Jurassic World Movies

Meganuera:Scary Or Not?

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MemberTriceratopsJul-18-2022 8:42 PM

TheĀ  next contender is Meganuera!

The biggest insect ever was a huge dragonfly | Earth Archives

Meganuera was a large Dragonfly capable of reaching 40 centimeters and a wingspan of 70 centimeters! Although feared by people that HATE bugs, I dont seem to be scared of it. I am however creeped if it landed on my arm. What about you? Is Meganuera scary?

3 Replies


MemberTriceratopsJul-18-2022 8:44 PM

And yes it is extinct


MemberAllosaurusJul-18-2022 10:00 PM

they say its the size of an eagle, but I doubt they are dangerous



MemberBrachiosaurusJul-19-2022 7:16 AM

I used to be really scared of bugs when I was little (and even now, I'm still a little creeped out by certain species), so I probably would've been extremely terrified if I saw a live Meganuera as a kid. As an adult, I would probably be less scared of it, although it would still creep me out a bit.

"Neither beast nor man. Something monstrous."
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