Ancient crocodile had teeth like a T.rex!
Something Real
MemberTyrannosaurus RexJul-27-2017 6:06 PMHello there. While reading the news this day, I happened upon an interesting bit of news which immediately made me think of my friends within the Dinosaurs forum. I have provided a link to the article below and I certainly hope you enjoy it shoulde you choose to give it a look. :)
MemberTriceratopsJul-27-2017 9:09 PMSomething Real - thanks for sharing! This is an amazing discovery! Now I want to know the bite force of this croc! A recent project of mine (the very one which I chose to work on instead of the sauropod-theropod writing contest) was a paper comparing bite forces of distinct carnivores, so I'm naturally intrigued. Given the size of this croc's head, I'll bet it exceeded a T.rex's bite force of 30,000+N, like Deinosuchus!
Something Real
MemberTyrannosaurus RexJul-28-2017 2:18 PMG:KOTM - I am very pleased you enjoyed this information! :)
Something Real
MemberTyrannosaurus RexJul-28-2017 2:19 PMULTRAZERO80 - Indeed! I was astonished when I first read the article! :)
Something Real
MemberTyrannosaurus RexJul-28-2017 2:20 PMALPHADINO65 - You are most welcome! Your project sounds extremely compelling; I hope you will share more information with regards to it in the future! :)
MemberTriceratopsJul-28-2017 9:46 PMSomething Real - I'll give more info about it now. It was a project for an advanced biomechanics class I'm taking. I compared the basic jaw and cranial mechanics of the spotted hyena, saltwater crocodile, Allosaurus fragilis, humans, and T.rex, using scientific journal articles on each species. Basically, all animals but Allosaurus had robust skulls that were capable of absorbing high amounts of maxillary force at certain regions of their respective skulls, deep mandibles, dull pointed teeth, deep mandibles (relative to their size), and massive jaw-adductors (closing muscles). Then I described the hatchet bite theory of Allosaurus that Rayfield described (and was subsequently discussed in Planet Dinosaur, which is where everyone on this forum learned of it), and the skull was surprisingly strong for its structure, but there were criticism's for Rayfield's hypothesis.