Jurassic World Movies

A New Era of the Dinosaurian Empire

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I Meme Everything

MemberAllosaurusMay-29-2016 6:30 PM

GorillaGodzilla and I have just fought for a hard-earned victory against Lord Vader for control of the Empire.  We have won, and now we lead the Empire. Now a message from your Emperor

"The Empire is now ruled by me, and I am to be referred to as either Lord GG or Emperor GorillaGodzilla. That might sound a little brutish, it's meant to be. The Empire is a place of power for those who oppose it, and peace for those who live within it.

Those who do not follow this, such as the now defunct DAF and the traitor, Vader, will be exterminated. May the Empire last an eternity

-Emperor GorillaGodzilla"

"Part of the journey is the end..."

10 Replies


MemberAllosaurusMay-29-2016 6:31 PM

Yes, Lord Vader was a traitor and planned to blow up planets with a "Death Star".

I am now, your Emperor.

Good grief.

I Meme Everything

MemberAllosaurusMay-29-2016 6:32 PM

Now it's time to hunt the DAF conspirators.  But we need more bounty hunters.

"Part of the journey is the end..."


MemberAllosaurusMay-29-2016 6:33 PM

The Empire is in safe hands under my rule, and Lord Tyrants.


Good grief.

I Meme Everything

MemberAllosaurusMay-29-2016 6:36 PM

You're Godzilla right as usual

"Part of the journey is the end..."


MemberCompsognathusJun-06-2016 6:23 AM

i will obey my emperor 


MemberCompsognathusJun-06-2016 6:23 AM

i will obey my emperor 

I Meme Everything

MemberAllosaurusJun-25-2016 6:16 PM


"Part of the journey is the end..."


MemberCompsognathusNov-19-2017 9:52 PM

They have got just fought for a tough-earned victory towards Lord Vader for manager of the Empire Essay Help.  


MemberAllosaurusNov-20-2017 12:21 PM

How dare thee disgrace my Empire's origins with this disgusting post of ignorant spam--I should execute you myself.


Good grief.


MemberCompsognathusMar-20-2018 4:26 PM

I don't care who leads, as I simply post information.

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