Jurassic World Movies

Jurassic World Exhibition

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MemberCompsognathusDec-01-2015 8:51 PM


Some of you may know that a new Jurassic World Exhibition is coming to Melbourne, Australia. I am not sure if it will be touring, but it looks good. I will be going.



Here is a link:

http://museumvictoria.com.au - Jurassic World: The Exhibition


*Edited by **AL**
6 Replies

Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusDec-02-2015 1:09 PM

And now I shall forever envy Australia...


(This is super cool.)

“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexDec-03-2015 2:36 AM

*clicks link*

*reads info* 

*stares blankly at screen for longest time*

So, guess who's going to Australia in the next few years? 

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberCompsognathusDec-03-2015 1:28 PM

It's expected to feature props, costumes, sets and life-sized animatronics. I am really looking forward to it. I read somwhere that it 'will be the first city to host it', so it may go around to other big cities. Not sure though.


MemberCompsognathusDec-04-2015 3:38 PM

Finally we get something over here in Australia.


MemberAllosaurusDec-04-2015 5:23 PM

Well then...


I just hate those times when you want to go to something really bad but you know you won't... This is one of those times.



MemberCompsognathusDec-15-2015 8:01 PM

Well, If I've learned anything from Universal, Austrailia will most likely just be a "Trial" 


For, Y'see, Back when Jurassic park came out in 93, there was an exhibition like this that toured the world, Eventually winding up all together in Japan as a permanent exhibition there. It eventually got shut down, But was very similar to the "Jurassic Park" down in Orlando California on Islands of Adventure at Universal theme park or whatever.


So, Not for sure, But keep your heads up, you'll be seeing more of this in the future.


Also, Nice find!


Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way

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