Jurassic World Movies

"Alien" insect trapped in amber stuns scientists!

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3209 Views7 Replies

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexJan-28-2017 1:26 AM

Hello there.

    While having a little peek around the web, I happened upon this bit of information that made me think of you, here on SCIFIED! I certainly hope you enjoy this information! :)

"Alien" insect trapped in amber stuns scientists!

7 Replies


MemberSpinosaurusJan-28-2017 1:50 AM

Not so sure about Alien lol

Insects have been around for Many Millions of years, many are extinct the insect in that amber looks like it may be closely related to a degree to the Protodiplatyidae/Eodermaptera Family.

May be a new order/species related though..

Therefore similar to Earwig.. especially Nymph stage

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberSpinosaurusJan-28-2017 1:55 AM

Then again it does look a bit like a Wingless Stonefly...

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexJan-28-2017 2:43 PM

BIG DAVE - Indeed! I happen to think this little fellow somewhat resembles a Praying Mantis to some degree! However, you are quite correct: this "alien" insect does share similarities with a wingless stonefly! :)

V-3 Raptor

MemberCompsognathusJan-29-2017 1:48 PM

I done a bit of research and apparently it looked so alien it was given its own scientific order called Aethiocarenodea! 

"The greatest thing we must learn in life is that nothing is impossible. We fear the unknown on a daily basis, but it is that unknown which drives us. Our species, whatever entities we may be, have been given the gift of asking why? We cannot forget that." -Simon Masrani

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexJan-29-2017 2:48 PM

V-3 RAPTOR - How very compelling! Thank you so very much for providing this information! :)

V-3 Raptor

MemberCompsognathusJan-30-2017 8:26 AM

"The greatest thing we must learn in life is that nothing is impossible. We fear the unknown on a daily basis, but it is that unknown which drives us. Our species, whatever entities we may be, have been given the gift of asking why? We cannot forget that." -Simon Masrani


MemberTriceratopsFeb-15-2017 6:13 PM

It kinda looks alienish lol

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