MemberBrachiosaurusJun-02-2021 10:01 AMhello, my name is monsterzero9 im from the godzilla...scifed...thing and im trying to get into jurassic park.
i own both the michael crighton jurassic park books (i havnt read them) and ive seen half of season one of camp cretatios.
o and i played that arcade game by raw thrills.
also will dominion be the last j park movie?
MemberAllosaurusJun-02-2021 10:18 AMwell hallo there
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst
Die-hard Spino Fan
MemberTriceratopsJun-02-2021 11:24 AMHello! Welcome to the Jurassic Park Forum! Where nobody does shit!
MemberBrachiosaurusJun-02-2021 11:25 AMthat is what we do best
MemberAllosaurusJun-02-2021 11:26 AMI literally make all the topics. And I just made one... sooo
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst
MemberBrachiosaurusJun-02-2021 11:28 AMif only Lazy and Goji (the other goji) were here...
MemberAllosaurusJun-02-2021 11:29 AMI never asked GMKGoji why they’re gone. Maybe they just got bored
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst
MemberTriceratopsJun-02-2021 11:30 AMThis is also my first time on the Jurassic park forum. Wassup
MemberAllosaurusJun-02-2021 11:33 AMOh more people.... uh. I’m more used to just the four people here but welcome.
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst
MemberTriceratopsJun-02-2021 11:34 AMI can leave if you'd like. No hard feelings.
MemberAllosaurusJun-02-2021 11:35 AMI didn’t say that at all. It’s kind of small here since a lot of people left before I wandered over here
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst
MemberTriceratopsJun-02-2021 11:39 AMAGAIN WITH THE SMALL LETTER GLITCH! *Sigh* Ah, whatever.
MemberAllosaurusJun-02-2021 11:41 AMPaleo if you want to see and respond to some dino topics on this website you may have to alternate between scified and this
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst
MemberBrachiosaurusJun-02-2021 12:20 PMso what im hearing is this:
IN THE BEGINNING, SCIFED CREATED GODZILLAMOVIE.COM. and then they shat out this site! yaaaaay
MemberAllosaurusJun-02-2021 12:40 PMactually no,
Scified started out as a site of discussion for the new alien movie, prometheus I think. It later developed many other sites like the JW site, Godzilla Site and Predator site. What happened is over time the dino and godzilla forums died down. Around 2019-2020. Members started leaving during the dry areas of not JWD news or GvK news.
So no... that’s not really what happened
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst
MemberBrachiosaurusJun-02-2021 1:20 PMo
MemberBrachiosaurusJun-04-2021 11:13 AMKids Look! A New Member!!!
In all seriousness, welcome to the forum.
MemberAllosaurusJun-04-2021 11:17 AMMore new people, Time to make a topic!
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst