Jurassic World Movies

Top 5 Largest T.rex Specimens

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I Meme Everything

MemberAllosaurusOct-28-2018 4:47 PM

5. CM 9380 (7500 kg)

Image result for cm 9380

CM 9380 is the holotype of Tyrannosaurus rex. Despite being the first remains attributed to the genus, it's not the largest. It's more gracile than the others on the list.


4. BHI 3033 "Stan" (7722 kg)

Image result for bhi 3033

Image result for bhi 3033

Stan represents a fairly bulky T.rex at nearly eight tons. He was eighteen years old at the time of death, so he could have grown larger.


3. AMNH 5027 (7900 kg)

Image result for amnh 5027



Besides the holotype, this is one of the first skeletons attributed to T.rex. It is thought to be twenty-one years old at the time of death, indicating that it's an adult. It may have been able to grow larger.


2. RSM P2523.8 "Scotty" (8600 kg)

Image result for t rex scotty

Image result for t rex scotty

Scotty is the bulkiest T.rex in proportion to her body length, but surprisingly, not the largest. However, it's a close margin. Randomdinos on DeviantArt arrived at an 8600 kg mass for this beast, making her truly titanic.


1. FMNH PR 2081 "Sue" (8830 kg)


Image result for t rex sue

Image result for t rex sue reconstruction osmatar

Unsurprisingly, the poster-child of Tyrannosaurus rex is number one. Estimates for her size range between 8400 and 9500 kg, with the former having slender legs and the latter suffering from her mount's inflated ribcage. That leaves Franoys' 8830 kg estimate and Snively et al's 9100 kg. I generally use the former for the sake of being conservative, but it's still a massive figure.

"Part of the journey is the end..."

2 Replies


MemberAllosaurusOct-28-2018 4:51 PM

Solid list, in time I bet we'll find larger specimens.

Good grief.

I Meme Everything

MemberAllosaurusNov-01-2018 4:17 AM

Alright, this list already needs to be fixed.

Scaling from Sue, the specimen known as Tristan would be 8385 kg, taking third place and knocking the holotype off the list.

The GDI analysis of AMNH 5027 has been redone, reducing its mass to 7600 kg and making it smaller than Stan.

Trix may be larger than Sue if it really is 12.5 meters long; scaling from Sue yields 9153 kg.

"Part of the journey is the end..."

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