Jurassic World Movies

Clash of the Jurassic Titans

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Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusDec-23-2015 2:28 PM

Imagine a four-way battle between the Jurassic Park franchise's main carnivores- Jurassic Park's Rexy, The Lost World's Raptors (male and female), Jurassic Park III's Spinosaurus, and Jurassic World's Indominus rex. Who would win?





     The pack of four Raptors runs through the jungle, looking around for anything to hunt. They hear the calls of dinosaurs, and head in their direction. They follow the scent of fresh meat until they reach a dead Parasaurolophus.




     Hissing, the alpha of the pack orders his pack to stop. He stands on top of the kill, looking around for any larger predators. He sees none and begins to eat. The other Raptors eat with him until a faint crashing of trees is heard. All of the Raptors look up and see what’s in front of them…




     A large female Tyrannosaurus roars at the smaller predators. Charging them, she watches them step back a bit. Snapping her jaws at them, she hears the alpha roar at her. Growling, she snaps her jaws at him. The Raptor remains unafraid until a louder roar is heard in the distance…




     All five of the predators watch as a very large predator approaches them. It hisses, ready to fight them off for the carcass. Roaring at him, Rexy steps forward, ready to defend her kill. However, the Raptors immediately hiss at both of them. However, just as they prepare to fight, the Spinosaurus stares behind Rexy. Snarling, the Spinosaurus roars at an invisible creature behind Rexy and the Raptors.




     The invisible creature snarls and slowly reveals itself. It shows its white head as it slowly reveals the rest of its body. All of the carnivores stare at it, wondering what it is. Eventually, the Raptors hiss at it. Staring at them, the creature lowers its head towards them.




     The Indominus rex and the Raptors hiss and snarl at each other before the Spinosaurus grabs a smaller male in the back. Hissing, he squirms around before the Spinosaurus tosses him into the forest, his orange body and black stripes disappearing into the green. The alpha hisses, and they leap onto the Spinosaurus. Roaring in pain and surprise, the Spinosaurus attempts to shake the Raptors off, but it doesn’t work.




     Rexy roars at the Indominus, who snarls back. Slowly camouflaging again, Rexy charges before the Indominus disappears completely. Roaring in pain, the Indominus tries to shake Rexy off. Continuing to bite the Indominus, Rexy is eventually hit by the Indominus rex’s claws. Gaining the upper hand, the Indominus begins to slash Rexy until she falls to the ground. Rexy kicks the Indominus away, but she comes back. Fully camouflaging herself, she prepares to deliver the finishing blow.




     The Spinosaurus’s claws stab the Indominus as he tries to stay up. The Raptors relentlessly attack him, hoping to avenge their fallen pack mate. However, the Indominus eventually bites the Spinosaurus’s neck, and the Raptors leap off. They watch as the Indominus rex bites the Spinosaurus, as he slashes her, trying to force her to let go.




     As the Spinosaurus grows weaker, the Indominus slashes him. However, he refuses to give up, and bites one of the Indominus Rex’s arms. Screeching in pain, the Indominus slashes the Spinosaurus’s side with her free arm. However, the Raptors eventually leap on to the Spinosaurus again and attack. Eventually, the Spinosaurus falls to the ground.




     The Indominus stares at the Raptors and snarls. The Raptors hiss back. The Indominus grabs one of them in her jaws and bites down on it. The alpha hisses at the only other Raptor to step back as they listen to footsteps. The Indominus barely has time to react as Rexy’s jaws clamp down on her neck. The alpha Raptor snarls and the two Raptors leap on to the Indominus rex’s side. The three carnivores quickly overpower the Indominus Rex, but she eventually shakes them off and runs into the jungle.




     Rexy snaps her jaws at the Raptors. The alpha leaps on to her neck, and the other raptor slashes her legs. Eventually, Rexy shakes the alpha closer to her jaws and prepares to finish him off. However, an invisible figure bites down on Rexy’s tail. Roaring in pain, Rexy turns around. The alpha Raptor leaps off her and the two Raptors run back a little. Rexy smells the blood from the Indominus, and quickly locates her.




     The Indominus reveals herself for a second before camouflaging again. She does it again and again, confusing Rexy. The Indominus charges Rexy and bites her neck. However, the two Raptors blindly charge her, and leap on to the Indominus. They bite and slash her, causing the Indominus to stop her hypnotic camouflage pattern. Shaking her head, Rexy headbutts the Indominus, causing the hybrid to stumble to the side.




     The Indominus rex’s light fall causes the Raptors to lose their grip, and they fall to the ground. The Indominus rex notices this, and snaps her jaws at them. Standing on all fours, she sniffs the air before walking towards the dense foliage, where the Raptors are hiding. Eventually, she sticks her head into a patch of ferns between a few trees, staring at the Raptors.




     As the Raptors prepare to attack, Rexy grabs the Indominus rex’s neck. She slams the hybrid on the ground before tossing her into the dense foliage. The Raptors step back as Rexy charges the Indominus rex, ready to finish her off. The Indominus flails her legs around, trying to kick Rexy away. This works a few times before Rexy bites down on one of the Indominus rex’s legs.




     Wincing in pain, the Indominus looks up at Rexy. Growling, Rexy bites down on the Indominus rex’s neck. Flailing her arms at Rexy, the Indominus rex slashes the Tyrannosaurus a couple times, but Rexy still holds on. She bites down on the Indominus one more time before slamming her into a dense area of the forest.




     Rexy slams the Indominus on the ground as the trees impale the hybrid. Rexy stomps her foot on the Indominus rex’s head, roaring in victory. Eventually, the Raptors come out of their hiding spot and sneak out of the jungle. However, Rexy notices them, and walks towards them. She growls at them, and they hiss back. Rexy snaps her jaws at them, and the two Raptors run off. They begin to feast on the Spinosaurus as Rexy drags her Parasaurolophus away. Rexy and the Raptors go their separate ways, tired and weak, but winners.


Winner: Tie!



Eventually, Rexy and the Raptors defeated the Indominus and went their separate ways (after trying to kill each other).


Happy Holidays from Sci-Fi King25!

“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

4 Replies

I Meme Everything

MemberAllosaurusDec-29-2015 6:48 PM

Why not the JW Raptor Squad?

"Part of the journey is the end..."

Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusDec-29-2015 7:52 PM

^I wanted to have something from each movie, so I went with the Raptors.


(And I think the TLW Raptors are the coolest JP Raptor design ever. :P)

“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

I Meme Everything

MemberAllosaurusDec-30-2015 4:37 AM

I wanted Spino and Rexy to win, they're my 2 favorite dinosaurs

"Part of the journey is the end..."

I Meme Everything

MemberAllosaurusDec-30-2015 4:38 AM

also ur right about the TLW Raptors having a cool design

"Part of the journey is the end..."

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