Jurassic World Movies

(Potential Spoilers) New Jurassic World: Dominion Atrociraptor Renders Released!

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MemberBrachiosaurusAug-24-2021 8:49 AM

Several renders and promotional images of Jurassic World: Dominion's dinosaurs have been released, among them are new images of the film's newest dromaeosaurs, the Atrociraptors (who were initially believed to be Deinonychus).


Apparently, these four will be going by the names of, "Red", "Panther", "Tiger", and "Ghost". Interestingly "Red" was the name given to a male velociraptor who was originally supposed to appear in Jurassic World, before eventually being replaced by Blue.

(Concept art of "Red" from Jurassic World)


The Atrociraptors aren't the only new dromaeosaurs set to appear in Dominion, sources show that another dromaeosaur species, the Pyroraptor, is set to make an appearance in the film. Unlike the Atrociraptors though, the Pyroraptors are said to be fully feathered.


(Fossil of Atrociraptor skull)

"Neither beast nor man. Something monstrous."
11 Replies


MemberAllosaurusAug-24-2021 11:37 AM


Jokes aside I do think it looks great. Can’t wait to see more. Even if the size is wrong I’d be fine as long as it’s still smaller than the up velociraptors even by a little bit.


Also this might be a bad time to mention raptors probably didn’t pack hunt which is sad.

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


MemberBrachiosaurusAug-24-2021 11:59 AM


Yeah, I think they look pretty cool as well (I really like the patterns on the one in the third picture), my only nitpick is that I wish that they differentiated their designs from the classic velociraptor a bit more (they should have put a big fin on their heads, lol). Jokes aside, I am pretty excited to see them in action.

Personally I'm fine with the atrociraptors not having feathers, as we're also getting the pyroraptors which will be feathered (I've seen leaked images of a chibi style pyroraptor toy, which looks similar to the JW: Alive design). I like that we're getting both scaly raptors and feathered raptors in the movie, it's a good mix of new and old.

As far as the raptor pack hunting, it is kind of sad that they probably didn't do that. It is possible that they worked together to take down larger prey on occasion, but sadly it probably wasn't as common as once thought. I doubt that they'll change it for the movies, as the raptors are already well established as pack hunters in JP universe. That and the fact that JW isn't really going for 100% accuracy (which I'm personally ok with).

"Neither beast nor man. Something monstrous."


MemberAllosaurusAug-24-2021 12:10 PM


The indifference from velociraptor is the real problem, but they do look a bit stockier. Also it looks like one of them is albino.

Just because raptors didn’t pack hunt doesn’t mean other dinosaurs didn’t. It’s suggested that T. rex might have.

I've seen leaked images of a chibi style pyroraptor toy, which looks similar to the JW: Alive design

Could you please share these if possible


expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


MemberBrachiosaurusAug-24-2021 12:25 PM

Here's a link to the pyroraptor toy image, I don't want to post the actual image just in case Universal has a problem with it being shown here:


Because the toy is in a stylized chibi form, it probably isn't the best representation of the final design. Overall it looks like it's fully feathered with a large tail fan, it appears to have small wing feathers, although it's hard to tell what they'll fully look like in the movie.   

"Neither beast nor man. Something monstrous."


MemberBrachiosaurusAug-24-2021 12:37 PM

Here's another on that shows a prototype for a pyroraptor plush (a VERY stylized one)

*Warning Spoilers!* It also shows a plush for a certain non-dinosaur creature that will appear in the movie:


"Neither beast nor man. Something monstrous."


MemberBrachiosaurusAug-24-2021 7:18 PM

 ah yes, t h i c c

i've officially left. thanks for the memories!


MemberAllosaurusAug-24-2021 7:36 PM


n o 

T h i n n 

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


MemberBrachiosaurusAug-25-2021 4:53 AM

thicc necc

thinn bodi

i've officially left. thanks for the memories!


MemberCompsognathusOct-02-2021 7:42 AM

It's a very beautiful dinosaur.


MemberCompsognathusOct-02-2021 7:42 AM

It's a very beautiful dinosaur.


MemberBrachiosaurusOct-10-2021 6:33 PM



"Do you love it that much? That... monster graveyard?"
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