Did you guys watch the new Dinosaur movie?

Cool Godzilla
MemberAllosaurusMar-18-2023 12:23 AMDid you guys watch the new Dinosaur movie? What were your thoughts and opinions or etc? Did you guys like it or did you guys hate it?

MemberBrachiosaurusMar-18-2023 5:45 AMI haven't seen it yet, it's not playing in the local theater right now. I'll try to check it out if I get the chance and will probably post a review for it. So far the trailers haven't really caught my attention that much and for the most part I've been seeing mixed/mediocre reactions to it, but I'm still curious to see what it's like.

MemberAllosaurusMar-18-2023 9:58 AMcrap I voted the wrong one, I meant to select the bottom one.
I will never watch 65. Its a giant middle finger to dinosaurs and the two centuries of collective dinosaur research and science.

MemberBrachiosaurusMar-18-2023 10:30 AMI take it that you saw some of the leaked "dinosaur" designs...

Cool Godzilla
MemberAllosaurusMar-18-2023 6:10 PMHydra Yep

MemberTriceratopsMar-23-2023 1:12 AMWait, theres a new dino movie? Well okay, I'm not going to watch it.

MemberTriceratopsMar-23-2023 1:13 AMAdam Driver is in it, people said its horrible, so I won't watch it but I'll atleast give them credit for having an icon in Star Wars, Kylo Ren.

MemberAllosaurusMar-23-2023 2:04 AMSasquaDash
I also watched a youtuber review on it and it sounded very dumb
I wouldn't call Kylo Ren an Icon, he was a very annoying character that was a knock-off to Darth Vader

Cool Godzilla
MemberAllosaurusMar-24-2023 3:48 AMI'm gonna check the movie out, like the saying goes, don't judge a book by it's cover.

MemberAllosaurusMar-26-2023 1:05 PMCool Godzilla
Cool, I'm just saying this, this movie is not for me. I can accept the inaccurate dinosaurs from Jurassic Park/World because they were genetically engineered or Primal since it has cavemen with dinosaurs but 65 is just..... why?

MemberTriceratopsMar-31-2023 12:51 AMI checked out the movie, I actually pretty liked it. The big "dinosaur", I don't know what to call it so I'll just call him Big Guy so yeah hes big but what is he supposed to be? People are calling him Postosuchus T.Rex or something.

MemberAllosaurusMar-31-2023 11:37 AMThe fact that a Rauisuchian survived into the freaking cretaceous period is dumb at an evolution stand-point. The Rauisuchians had to go extinct so dinosaurs could rule the earth. Also they have Lagosuchus in the film which are the ancestors to dinosaurs. 65 is a dumb dinosaur movie.
If they wanted triassic animals, then set the movie in the triassic period, don't bring triassic animals to the cretaceous period!

Cool Godzilla
MemberAllosaurusApr-01-2023 7:15 PMXenotaris Oh OK, I understand.

AdminIndoraptorApr-01-2023 8:53 PMI actually quite enjoyed watching 65, it raised a lot of interesting questions.

Cool Godzilla
MemberAllosaurusApr-24-2023 3:15 AMI ended up didn't watching the movie. I wondered if I should watch it and then got distracted by another movie multiple times. XD

MemberBrachiosaurusApr-28-2023 10:14 AMi wouldn't mind checking it out, i've been wanting to watch it.