MemberTriceratopsAug-23-2022 4:29 PMFinally, back to the ocean. Today we look at one of the most feared shark of the ocean! The Helicoprion.
Now this one, I dont know I am not scared of sharks but this gives me the heebie jeebies a bit, Although it looks epic with that buzzsaw.

Cool Godzilla
MemberAllosaurusAug-23-2022 11:38 PMIt's not scary, it's weird. How does it even catch prey with those jaws?

Cool Godzilla
MemberAllosaurusAug-23-2022 11:40 PMOh and also Eriko, it's been a very long time since you didn't make another dino rumble.

MemberAllosaurusAug-23-2022 11:50 PMtoo me all sharks (maybe not the whale shark or basking shark) are scary including extinct ones

MemberTriceratopsAug-24-2022 4:24 PMI will do more dino fights but I dont feel very motivated to do those it is a long process.