Jurassic World Movies

The End 2: Verum Finem

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MemberAllosaurusNov-20-2016 11:07 AM

The End 2

Happy Birthday Tyrance.

At the top of the fissure, a defeated, and severely burned theropod lie—Earth. His orange-feathers were charred black, and his body was nearly finished. Tyria was not that far away, about three meters, and did not look that much better. Red-wet blood streamed from her snout to her arms, and her pelvis was charred; she had laid down at the edge of the fissure, panting like a lion—staring into the ravine depths like a hawk. Earth felt as though he had done his job, and that his time was over—for the pain was too great. Earth thought of his life, a common event that happens at the end of an animal’s life. He thought of when he saved his once pack of seven from a rampaging Saurophaganax—how he had knocked the beast off a clay outcropping within a mesa.

He had nearly died in that event, but still he swore that he would do the same again and again for his pack—his family. Earth’s eyes closed, as his heart beat slowed dramatically; his vision became hazy, and the world began to fade—Dominum’s fire his last sight. But, from the beginning of death, Earth felt a jolt of life once more. He felt both sides of his torso lift up, as his body followed close by. His last two surviving members, were at his side. Earth sang in pain, as just the touching of his two subordinates heads to his body rung him with tremendous pain. The two mapusaurs firmly planted their feet within the rock, lifting Earth up with their thighs and heads.

Earth realized in this moment, he had to keep fighting—for them, for his last two family members; he could not succumb to his wounds, no—his time was not over yet. The mapusaur finally stood up on his own two feet, and cooed to his pack-mates with happiness, and they responded with the same emotions. Earth nuzzled his family, before turning his head towards Tyria; she too looked like she was about to pass out. Earth crowed towards Tyria—two entirely different species speaking to each other? This is extremely rare—unheard of!

The alpha-female tyrannosaur’s dewlap vibrated visibly, as she cooed at Earth, but did not avert her gaze from the ravine to face him. Earth knew how temperamental tyrannosaurs can be, and did not do anything else. Instead, the mapusaur trilled for his two family to continue their journey towards the center of the Golden-Land. The two waited for the bleeding earth-lizard, for he was limping severely, but his determination was more than enough to keep him going for an eternity. The three mapusaurs abandoned the battleground, headed towards peaceful grounds—at-last.

They trotted by two balls of feather; dust kicked up and landed on the already near unconscious Dakotaraptors Claw and Talon, who laid with their faces—in the rock. After twenty-minutes of regrouping, the two clambered up. They were both severely injured from the fall, but luckily had not broken anything. Claw felt happy with herself—she had at-last helped in killing Nequit Dominum she thought. Little did she know, she aided in killing his son. Talon shook his body like a dog to get the dust off, before cooing to Claw in their dromeosaur language that it was time to go.

Claw vibrated her neck as a response—telling Talon that she admired the T.rex that was resting by the ravine. The female raptor blinked three-times, a show of solidarity to Tyria—who had picked up an egg from the nearby forest and carried it over to the edge of the ravine with her. Claw snorted, before turning around and joining Talon in the final hike to peace. They bounce-walked past an Abelisaurus, the same one that Claw had awoken in the forest. She turned to glance at the abelisaur, who glanced back at her; he was feigning his right leg.

The abelisaur, Difference, was in the process of realizing that he had gone in a circle, and was back at the same ravine he had crossed by a week ago. He turned and looked at Tyria—blood from Maledictus Dominum on his teeth. His skittishness was glad that she did not notice him, for nothing strikes fear into the heart of an abelisaur more than a tyrant. He was confused as to what she was looking at, but did not think that much of it, and quickly turned around and limped away—using all of his strength to move his broken leg.

He had only engaged Dominum in battle because six other theropods were—he would never have forgiven himself had he not taken advantage of the opportunity. Difference followed the same path down the plateau that the mapusaurs and raptors were—which led down into a vast, golden grassland. The beginnings, of the Golden-Land. Tyria’s mood was like where the rain ends--on the ground. She made sure to shelter her egg underneath her underbelly like a hen, while she continually stared into the ravine—searching for the Tyrant Lord. She had heard loud sounds of pain from the gorge—she knew it was not over, there was some form of life down there! There had to be.

She was right; deep within the mist-filled fissure, one being stood triumphant, and the other amidst the rubble. Rocks fell upon each other, breaking apart as they reached the ground. Tyrance, the one true Tyrant Lord—savior of the dinosaurs—placed his right foot onto the stomach of his once rival. He snarled his maw and furrowed his brow, as he aggressively dug his three talons into the stomach of Maledictus. He would never allow anything of his to be taken from him by any beast ever again—for he had surpassed even the Dominums in strength, he had become the one true Lord of Predators.

The Tyrant Lord took his foot off of the Cursed Lord, and began to move his muscular body forward. He was searching for something. He used his mouth to lift and throw rocks away, and his feet to crush—until he found a lost artifact. Tyrance turned his body around and used his tail to sweep away the debris, before analyzing what he had uncovered. A skeleton—sixteen enlarged vertebrae, connected to one massive body that ended in a long snout. Tyrance’s intelligent brain recognized it as only one being—Egypt, the Spinosaurus. His neck was broken in half, and had teeth marks going through the bone.

Fat and skin still clung in patches to his back vertebrae, but he was decayed to bone. Tyrance remembered when Egypt died, and he remembered when he had fought him as-well. He was vicious and merciless in his combat, but did not have the strength to seal the deal against the Unstoppable Lord. The Tyrant Lord nodded his head and released a mourning coo—the closest an animal could get to saying sorry—for he failed to save him. If only he was strong enough; the Tyrant Lord snorted and closed his eyes, before turning around and moving towards a cavern.

He walked within it—a sole sight inside fueling his curiosity. Within it, amongst blood and bile—his arch-nemesis, he who took almost everything away from him—lie in turmoil. Tyrance loomed over the bones, before lifting his leg and smashing it upon the tortured soul’s skull—breaking it apart. With a giddy smirk, Tyrance walked back outside the ravine—finally ready to begin his new life. At the exit of the cavern, a strange rock formation stood in-front of Tyrance. He blinked his softball sized eyes four times, as he tried to analyze the statue. With each second, Tyrance’s stomach began to curl, as the rock statue came more into view. A dangling neck, of which a mangled head flimsily hung from.

Two arms, two legs, one tail, and a broken neck. Blood was his body, blood was his soul. The Cursed Lord, walked once more. Tyrance bellowed in fear and shock, as Maledictus Dominum stammered towards him; Tyrance did not know what to do, for Dominum’s head hung low—he was not even looking at him. The Tyrant Lord watched in shock, as Dominum’s body began to spark wth red electricity. He swung his arms up like a zombie, as he rushed Tyrance and grabbed him by the neck. The Cursed Lord choked out the Tyrant Lord, before throwing him aside. Tyrance was not hurt, just beyond terrified at the continued existence of this beast.

The Tyrant Lord clambered to his feet, and quickly turned around to face the Cursed Lord—he was doing something. The being began to make a regurgitating sound, as his stomach and neck inflated. Tyrance’s face was filled with confusion, as Maledictus Dominum’s neck massive expanded—as though something other than mist was going through it. Tyrance bellowed in fear and anger, as light green liquid fell out of the Cursed Lord’s mouth—soon followed, by an oval shaped object. At the base of the ravine, in-front of Maledictus Dominum—a rainbow colored egg lie. Tyrance, in an instant knew what it was; he was not going to let another demon rise, no! The Tyrant Lord charged Maledictus and rammed all of his ten-tons into him, breaking the already dead creature’s right arm and ribs.

Maledictus Dominum collapsed to the ground, his head smashing against the rubble, as Tyrance stared at him. He did not move after five-minutes—he had to be dead this time, right? Tyrance looked down at the egg. It was changing its color, blending with the gray rock on the ground—like a chameleon. Tyrance snorted, before trotting over to the egg and raising his foot to crush it. But, just as he prepared to smash it—a strange scent overcame his body. A smell, just like that of his egg filled him. Tyrance drew his foot back, and took a deep smell from the egg. It was alluring, and almost demonically made him think of his unborn child.

The Tyrant Lord began to think of his real child, and where it was. His instinct took over, propelling him to take up the egg as though it was his, but his knowledge took hold. He was not going to fall for the same trick that defeated Verendus. The Tyrant Lord smashed his foot upon the egg, of which broke apart, before turning into liquid. Tyrance snorted with contempt, before turning around—his reddish-brown feathers blowing in the wind—making his way towards the exit of the ravine. He stomped over to the blockade that prevented him from leaving, and began to ram into it.

It was not truly moving, as only small rocks fell down with each powerful ram from the Tyrant Lord. As he prepared to increase the intensity of his smashing, a loud cackling moan filled his ears; the Tyrant Lord looked back at the Cursed Lord—he was still collapsed on the ground, but was now laughing and cackling with demonically. It seemed as though with every moan, life left his body, as finally he stopped—with his mouth agape. Tyrance was struck with fear, as from the dead Dominum’s gills—a red and purple mist began to flow. A Quetzalcoatlus swooped down into the gorge, as it was hungry and searching for food. Tyrance watched in fear, as the pterosaur soared straight into the mist. It died, instantly.

Tyrance’s black pupils shrunk amidst his amber scleras, as he immediately turned around and began ramming into the blockade with all his might. He could still hear cackles from Dominum, as the mist began to envelope all of the gorge, and began to float upwards. The Tyrant Lord smashed the build up of rocks over and over, but much to no avail. He was not progressing fast enough—he had no time to waste! Tyria, at the top of the fissure began to see the mist floating upwards. She did not bother to even analyze it, for she immediately picked up her egg and bolted away—headed towards the bottom of the plateau.

Pterosaurs in the sky dropped dead, dozens of them. They came crashing down, landing everywhere. Tyria saw this, as the red and purple mist began to consume the land—she bolted down towards the exit of the ravine. She heard ramming from the other side; Tyrance released a bellow of pain and agony, as rocks fell atop him, and he nearly destroyed his shoulder with the continue smashing. Tyria heard his iconic roar, and immediately placed down her egg and charged the ravine-blockade. The alpha-female tyrannosaur smashed his skull into the rock, destroying a good portion of it—easing it up for the Tyrant Lord, whom began to break through. The mist began to inch up on him, and he already felt his energy waning—he was running out of steam.

There was no hope, as countless pterosaurs and dinosaurs dropped dead. Tyrance’s legs began to go numb, as he used all of his strength to ram the blockade. Much to no avail; he could hear the echoes of the demon’s cackle, as his vision became hazy. Tyria heard the fading of Tyrance’s voice, and this fueled her will. The alpha-female, with all her might, walked back, and rammed into the blockade—destroying countless rocks. Tyrance felt the force of the ram, and saw the rocks began to fall. His will began to rise yet again, as he thought of Egypt—he could not let his death be for nought. The Tyrant King stood up, as he thought of his father and mother—he could not let their deaths be for nought! The Tyrant Ruler prepared his shoulder, as he thought of his siblings—he could not let their deaths be for nought!! The Tyrant Lord rammed into the blockade with all his might, as he thought of Tyria and his egg—he could not let their fighting be for nought.

The Tyrant Lord obliterated the blockade with all of his strength—stumbling afterwards onto the grassland. Tyria sang in happiness at Tyrance’s survival, but did not have time to rejoice, as she quickly picked up her egg with her mouth and lifted Tyrance up with her body. The Tyrant Lord stood up, and used all of his power to follow Tyria as she bolted away from the ravine; he was limping, but his will to live was insurmountable—he was not going to die. Maledictus Dominum could sense that Tyrance was not dead; the mechanism in the back of his throat began to churn and scrape back and forth. In a last ditch effort, the Cursed Lord breathed fire once more—setting all of the already killing mist, ablaze. The land was once again set on fire; the ravine exploded, destroying it even further as the cliffside re-collapsed on itself.

Maledictus still breathed flame all the way to Hell, as the cliff fell directly on his body—destroying Nequit Dominum, Egypt, and him—for good. The Tyrant Lord and Lady ran through the grassland with all of their strength; Tyrance began to pick up speed, as his labored steps turned to quick and powerful strides. He caught up to Tyria—as the two did not even bother to look back at the fire—it could not affect them, no matter what it did. At the center of Dhahabi’ard, the theropods of destiny—have all but made it. Earth, and his two, placed their feet atop hard-clay. They were standing atop a rich red-clay plateau, that slope downwards towards a semi-arid beautiful arroyo, abundant with herbivores in the near distance.

They truly had made it to the mythical center of the Golden-Land; pterosaurs soared in formation high above, as Earth—whose skin was still charred—trotted down to the arroyo and rested within its water, trying to cool off. His two pack-mates, the ones who had saved his life after he had so desperately tried to save theirs for so long—rested beside him. After all these years of the fear of extinction, the alpha mapusaur finally bellowed—that they could rest. He was hungry, but his hunger pangs could wait—for they rested their necks atop his burnt back, and fell asleep. The alpha-male mapusaur, as he stared ahead at a flat and open plain of which was loomed over by Taghia-Sakhra, realized that he had achieved his final goal, before too falling asleep amidst the water—finally able to rest. Earth and his two, have survived.

 Claw and Talon impaled their sickle-claws into the mud of an oak forest. The leaves were still on the trees, and the sounds of prey filled their ears. Talon could see a herd in the near distance—filled with young Anatotitan, a perfect prey source. But, him and his mother were far too tired to go hunting now. Claw trotted to a hollowed out oak log, and laid down within it—soon joined by Talon. Talon cooed to his mother that they had made it, to which she agreed; they both looked up at the towering mountain of Taghia-Sakhra. Talon nuzzled his mother’s white feathered neck, and she nuzzled back. They were soaked in blood and dirt, but it did not matter—for they had achieved peace. Claw and Talon chirped loud into the air—asserting that they too, have survived.

Just ahead of them, on a rocky hill—Difference, he is there! The abelisaur limped over to a large outcropping; some Anatotitan carrion was there, and he was not one to pass up on a meal. The golden-sun cut through the overcast sky and glazed the world in a reddish-gold hue, as Difference laid down and feasted upon the carrion like a leopard. He looked up; a vast flat plain connected to an oak forest, and just to the left of that lie the towering mountain of Taghia-Sakhra. The abelisaur began to trill and sing in happiness, he had made it! He had found the center of Dhahabi’ard! After becoming separated from his family, and facing all of this terror—he had finally found peace. The abelisaur bellowed a roar fit for a duke, before continuing to feast—filled with new life. He still, for some reason--held out hope that his family was out there somewhere. He would go looking for them soon; nonetheless, Difference, had survived.

Finally, at the base of Taghia-Sakhra—the Lord and Lady of the Dinosaurs stand. Regally did they hike up the mountain—each step rumbling the Golden-Land. Finally, they reached the top. Tyrance was feigning his blood covered right shoulder, for he had rammed it into sharp rocks countless times. Tyrance exhaled, before laying down in that rooster resting position right at the edge of the slope that led to the base of the mountain—overlooking a rising sun, and all of the Golden-Land. Tyria placed down their egg right in-between them, before laying down to the left of it. The two nuzzled and chirped, before Tyrance stood up.

The Tyrant Lord began to walk towards a perch at the very end of the mountain. With each step his childhood and life flashed back at him. When he reached the very end of the perch, he—he could feel the very presence of his father, who stood here after he killed Acranthic. A surge of emotions filled Tyrance, and Tyria watched on, as the greatest animal ever placed his right foot in-front of him and his left foot back. He embedded his claws into the perch; he thought he could see everyone the Dominums have killed in the rising sun. To the forefront, a hazy image of Tyranno and Tyrana appeared—right behind them, Egypt.

The Tyrant Lord assumed the throne of the World, as he flung his head up and released a World silencing bellow. Claw, Talon, Earth and his two, Difference, and all the four-thousand beasts of the Golden-Land raised their necks up and turned to face Taghia-Sakhra. The alamosaurs, with their long necks were the most visible. They could not resist the urge to lower their heads in salute, to the deity among them. Tyria could hear a tiny crack in their egg, assuring that their legacy would be passed on.

The Tyrant Lord stared at the sun one more time with a stern look, his lips shielding the entirety of all his teeth. The sun's images faded away—assuring closure to the victim's lives. The wind blew in his face, blowing back his feathers majestically. The Tyrant Lord stood tall, the wind enveloping him, as he bellowed one last time. He had won, he had achieved peace at-last. Tyrance and Tyria, have survived.


The End 2 end.

Good grief.

56 Replies

Darth Shiro

MemberStegosaurusNov-20-2016 11:08 AM


Dinosaurs incredible creatures who roamed the Earth 65 million years ago. Never had nature been filled with so much terror and beauty...


MemberAllosaurusNov-20-2016 11:09 AM

^You did not even read it xD.

Good grief.

Darth Shiro

MemberStegosaurusNov-20-2016 11:17 AM


GG MY LORD *KNEELS* THIS TALE....IS BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dinosaurs incredible creatures who roamed the Earth 65 million years ago. Never had nature been filled with so much terror and beauty...

Darth Shiro

MemberStegosaurusNov-20-2016 11:21 AM

Happy birth day Tyrance!

Fang: Happy birthday!



Dinosaurs incredible creatures who roamed the Earth 65 million years ago. Never had nature been filled with so much terror and beauty...


MemberAllosaurusNov-20-2016 11:25 AM

Thank you :).

Good grief.

Darth Shiro

MemberStegosaurusNov-20-2016 11:26 AM

No problem my lord! *hugs GG*

Dinosaurs incredible creatures who roamed the Earth 65 million years ago. Never had nature been filled with so much terror and beauty...

Darth Shiro

MemberStegosaurusNov-20-2016 11:27 AM

Fang: Rawr i'm proud to be born on Tyrance's birthday!

Dinosaurs incredible creatures who roamed the Earth 65 million years ago. Never had nature been filled with so much terror and beauty...


MemberAllosaurusNov-20-2016 11:29 AM

Tyrance, can rest.

Good grief.

Darth Shiro

MemberStegosaurusNov-20-2016 11:31 AM


Dinosaurs incredible creatures who roamed the Earth 65 million years ago. Never had nature been filled with so much terror and beauty...


MemberAllosaurusNov-20-2016 11:35 AM

I don't think he is old..*Drinks from chalice*, but a party indeed!!

Good grief.

Darth Shiro

MemberStegosaurusNov-20-2016 11:35 AM

GG....please make The End 3...

Dinosaurs incredible creatures who roamed the Earth 65 million years ago. Never had nature been filled with so much terror and beauty...

Darth Shiro

MemberStegosaurusNov-20-2016 11:35 AM

yes it is *drinking cola while petting Fang watching the celebration*

Dinosaurs incredible creatures who roamed the Earth 65 million years ago. Never had nature been filled with so much terror and beauty...


MemberAllosaurusNov-20-2016 11:38 AM

This has been The End 2--the curtains have closed, and the cast has taken a bow.

Good grief.


MemberBrachiosaurusNov-20-2016 12:16 PM

One hell of a journey mate! Reading this actually makes me think of possibilities of such tales and stories which may have happened 65 million years ago, that we will never know, no matter how glorious! Just imagine if somewhere somehow a dinosaur very similar to Nequit is lying in the ground, which we havent found and with a whole story behind it which we'll never know. BTW, remember when you said Tyria's DNA is in Rexy, what if there is just 1 bit, 1 super tiny bit of Nequit DNA in the Indominus? 

Remember that chap, I forget his name, he climbed Everest without any oxygen, came down nearly dead. They asked him, they said, "Why did you go up there to die?" He said, "I didn't, I went up there to live."


MemberAllosaurusNov-20-2016 12:38 PM

Thank you 316, really means a lot! Lord Tyrant has Tyria's DNA in Rexy in the future, and I think it's a pretty cool idea so I consider it as canon. I would have to say yes to Nequit. The creatures they used couldn't have been enough to create such a Dominum-like beast. Just a dab of his DNA would have been enough to begin the transformation.

Good grief.

I Meme Everything

MemberAllosaurusNov-20-2016 4:57 PM

How does Maledictus lay an egg if he is dead? Aside from that, happy birthday, Tyrance. I have a small tribute to the theropods of destiny:


Long live the different lizard, Difference.


Long live the theropods of Earth, Earth and his two.


Long live the lone claw and her son, Claw and Talon.


Long live the once Tyrant Queen, now Tyrant Lady, Tyria.


And, hail to the ruler of them all, not the Tyrant King but the TYRANT LORD, Slayer of the Dominums, Lord of all Predators, Lord of all Animals, the greatest animal ever to walk the Earth,



"Part of the journey is the end..."

I Meme Everything

MemberAllosaurusNov-20-2016 4:59 PM

I'm getting really emotional XD

"Part of the journey is the end..."


MemberAllosaurusNov-20-2016 5:30 PM

Dominum was not dead yet.

And that was beautiful Tyrant, farewell Tyrance. *Cries*

Good grief.

I Meme Everything

MemberAllosaurusNov-20-2016 5:42 PM

^Hail to the king!

"Part of the journey is the end..."


MemberAllosaurusNov-20-2016 5:47 PM

The gift I gave to Tyrance....Peace......

Good grief.

I Meme Everything

MemberAllosaurusNov-20-2016 5:50 PM

^well, the ride is over. It's been a good one.

"Part of the journey is the end..."

Darth Shiro

MemberStegosaurusNov-20-2016 9:03 PM

GUYS.....I'M CRYING.....I LOVED IT....AND I HAVE CRITICS BODY FOR TYRANCE TO EAT! *Throws it at Tyrance* Eat that you master of war.

Dinosaurs incredible creatures who roamed the Earth 65 million years ago. Never had nature been filled with so much terror and beauty...


MemberBrachiosaurusNov-21-2016 12:49 AM


That's awesome! The reason for Indominus having Nequit DNA could be as follows!

- When searching for Amber, Hammond is searching the very same spot where Nequit's body lie, now a cave due to millions of years of erosion. He finds a small crystal with a red center. Upon further investigation, they discover it is blood preserved. It looks rather strange compared to normal blood, and he asks to have it taken back to Isla Nublar 

- With his scientists unable identify any living creatures blood in it, and running through their database of Dino DNA can't find any matches, Hammond instead decides to keep it a secret and named it "Dominus". Dominus displays different traits to normal Dino blood, the sequences are completely intact, and not broken like normal DNA.

- Henry Wu also keeps it a secret as well. It hides it when Masrani reopen Jurassic World. 

- When Masrani ask for the Indominus, and Hoskins tells him what he wants, he realises that all the DNA he puts in it still might not be as cool or destructive as they would like.

- So he decides to make 2 Indominus, and puts the Dominus DNA in one of them. 

- The one with Dominus DNA is bigger, faster and kills the other Indominus, becoming the psycho terrifying killer that we all see in the movie.

What do you think?

Remember that chap, I forget his name, he climbed Everest without any oxygen, came down nearly dead. They asked him, they said, "Why did you go up there to die?" He said, "I didn't, I went up there to live."

I Meme Everything

MemberAllosaurusNov-21-2016 3:52 AM

^I like that idea. It explains why Indy kills for sport.

"Part of the journey is the end..."

Darth Shiro

MemberStegosaurusNov-21-2016 5:13 AM

Cool 316!

Dinosaurs incredible creatures who roamed the Earth 65 million years ago. Never had nature been filled with so much terror and beauty...


MemberAllosaurusNov-21-2016 7:08 AM

Very cool idea 316. Although I still would have to get past allowing Dominum to be found again, cause one of the major points in the story is that he--the potentially most powerful animal alive--dies in turmoil and is never even found.

Good grief.

Darth Shiro

MemberStegosaurusNov-21-2016 7:15 AM

GG i'm asking another Deviant for the artwork.

Dinosaurs incredible creatures who roamed the Earth 65 million years ago. Never had nature been filled with so much terror and beauty...


MemberAllosaurusNov-21-2016 9:20 AM

Thank you Tyrannoto!

Good grief.

Darth Shiro

MemberStegosaurusNov-21-2016 9:21 AM

GG on End chat btw

Dinosaurs incredible creatures who roamed the Earth 65 million years ago. Never had nature been filled with so much terror and beauty...


MemberBrachiosaurusNov-21-2016 11:28 AM

GG, The End could actually pass off and make some gang money if it were a movie! The End 2 I believe is slightly more cheesy, but damn, I mean this could be split in a trilogy. Tyrants Part 1 - Tyrants Part 2 - The End! Then again, these things are more beautiful in the writing, and actually should be left alone sometimes!

Also in my JW theory, Nequit's body is never actually found, just the tiny bit of blood.

It's also pretty crazy heh? The End Part 6 was released a 13 months and 6 days ago. I remember reading it like it was yesterday!

Remember that chap, I forget his name, he climbed Everest without any oxygen, came down nearly dead. They asked him, they said, "Why did you go up there to die?" He said, "I didn't, I went up there to live."
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