Jurassic World Movies

JW:D restarting in 2.5 weeks?!

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MemberTriceratopsApr-01-2020 6:17 AM

I've heard of a few rumours about a few movies restarting production very soon DURING this pandemic, in spite of national governing bodies enforcing travel bans/restrictions.

Well, it turns out to be true.

A tweet by Colin Trevorrow was sent out this morning that he got the green light from Universal Studios to restart filming JW:D in 2.5 weeks.

He did say that precautions will be taken by everyone on set to prevent any potential spreading of COVID-19, including a screening for each crew member and actor to make sure they haven't been infected.

I for one am SHOCKED that Trevorrow and Universal's studio execs would dare risk others lives, all for the sake of a movie!  Trevorrow has been nothing but good for this franchise, and now he pulls THIS STUNT?!

I have no other words on this matter, other than check out his tweet here.

8 Replies


MemberAllosaurusApr-01-2020 10:03 PM


MemberTriceratopsApr-02-2020 1:34 PM

Not gonna fall for it.


But touché...

Gabriel Salomon

MemberTriceratopsApr-02-2020 6:40 PM


Lol, I read this today and fell for it since I had no notion this was written yesterday on April first, and I was so confused when I clicked on the link and got sent to youtube.

Also Xenotaris, I know this is off topic, but Fleetwood Mac is awesome. 

"What’s so great about discovery? It’s a violent, penetrative act that scars what it explores. What you call discovery, I call the rape of the natural world."

— Dr. Ian Malcolm, Jurassic Park (1993)


MemberAllosaurusApr-03-2020 7:10 AM

I didn't want to spoil the video but yes Fleetwood Mac is awesome!



MemberTriceratopsApr-03-2020 10:50 AM

Nah, can't be Fleetwood Mac.  You're trying to trick me.

I'm not going to fall for my own prank ;)


MemberAllosaurusApr-04-2020 5:18 AM

Its Little Lies by Fleetwood Mac, its a youtube link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xr9Oubxw1gA



MemberTriceratopsApr-04-2020 9:56 PM

At my own risk of falling for my own prank, I checked out your link.

And...you're right.

Would have been funnier though you were revenge rick-rolling me :P


MemberAllosaurusApr-14-2020 4:58 AM


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