What animal can kill Megalodon?

The true shark boy
MemberTriceratopsJul-14-2019 5:34 PMGood evening boys and girls it’s shark boy, and I’m here to ask you what in history can kill a megalodon in a 1 on 1
Rules: NO pack hunting only 1v1, the animal can be from any time period even our time.

MemberTriceratopsJul-15-2019 6:13 PMI think that a mosasaurus has a good chance against a megalodon.
King and Queen of The Skies.........

The true shark boy
MemberTriceratopsJul-16-2019 8:00 PMXenotaris other than Kronosaurus what else could go toe to toe with meg?

Kamoebas V.6
MemberStegosaurusJul-19-2019 3:18 AMI will say that a box jellyfish could defeat it,because a box jellyfish isn't extinct,for an extinct sea creature,i would say Livyatan Mellivei.Livyatan Mellivei looks like a giant whale with sharp teeth,it has the same hunting tactics as the Megalodon,so...it will be a good match-up,also they have similar sizes.And the box jellyfish could poison the Megalodon.

MemberAllosaurusAug-03-2019 3:22 PMThe true shark Boy
Okay how about Kronosaurus's cousin? The Liopleurodon

MemberVelociraptorAug-04-2019 4:15 PMLiopleurodon was way too small to kill Meg, for crocs Purussaurus, Sarcosuchus, Rhamphosuchus, Deinosuchus, etc. stand the best chance, due to their size and agility, especially against a smaller or juvenile Mega. Pliosaurus, mosasaurus, livyatan, Carcharocles chubutensis, other Megalodon, and Tylosaurus could also win. There’s also some other creatures I’m forgetting.
If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.

The true shark boy
MemberTriceratopsAug-11-2019 4:53 PMTheLazyFish (other than the four that you mentioned) what other giant crocodilians could give the megalodon a run for its money?

MemberAllosaurusAug-13-2019 9:57 PMBigger doesn't mean better TheLazyFish

Kamoebas V.6
MemberStegosaurusAug-14-2019 3:47 AMI will say that a Purussaurus and a Rhamposuchus will kill the Meg.

MemberVelociraptorAug-14-2019 11:05 AMI know that Xenotaris, but saying a Liopleurodon can kill a Megalodon is like saying a single Utahraptor can kill a Camarasaurus or an Ocelot can kill a Tiger. At a certain point a creature is too small to pose too much of a threat to a larger creature (without venom or other defenses like quills on a hedgehog). As far as we know, Liopluerodon possessed none of those. Seriously, a great white shark sized pliosaur to a Megalodon. No way.
If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.

MemberAllosaurusAug-17-2019 2:06 PMwell if the liopluerodon is desperate enough it prove to be a nuisance. Also wolves have been known to take down animals way bigger than it, so Utahraptors taking down a Camarasaurus isn't too far fetched. Some Utahraptors can grow to roughly the same size as an Allosaurus europaeus.

MemberVelociraptorAug-17-2019 2:16 PMI said a single one, and a single wolf won’t scare off a bear, and the difference is that the Megalodon would be actively looking to kill the Liopleurodon, not escape like an elk. Also, I meant Camarasaurus supremus, the one that got to 60 feet. That’s why it’s far fetched. It’s also like saying a great white would kill a Megalodon, seeing as it’s only slightly smaller than Liopleurodon. Sure, if they’re incredibly lucky with a gill shot, it’s possible. But usually, they’ll just be eaten.
If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.