Jurassic World Movies

Tyrants Chapter 16: The Blizzard

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MemberAllosaurusJun-16-2016 2:22 PM

Chapter 16: The Blizzard

Tyrance awoke from his slumber. He was pleased to see that the dakotaraptors had been killed by his sister, but he wasn’t pleased to see his sister and his brother were both unconscious. The freezing air chilled Tyrance’s snout as he walked over to his sister, he nudged her hide to see if she was awake, but she was not.

He then proceeded to nudge Tyrantic, but much to no avail. Tyrance looked above this frozen world to see something even worse approaching, a furious blizzard. Tyrance maintained his composure, his eyes squinted and his head turned to his right to see a approaching hailstorm. Tyrance’s titanic muscles twitched and his remaining feathers shook like leaves on an apple tree, the cold was unbearable, and he could not allow his siblings to stay in it any further.

Tyrance immediately began to scout the frozen landscape. The battle with the raptors led them to a walled in alcove, and the exit was guarded by a thick blockade of trees. The love for his siblings propelled Tyrance, who took five steps back in the snow, before charging the blockade. He rammed into it once, but it only slightly cracked the wood. Tyrance trekked backwards, and rammed into it again, this time snapping a few of the trees.
Tyrance backed up one more time, he breathed the cold air in deeply as the mid-day sun set leaving a thick fog of snow-flakes and approaching hail, none of this halted his final charge, which shattered the wood destroying the blockade. As the light got dimmer and dimmer in this frozen land, Tyrance quickly scouted for a cave of which they could hide in.

The hailstorm was approaching, and if he were to leave his siblings there, they would most certainly die, he had to move quickly. Tyrance stomped through the snow, cringing at the ice as it filled his toes with chilled pain. He approached a canopy, a large pathway led up to a cavern set within a hill. Tyrance lifted open his jaws, taking in the snowflakes to get some water, before immediately rushing back to his siblings.

Tyrance ran back to his siblings, smashing over rocks and snow buildups, he was running on his toes to achieve his fastest speed. Tyrance returned to the walled in basin, the hailstorm was practically upon them as the hail began to rain down from above. Tyrance grabbed Tyrana and began to drag her towards the cavern he saw.

She was immensely heavy, but he was taller and had vastly stronger jaw muscles, he was able to carry his sister to the cavern. Lightning struck in the background as fractals of hail stabbed through and bounced off Tyrance’s scales, causing small wounds and blood to trickle down his colossal body. He scaled the pathway before finally making it to a cavern of which he left his sister.

The cavern was relatively warm, but Tyrance sensed a presence within the cavern. His nose had caught the scent of a pterosaur, and immediately he walked over his sister and analyzed the dimly lit cave. Tyrance saw nothing, and with haste stomped back towards Tyrantic. When Tyrance returned to his brother’s unconscious body, he looked in shock to see a colossal Tapejara overlooking the corpse and  prepared to stab into it.

Tyrance immediately bellowed a terrifying howl that could kill a creature just by hearing it, the Tapejara’s massive wings arose and it began to flap them forwards towards Tyrance attempting to dissuade the beast from attacking it. The blizzard created a thick white-fog filled with countless snowflakes and hail, to which Tyrance could barely see through.

Tyrance purely relied on his scent, and charged towards the Tapejara with a clamp, but instead was met with a wing to his snout. Tyrance stumbled back in shock, but did not give up, he bellowed and charged the Tapejara, which this time with haste flew away. Tyrance looked up as the pterosaur flapped away, leaving Tyrantic alone.

Tyrantic was relatively the same height as Tyrance, albeit a little bit shorter. Tyrance had much more trouble carrying him than he did Tyrana, but he was able to do it, as he dragged his brother by the tail towards the cavern. Tyrance flung Tyrantic over into the cavern. Tyrance too entered the cavern and took a rest under it’s covering. He looked at the frozen world he was apart of, the thick blizzard had nearly blinded anything with it’s dense fog and thick mist.
He saw as a tornado tore through the foliage and trees in the far, far distance. The tornado was filled with hail and various debris such as tree branches and ice fractals. Tyrance then closed his eyes, and fell into a deep slumber. Five hours passed before Tyrance woke up; Tyrantic had awoken, but he could barely walk as his muscles were extremely sore. Thunder cracked and lightning struck as Tyrance arose his massive body from his sleep, and returned to the endless survival that is Cretaceous North America.

He looked at Tyrantic, whose dark-brown eyes were frantically looking at the walls, trying to examine where he was and how he got there. Tyrance turned his head to the entrance of the cave, the blizzard had only gotten worse, but the tornado had left, giving some hope to the tyrant. Tyrance’s stomach began to growl with fierce prowess, he had hunger, and he knew his siblings did too.

Tyrance chirped to Tyrantic that he was leaving to find a beast of which he could kill, Tyrantic didn’t reply, he was too cold and shaken of the events that had just transpired. Tyrance exited the cave, and hell immediately surrounded him. The fog had only gotten worse, leaving a blank white image to his eyes filled with snow flakes and fractals of all different shapes. The dark-blue hue of the land and the chill of the snow was truly terror to Tyrance, who trekked down the path and lunged across a small river before being met with a dense forest.

Tyrance followed his nose and trekked through the thicket, walking over frozen thorn-bushes, dead conifers, and various rocks. He reached an impasse, the pathway he had been following was blocked by a titanic dead alamosaurus. The corpse had rotted tremendously, Tyrance didn’t dare try and eat it. Snow-dust filled Tyrance’s nostrils as he looked around, sending ever the chill down his spine.

He noticed the snow piling up had created a hill next to the alamosaurus carcass, the hill seemed to pile up enough over the body, but would it be enough to withhold the weight of a Tyrannosaur? Tyrance analyzed the pile up, and instead of climbing it, he charged through it, ending up on the other side of the alamosaurus.

Dead trees covered in snow riddled the continued pathway, and the effervescent dark-blue glow of the fog and snow-flakes was all the eyes could truly see. Tyrance pressed forward as hard as it was, he had forgotten what he was searching for, but the furious growls from his stomach reminded him. Tyrance saw something in the distance, something that seemed like a horn of some-sort protruding from a collapsed tree, it was covered in snow.

Tyrance cautiously approached the horn, each foot-step creating that spine chilling snow screech. He made it to the horn, Tyrance analyzed it from top-to-bottom, it was that of a Triceratops. Tyrance deemed the beast as already being dead, and immediately began to dig the snow off the carcass and pushed off the tree. When he cleared the snow, the Tyrant almost had a smile on his face, he lowered his snout preparing to dig into the flesh, but this wasn’t going to happen.

The Triceratops like lightning bucked it’s shield-like skull, revealing itself to be alive, sending Tyrance into fear, he had never faced a triceratops before and his father had told him terrible things. The triceratops clambered to it’s feet and roared at Tyrance, who of course bellowed back. The triceratops ferociously chirped and bucked attempting to ward off Tyrance. Triceratops are very territorial creatures, and they especially despise Tyrannosaurus, their sole predator.

Tyrance, bellowed at the beast, a surge of adrenaline filling his body. The triceratops yelled back, as snow covered the two enemies backs, and a strike of lightning and a bounce of hail filled the background. Tyrance placed one foot forward and stood to his tallest height, sixteen-feet, and snarled madly at the triceratops, baring his banana sized teeth. Tyrance charged the Triceratops and aimed to grab it’s neck, but he was met with a sharp slash to his shoulder by the triceratops central horn.

Tyrance backed up in pain at this, but he did not reveal it, he turned around and clamped onto the shield of the triceratops, cracking and tearing it off underneath eighteen-thousand pounds of bite-force. The triceratops bellowed in pain before bucking Tyrance, who stumbled back, but quickly rebounded and charged the left horn of the triceratops. The beast dodged this strike and rammed Tyrance with it’s smallest horn luckily.

Tyrance’s legs collapsed, and he fell to the ground. The triceratops prepared to gore Tyrance, but underestimated the beast, who with a surge of will-power clambered to his feet, twirled around, and clamped onto the left-horn, and broke it. The triceratops stumbled and fell, to which Tyrance quickly delivered the killing strike to it’s neck.

Tyrance feasted upon the beast’s carcass, tearing off large chunks of it’s flesh and swallowing them whole with a flick of his neck. Tyrance tore off the tail of the triceratops, and prepared to bring it “home” to his siblings; in the bushes however, Tyrance saw three more triceratops emerge, horrified at their members death. The beasts charged Tyrance, who immediately took off with haste away from them.

The snow was thick, the fog had grown denser, and the hail was falling down like rain as Tyrance  dashed off on his toes going his maximum speed to escape these beasts. He tripped over a tree, but quickly regained himself and continued the dash. Tyrance bursted through a tree buildup, and finally was outside of the thicket. He looked back and breathed in deeply, before heading towards the cavern.

Good grief.

10 Replies

I Meme Everything

MemberAllosaurusJun-16-2016 2:37 PM

Tyrance is now my 2nd favorite T-Rex after Rexy

"Part of the journey is the end..."


MemberAllosaurusJun-16-2016 2:40 PM

Awesome lol, what did you think of the chapter?

Good grief.

I Meme Everything

MemberAllosaurusJun-16-2016 3:14 PM

^it was cool

"Part of the journey is the end..."

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexJun-16-2016 8:49 PM

GORILLAGODZILLA - This was yet another extremely fantastic chapter! I greatly enjoy how much Tyrance loves his family - how far he will go to protect them. It is heartwarming in the extreme to see a narrative that incorporates belonging and compassion. Thank you so much for continuing to share this wonderful adventure with us! :)


MemberAllosaurusJun-17-2016 6:59 AM

Thank you so much SR.

Good grief.

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexJun-17-2016 12:51 PM

GORILLAGODZILLA -  You are most welcome. :)

I Meme Everything

MemberAllosaurusJun-17-2016 1:17 PM

^Nice to see you again SR!

"Part of the journey is the end..."

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexJun-17-2016 6:36 PM

LORD TYRANT - The very same to you! :)

I Meme Everything

MemberAllosaurusJun-18-2016 9:22 AM

when will they get out of this frozen Hell?

"Part of the journey is the end..."


MemberAllosaurusJun-18-2016 9:27 AM

I don't know if they even will make it out.

Good grief.

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