Jurassic World Movies

Tyrants Chapter 5: The Dreaded Fern-Forest

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MemberAllosaurusDec-05-2015 9:44 AM

Let's see if we can get 8 replies on this chapter, so I know if all of you are enjoying the story or not.

Chapter 5: Hell


The mesmerizing journey across the Trinity Peaks continued gracefully, and soon they would be at the Fern-Forest. The Fern-Forest, mainly called the Dreaded Fern-Purgatory by most dinosaurs is a place well known for it’s awful terrain. Countless dinosaurs die there during migration because of the unnoticeable quick sand, mud covered pitfalls, cramped ferny thorns, and poisonous plants.

Tyranak and all the adult Tyrannosaurus knew about this area very firmly, they lost a member in the forest. The journey across the Trinity Peaks was amazingly long, truly the longest part of the trek, taking a total of at-least forty-eight hours to get across. The Tyrannosaurs however, were mighty, unrelenting beasts, and were at the end of their trek.

The Tyrannosaur pack moved through a canopy to enter the passing to the Fern-Forest. Tyrance stayed behind for a second, he took a look at Trinity Peaks one last time, he wanted to remember it. He wanted to remember the snow capped, spiraling mountains, that one day he would return to.

The pack smashed over fallen ferns, collapsed dirt mounds, before finally reaching the entrance to hell. Tyranak smashed his foot into the muddy road and it sank deep into the ground, forever planting a foot-print. Tyranak lifted his mighty skull up, and he gazed deeply at the Dreaded Fern-Forest. It was covered with ferns of course, but this time of year, a month before summer, it was foggy, and the smell of dead dinosaurs filled the nostrils of the Tyrannosaurs.

Tyrance was immediately sent into a state of fear upon sight of this monstrous forest, yet, he maintained his mature and alpha personality. Tyrantic, as usual, didn’t care the slightest, he was tired and just wanted to sleep. Tyrana, Tyranno, and Tyrani backed up and chirped to their parents in fear. Tyranak worried that the forest’s near invisible pitfalls would kill his offspring, and ordered a few pack members to carry the children.

Tyrance however, bellowed in a refusing manner, wanting to experience the terrain for himself. He wanted to adapt, he didn’t want to be babied and not know what to do in his life, he wanted to test his chances. Tyranak admired this, and told Tyranoa to keep a close watch on Tyrance. Immediately when Tyrance made this decision, Tyrantic also bellowed to stay on the ground. The other three stayed on the backs of another pack member, while Tyrance and Tyrantic faced the Fern-Forest head on.

The forest was grim and bare, and even from the beginning the Tyrannosaurs tripped and stumbled on various fallen branches and small muddy pitfalls. Tyranak avoided the majority of these, but even he succumbed to a good amount. It wasn’t that forest was long, it was that it was a maze. The exit was near impossible to find, and nearly all animals that have entered here, don’t make it out.

Tyranak knew where he was going, he smelt the fresh air of the mesa fifty miles away, it was dead ahead. The pack pushed through the forest, smashing through the fallen logs and shrubs triumphantly. Tyrance and Tyrantic followed the pack very closely, that wouldn’t last very long.

Tyrance continued the stride with the pack, but he noticed something odd, Tyrantic wasn’t there! He bag to panic that his brother had fallen down a pitfall, and immediately began sniffing and looking all over for him. Tyrance knew he should alert his family of this, but he had a bit of childish arrogance, and believe he could very easily find his brother and return to the pack as a hero. Tyrance stomped backwards, sniffing around and looking for footprints.

The thick mist covered the majority of Tyrance’s vision, and the viscous air filled his nostrils, dazing his incredible scent. Tyrance planted his foot into the mud, he looked up and saw a figure in the distance. He walked towards it, and to his luck it was Tyrantic! Tyrance ran up to Tyrantic and bellowed at him, alerting him that the pack is way in the distance.

Tyrantic was staring into a tree, trying to kill a microraptor. Tyrance bellowed nearly laughing at this, no Tyrannosaur could ever kill a flying microraptor. Tyrantic sneered at Tyrance because of this, and continued his game. Tyrance had enough, the fog was thick and he didn’t want to get lost under any circumstances. He bellowed at Tyrantic, who this time ferociously bellowed at Tyrance and clamped onto his neck.

Tyrance bellowed before ramming into the Tyrant and knocking the both of them over into mud. The two Tyrannosaurs rolled around clamping and clawing each other with brutal force. Tyrance gained the upper hand over Tyrantic and knocked him over sending the Tyrant rolling over a muddy pathway. Tyrantic stood up, but he was met with a challenge he couldn’t stop, he had rolled into quicksand!

Tyrantic stared at Tyrance in fear at his predicament, for once in his life he wasn’t being a know it all. Tyrance himself didn’t know what to do, he only watched in fear as his brother sank deeper and deeper into the sand. Tyrance planted his foot into the mud, and he began to think with his upmost potential at a way to get Tyrantic out of this position. He could run back and alert the pack? No, that would be too long. He could attempt to go inside and drag him out, but he doesn’t know the effects of the quicksand and would rather not. He could attempt to pull him out with a item, that could work.

Tyrance immediately ran over, and with his mouth lifted up a medium sized fallen log. Take into account Tyrance is muscular for his age, and has a much stronger bite-force and height than the average Tyrannosaur. Tyrance took the log and swung it over to his brother, who didn’t know what to do. Tyrance attempted to signal to Tyrantic to clamp onto the log, but Tyrantic was too afraid to do anything but stand still. Tyrance placed the log down and angrily bellowed at Tyrantic to clamp onto it.

Tyrance lifted it up once again and swung it over to Tyrantic to grab ahold. Tyrantic this time did what he was ordered, and clamped onto the log. Tyrance made a firm stance in the mud, and using his powerful neck muscles pulled back attempting to yank Tyrantic out. Tyrance couldn’t see if it was working, as he was putting all his energy into the task at hand, but it was working, Tyrantic was being pulled out of the quicksand.

Tyrance strained his muscles with his absolute max power, and with a final yank he pulled Tyrantic out of the quicksand and onto the safe mud. Tyrance stumbled and fell back due to the shock of the pull. Tyrantic, for once in his life, was thankful to Tyrance and helped him get back up. The two brothers immediately began to dash back to the pack, but their efforts were halted as the thick fog blocked their vision, and the viscous air forbid their nostrils from absorbing any scent.

Tyrance stopped for a second, he began to feel fear. He didn’t know where to find his family, and neither did Tyrantic. Tyrance chirped at Tyrantic to follow him in the direction he came, hopefully that would lead them to the pack. The ground was wet and the air was cold, but none of this stopped Tyrance or Tyrantic from continuing back down the path.

Tyrantic stopped walking, he smelt something that disturbed him. He chirped to Tyrance to smell and look into the air. Tyrance did so, and he too smelt a strange scent. Tyrance dismissed it as the air of the swamp, but Tyrantic smelt something much different. Nonetheless, he too continued following Tyrance.

As Tyrance and Tyrantic continued walking, a chirping sound pulsated through their ears. The brothers immediately stopped, the looked all around themselves and above, but they couldn’t see where it was coming from. Suddenly, a large shadow began to grow larger and larger above the T.rex. Tyrance looked back, and saw pure horror in the form of a gigantic Quetzalcoatlus! Tyrance and Tyrant both snorted in fear, and began running away. The giraffe-sized Quetzalcoatlus was like a behemoth to the juveniles. Sadly for the two, the Quetzalcoatlus was hungry, and wasn’t going to give up a meal so easily.

The two took off with immense speeds of forty miles per-hour, easily outpacing the Quetzalcoatlus on foot, but the Quetzalcoatlus had another trick up it’s feathers. Using it’s immensely powerful arms, the Quetzalcoatlus lifted off into the air, beginning a swift glide which nearly outpaced the two Tyrannosaurs.

It wasn’t long before the Quetzalcoatlus appeared ahead of the brothers. It landed, halting the sprint of Tyrance and Tyrantic. There was no escape, the Quetzalcoatlus used it’s gigantic wings and blocked every path of the small Tyrannosaurs. With amazing speeds, the Quetzal used it’s deadly beak and attempted to lift up the children into it’s mouth. Tyrance dodged most of these, but Tyrantic was lagging behind.

The Quetzalcoatlus launched it’s beak, slicing through the viscous fog and air creating a deadly cutting sound. The perfect beak launch clamped onto Tyrantic! Tyrance watched in fear as Tyrantic was lifted up into the air by the beak of the Quetzal. Time was running out, Tyrance had to do something fast or he would lose his brother.

Even though Tyrance was only three, he was already five feet tall and had a outstanding bite-force of 4000 psi. Tyrance knew exactly what had to be done, and with amazing speeds he clamped onto the leg of the Quetzalcoatlus, and broke it underneath the power of a Tyrant King. The pterosaur bellowed in pain and dropped Tyrantic onto the soft mud.

The pterosaur regained itself, and began to peck again at the brothers, but this time it would prove futile, as Tyranak bursted through the brush and clamped onto the Quetzalcoatlus! Tyranak easily broke the neck of the pterosaur, saving his children. Tyranak threw the behemoth down, and suddenly, the entire pack of T.rex arrived, Tyrance and Tyrantic had survived.

Tyranak chirped to Tyranoa to carry Tyrance and Tyrantic, he didn’t want to risk them getting lost again. And with this, the pack continued through the dreaded forest, and after another four hours of traveling, they finally escaped. The pack looked through the brush to finally see heaven in the form of a mesa, they had escaped the fern-forest with their lives.

Tyranak wiped his feet in the hard clay of the mesa, rubbing off the thick mud. The entire pack did the same. Tyranoa and another T.rex placed down the siblings, and finally Tyrance, Tyrantic, Tyranno, Tyrana, and Tyrani were reunited. But the journey wasn’t over, the mesa would prove to be more of a challenge than originally thought, as a gigantic storm brewed in the distance.

Part 5 End.

I do not know if you guys have noticed yet, but the Pride-Lands are the same location that Tyrance and the others try to get to in The End!

Good grief.

4 Replies

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexDec-05-2015 9:00 PM

GORILLAGODZILLA - That was an extremely neat chapter! I very much enjoyed the inclusion of the quetzalcoatlus! the battle was incredibly interesting! I am very much looking forward to reading the next chapter! :)


MemberAllosaurusDec-06-2015 7:37 AM

Glad you enjoyed it!

Good grief.


MemberTriceratopsDec-07-2015 4:53 PM

Nice chapter! I like how the two brothers have a little side adventure too. Can't wait for the next one :D.


MemberAllosaurusDec-07-2015 5:34 PM

Next chapter is coming on Friday!

Good grief.

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