do you guys think?
4 Replies


Social LiasonMemberCompsognathusNov-30-2012 4:25 PM
WOW!!! That is really well thought out! I love it nsiops!!! I think it keeps true to the feel of Juraasic park but at the same time it introduces new motives and charcters only problem.... but I didnt want you to stop!!! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha can you tell us some more?? : )
\"My God, its full of stars\" David Bowman


MemberCompsognathusDec-07-2012 12:10 AM
Yeah this is really good. I like how grounded in reality it is, in that all these new elements of the JP mythos you're describing seem like real world evolutions of the universe that Jurassic Park has already established. Some of these characters seem a little flat, like we've been there before, especially the South African hunter. But the fact that it's someone's job to retire dinosaurs that escape the island feels very real. I'd just work hard to distance him from Roland Tumbo. The biggest input I'm gonna give you though is that since the MacGuffin in this story is the digital information that survives on Jurassic Park, you should sort of run with that technothriller cyber punk quality, build a cast that more reflects that aesthetic. You have a lot of cool things to play with: aging technology that would need to be reactivated, new age scientists from across the world trying to get their hands on this technology, and the juxtaposition of all of this onto a jungle filled with dinosaurs. And finally we have mercenaries with guns on the island. This is really what this franchise has needed for a while, Lost World really was a missed oppurtunity in that regard. So I'd pit them against the raptors, who despite being able to talk in Jurassic Park 3, didn't do very much to impress the audience with their problem solving abilities. i feel like after years the raptors would've gotten their lay of the land by now. I can see a handful of species having already died off since they were left to themselves. Anyway, these are just my thoughts but I feel like a real game of cat-and-mouse between the raptors and the mercenaries is what the franchise needs. This is a really cool set up for a movie, I hope the new one's somewhere along these lines.


MemberCompsognathusDec-07-2012 12:16 AM
Oooh!! Forgot to mention this. Lex and Tim. I feel like the running gag and most unbelievable aspect of the sequels is the "Why the hell do they keep going back?" And there's always some way that they get lampooned into going back. I feel like that should be a major part of the story, that they choose to go back this time. Not because they're being bribed but because maybe Tim never got over it. Maybe Tim always wanted to go back despite his better judgement. Maybe Grant and Malcolm always had a part of them that wanted to go back. Why do they keep going back? Why do all these third parties try over and over to get their hands on the dinosaurs when history has shown that it is NOT going to end in their favor? Maybe change it up so that the bad guys DO walk away having won something for once. Ideas to play with and keep in mind.

Steve Rogers

MemberCompsognathusJan-31-2013 10:32 AM
I think this is a great plot for Jurassic Park IV. A great start to a new trilogy.
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