Jurassic World Movies

Megalodon in Jurassic World sequel?

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MemberAllosaurusSep-15-2016 6:28 AM

Will big Meg make a cameo in the Jurassic World follow up?




 "Must be something we haven't seen yet.."__Bishop



5 Replies


MemberTriceratopsSep-15-2016 8:30 AM

I wouldn't expect it. It's too much just a big shark, whereas JP and JP have always been about dinosaurs. The sea living ones are probably the closest we'll see, but maybe they'll get a few more than just the Mosasaur.


MemberAllosaurusOct-17-2016 7:01 AM

Mosasaurus is technically not a dinosaur nor anything closely related to a Dinosaur. Mosasaurus is a lepidosaur there for its a relative to the lizard and snake. Dinosaurs are archosaur making them more closely related to Crocodilians and Birds.

Lepidosaurs and Archosaurs are two separate lineages of diapsid reptiles, so try and not confuse them Durp004.

Back to the main topic, I doubt they will include megalodon seeing as it came from the Miocene-Pliocene (which are part of the age of the mammals) rather than any of the dinosaur time periods (Triassic, Jurassic, or Cretaceous). 



MemberCompsognathusApr-02-2017 11:52 AM

If do Megalodon, then it must be separated from Mosasaurus, otherwise they will tear each other apart. But, again, two large predators, in a small pool, without the possibility of following the instincts of hunting - it's more like mockery of animals. It is possible to fence off a large territory in the ocean, divide into two "cages", and put several sharks and mosasaurs there. So it will be more correct.

John Sedlacek

MemberCompsognathusApr-05-2017 9:04 PM

Megalodon would be cool to see just imagine they release the Mosasaurus from Jurassic World in to the ocean and put a Megalodon in their as well they could battle that would be awesome to see


MemberCompsognathusApr-23-2017 5:30 PM

I think it'd be slightly over the top. I also think that they're going for dinosaurs only.

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