Jurassic World Movies

So JWCC should be ignored by everyone

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MemberTriceratopsAug-29-2022 10:53 AM

Yes cause its convoluted

                           I am.. the one who knocks 
10 Replies


MemberTriceratopsAug-29-2022 10:53 AM

My main problem is not that is convoluted (it is not) BUT IT JUMPS THE SHARK AND YOU DO NOT GET A SENSE OF DANGER, WHICH RUINS IT

                           I am.. the one who knocks 


MemberTriceratopsAug-29-2022 10:55 AM

Like there are robot dogs and weird tall black stalker things

                           I am.. the one who knocks 


MemberAllosaurusAug-29-2022 2:13 PM

I haven't watched it passed season 1 but yeah Camp Cretaceous was to me, DOA



MemberBrachiosaurusAug-29-2022 3:38 PM

I personally liked the first three seasons, however the series went downhill in season 4 (although I don't think it as bad as the fandom claims), season 5 was somewhat of an improvement (it was cool to see another T.rex and Spino fight) and for the most part I thought it had a decent ending, though, like season 4, it had some bizarre creative choices. 

"Neither beast nor man. Something monstrous."


MemberTriceratopsAug-29-2022 4:07 PM


The fandom really likes to lie about its stuff lmao, the overwhelming majority of fans are children which is why this stupid show gets all of this praise

                           I am.. the one who knocks 


MemberAllosaurusAug-29-2022 4:18 PM

DOA means Dead on Arrival by the way. 

Also I think alot of people who watch Camp Cretaceous are big Pixar and Dream Work fans and probably never even seen a Jurassic Park movie outside of Jurassic World.

Remember Jurassic Park, The Lost World and even Jurassic Park III were horror movies based on a science fiction-horror novel (I know technically its a Techno-Thriller but that's just a fancy name for it)

The problem with the Jurassic World trilogy (although I still find them enjoyable) is the human villains stink compared to the more sympathetic "villains" from the OG trilogy.



MemberTriceratopsAug-29-2022 4:26 PM


Big pixar fans are neckbeards who hate on everything. Look at that saberspark guy or whatever even his avatar is a fricking neckbeard.
Also he hates Cars 2 which is a red flag

                           I am.. the one who knocks 


MemberTriceratopsAug-29-2022 4:27 PM

CC somehow gets this super support from children, upping its review scores and whatever because of statistics and fan votes

                           I am.. the one who knocks 


MemberAllosaurusAug-29-2022 4:29 PM

Those kids would have a completely different opinion if they had watched the original trilogy, like how the children audience did back in the 90's



MemberBrachiosaurusSep-29-2022 8:30 PM

I like the first 3 seasons, but season 4 was trash and season five was my most disliked piece of jurassic media of all time.

so take that as you will. 

"Do you love it that much? That... monster graveyard?"
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