Jurassic World Movies

DF F5 Gigantspinosaurus vs Udanoceratops

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MemberTriceratopsMar-31-2022 1:17 AM

FIGHT 5 Of this series! 


Length:4 Meters


Weight:700 kg


Length:4.2 Meters


Weigt:700 kg


A Gigantspinosaurus eating some bushes. It keeps eating until its full. After its done it drinks water from a nearby stream. A Udanoceratops crosses its territory and eats some of the bushes. The Gigantspinosaurus notices and runs to the Udanoceratops. It roars and puts up its tail for intimidation. The Udanoceratops does not leave instead it rams the Gigantspinosaurus. The Gigantspinosaurus charges to the Udanoceratops and tries to hit the head with its tail and thagomizers. The head is protected by its frill. The Gigantspinosaurus kicka the Udanoceratops. The Udanoceratops charges at the Gigantspinosaurus. The Gigantspinosaurus blocks it with its tail. The Gigantspinosaurus kicks the Udanoceratops again. Udanoceratops gets stunned for a bit. The Gigantspinosaurus runs to the Udanoceratops and swings its tail to the Udanoceratops. The Udanoceratops dies.

                                                                                               The winner....Gigantspinosaurus! The Udanoceratops simply did not have enough weapons. The Gigantspinosaurus had more chance of winning with its offensive side.

2 Replies


MemberAllosaurusMar-31-2022 8:41 AM

I mean Udanoceratops kind of had no chance lol.

great fight though!

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


MemberTriceratopsMar-31-2022 5:15 PM

Yeah Udano is just Proto but larger.

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