Jurassic World Movies

Tyrants Chapter 2: The Killer of Juveniles

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ModeratorAllosaurusNov-22-2015 11:59 AM

Part 2: They never saw it coming



Three years have passed since Tyrance and his siblings were born, and a lot has changed. The herds of anatotitan and alamosaurus have migrated away from the swamps where the pack of T.rex live, leaving only few separated members.

Tyranak began to worry, they hadn’t eaten in two weeks, and as far as he could smell there was nothing in the vicinity. The home of the dominant pack of T.rex lies at the edge of a swamp, right next to a cliffside. Tyranak stood up and overlooked this cliff, by doing this he began to think about moving. Tyranak bellowed to his pack, he told them to assemble and prepare a hunting party, they would find a meal for the whole pack and after that they too would migrate outside of the Swamp.

The team agreed, and prepared for the hunt. Tyranoa snorted at Tyranak, asking him what should be done about the children, he snorted back and walked over to Tyrance. Tyranak looked at his son, Tyrance’s jaw was already amazingly large even though he was a juvenile. Tyranak bellowed at Tyrance, telling him to watch over the pack while the others hunt. Tyrance had already established his position as Alpha, and was more than willing to defend his pack with all his might.

Tyrance walked over to his siblings, Tyrantic, Tyrani, Tyranno, and Tyrana. He bellowed at them telling the news of the hunting party. All of the siblings except Tyrantic were readily accepting of Tyrance’s now confirmed status. Tyrantic however, bellowed at Tyrance elaborating that he should be Alpha. Tyrance was the oldest, the smartest, the strongest, and the most strategic, all the traits of a leader. Tyrance bellowed at Tyrantic and snorted at him.

Tyrantic was enraged by this, he bellowed and rammed into Tyrance nearly knocking him off the cliff. Tyrance bellowed with fear, but immediately regained his footing and clamped onto Tyrantic’s neck forcing the brother to bellow in pain and admit defeat. Tyrance had won this bout, like all of them.

Tyranak and the other nine members set off on the hunt. Tyranoa felt a strange feeling though. She prepared to join the party, but a strange scent was emanating through her nostrils. She couldn’t wait any longer and set off with the other members of the pack.

Tyrance lied down in one of the nests, he began to fall asleep as he wanted to be fully rested for his pack. As he rested, Tyrantic took this as an opportunity to act as if he was Alpha, and walked over to Tyranno. Tyrantic walked over to Tyranno and stomped on his foot, sending the younger brother into pain and knocking him over. Tyrantic grinned menacingly, and bellowed asserting his dominance over the only one he could. Tyrantic stomped Tyranno’s face, leaving a wound which gave him pleasure by seeing.

But just as Tyrantic did this, Tyrana rammed into him knocking him over. Tyrantic stood up and bellowed at his sister, and she bellowed back. Tyrana didn’t have the time for Tyrantic, and walked over to munch on a Hypsilophodon bone. Tyrantic walked around crazily, stomping back and forth with no rime or reason. He suddenly stood still, he looked into the thick swamp and what a normal animal would see as beautiful, he saw as hell.

Tyrantic began to bellow madly, he wasn’t bellowing at anything, he was just bellowing to bellow. This madness awoke Tyrance, and it wasn’t a peaceful awakening. Tyrance bellowed at Tyrantic ordering him to stop, to which Tyrantic replied with more bellowing, not caring of Tyrance’s order.

Tyrance had enough, he stood up and clamped onto Tyrantic’s jaw and threw him over. Tyrantic finally shut up and walked over to chew on a bone. Tyrani, the youngest sister of the siblings only saw beauty in life and didn’t really care about the bouts of Tyrance and Tyrantic.

She stood up and gazed into the thick swamp. She saw rich mangroves filled with fruits, a thick nearly purple mist, birds of all kinds flying about, countless Pteranodons and Quetzalcoatlus flying in the air, all accompanied by a ruby sun and a sapphire sky.

Meanwhile, the hunting team of T.rex prowls for any herbivores, any. One of the members catches a scent, but immediately recognizes it as Giganotosaurus and decides not to warn Tyranak or the other nine about it. Tyranak walks slowly, hoping not to alert any potential prey. He trembles through the rivers of the swamp, smashing mushrooms and easily crunching fallen tree branches. Tyranoa follows him closely, but the strange scent she smelled was still close by, and she worried about the juveniles.

They were too far from the nesting grounds for now, and a thick mist was blocking her field of vision, he shrugged it off and continued the hunt. It wasn’t long before Tyranak finally caught a scent, a scent of Alamosaurus. Tyranak knew it would be a hard hunt, but they had no other choice. He bellowed at the pack alerting them and all of them dashed off max speed after their prey.

Following their scent and footprints left by the behemoth, the pack’s true hunting skills were being put to the limit. Fallen trees littered their path and thick algae slowed down their movement, this was not a easy hunt by any circumstances, but their wasn’t any other options.

Back at the nesting grounds, Tyrance stays alert, being weary of any potential threats to him and his pack. It was night, and the other members of the pack fell asleep allowing him to watch and stay guard through the majority of the night. Tyrance’s greatest fears weren’t hunger, or being harmed, he only cared that his pack survived on his watch, and that he would be respected as a great Tyrannosaurus leader.

He watched with all his might, fighting through the vicious hunger pains and sleep deprivation. He had to make sure they would be safe, even Tyrantic. Tyrance began to stand up, trying to halt himself from falling asleep and began to walk around. Tyrance stomped over to a broken Purgatorius bone, it was small but it would be a good amount of calories for him. He grabbed the bone, swung his neck up vertically and began to break it apart easily and swallowed it whole.

Tyrance pondered and pondered more about his status, was he really a fitting leader? An Alpha? Thoughts like those ravaged his mind tearing away at his senses. Tyrance finally decided that no predator would dare mess with a Tyrannosaurus nest, and lied down. With ease he began to fall asleep, he wouldn’t be falling asleep.

As Tyrance lied his head down on the comfortable thatch nest, his scent began to pick up on something, something ravenous. Tyrance immediately stood up in fear, he looked around the swampy surroundings, yet nothing was there. Tyrance didn’t want to risk anything, he bellowed at his siblings attempting to awake them, but their sleep was so deep that it wouldn’t be easy. Tyrance spared no sound and bellowed the loudest, and fortunately his pack awoke.

Tyrana walked over to Tyrance and screeched wondering why he would wake them. Tyrance smelt a scent, a scent of a hunter, something willingly and readily awaiting to kill them. He bellowed at the pack, ordering them to stay alert; Tyrantic was sluggish in his movements, and most certainly had dread in his heart at Tyrance for these midnight shenanigans.

Tyrance stood firm and alert. The scent didn’t leave him, and it was inching closer. Tyranno, his youngest brother, begged Tyrance to allow him to sleep, but Tyrance’s fears were too great and he bellowed a loud decline. In the darkness of night, the swamp in which the juveniles live, is dim-lit, with lots of mangroves blocking their vision, and countless chirping of small birds blotting out their hearing.

Tyrani tried her best to stay awake, but inevitably she stumbled to the ground due to weakness. Tyranno lifted her up, they didn’t want to risk an angry Tyrance bellowing at them. Tyrantic was in-disbelief that anything would dare bother them, but he too began to catch the scent. Tyrantic walked up to Tyrance and snorted at him alerting him that he knew of the scent as-well.

Like lightning, the scent suddenly disappeared from the Tyrannosaurus’s nostrils. Tyrance was in-disbelief at this, and alerted his pack, and without warning they easily fell down and went back to sleep. Tyrance didn’t however, Tyranak had told him of how predators hunt and the tactics they will use, he wasn’t so easily fooled.

 In the dense mangroves and waters of the swamp, something was lurking, awaiting for the perfect hunting opportunity. It’s feet were small, yet bigger than the Tyrannosaurs. It’s jaws were wide, yet smaller than the Tyrannosaurs, and it had only two fingers, was it a Tyrannosaur? No, it couldn’t be.

All the other members of the pack drifted off to sleep. Tyrance refused, and maintained a sturdy watch although the scent was gone. It wasn’t long at all before Tyrance too stumbled to the ground, and began to fall asleep, but sleep Tyrance was not going to get. A loud rustling in the woods alerted Tyrance, who immediately stood up in fear; Tyrance bellowed at his pack, once again waking them from their slumbering, but this time they too saw the rustling.

Like a demon, the hunter revealed itself to the pack in the form of Nanotyrannus, the killer of juvenile Tyrannosaurus. Tyrance and his siblings were instantly in a state of shock and fear. Their parents always told them of Nanotyrannus and to stay away from them while they were children. Tyrance made a strategic move, and bellowed at the creature attempting to scare it away. The Nanotyrannus took a step back, but it meant nothing as it too bellowed and inched closer to the juveniles.

Tyrance ordered that the siblings stand tall and firm, and bellowed to Tyrantic to stand next to him prepared for battle. The Nanotyrannus, although related to Tyrannosaurus, had a specific language of it’s own and didn’t understand Tyrannosaurus bellows. It only had one thing on it’s mind, kill the competition.

The Nanotyrannus charged at Tyrance, but he made a faulty move, as the Alpha swung his head down and instantly back up smashing the skull of the Nanotyrannus and sending him stumbling back dazed. The killer stumbled back, unaware of the power of this beast. It didn’t stop him though, as he charged again. This time Tyrantic grabbed the neck of the Killer, smashing it with already two-thousand pounds of bite-force, it kicked the foot of Tyrantic and backed up.

The Nanotyrannus began to question his motives, he needed to eliminate them, but he didn’t want to risk his own life. Nonetheless, the beast continued forward, but with a new strategy, he was determined to split up the pack. Nanotyrannus began to walk forward towards Tyrani, he bellowed at her, and since she was a juvenile her instinct told her to run away, and she did.

Tyrance angrily bellowed at her telling her to return, she knew she had to, but instinct was stopping her. The Nanotyrannus finally splitting up a member charged after Tyrani. Before Tyrance could even think of chasing after it, Tyrana jolted after her younger sister.

Although Tyrani was a juvenile, she was remarkably fast. A clocked in forty mph. The Nanotyrannus stood no chance. The Nanotyrannus chased after Tyrani, but it was to no avail as Tyrana clamped onto the back of the Killer, forcing it to yell in agony.

The Nanotyrannus bellowed and smashed Tyrana with his tail, she bellowed in pain. At this Tyrance had enough, he bellowed madly and charged after the behemoth, he couldn’t lose his siblings. Tyrantic, Tyranno, and Tyrance all chased after the Nanotyrannus, and extremely quickly they caught up to it just in the nick of time. The murderer prepared to snap Tyrana’s neck, but it wasn’t going to happen, as Tyrance clamped onto the beast’s neck and broke it underneath five-thousand pounds of pressure. He was only a juvenile, but his bite-force far and away exceeded any normal juvenile.

All of Tyrance’s siblings, including himself were in shock at what he had done. Tyrantic was hit the hardest, he couldn’t break this creature’s neck but Tyrance could? Tyrance backed away slowly from the Nanotyrannus, he was happy yet scared of his power.

The threat had finally been vanquished. Tyrance bellowed in ceremony and the entire pack followed, all except Tyrantic, who stood there just looking. The pack walked back to the nesting grounds, but they were in for a surprise like no other.

It wasn’t just one Nanotyrannus, it was an entire hunting pack of five. All of the juveniles backed up in fear, they couldn’t take this many, not at all. Tyrance thought strategically, he turned his head to the right to see a sharp build-up of rocks that were about to fall over. Tyrance quietly snorted at Tyranno to ram into the rocks, Tyranno listened, and quickly made his moves.

The Nanotyrannus noticed Tyranno move, and quickly inched closer to stop him. Tyrance however, bellowed and stood in-front blocking their pathway allowing Tyranno to continue with his mission. Tyrance and Tyrantic bellowed with the absolute most of their potential, while Tyrana and Tyrani bared their teeth at the Killers.

The Nanotyrannus were very weary of their opponents. They know very well that Tyrannosaurus, even as juveniles, have highly potent bacteria in their mouth that if bit, will easily infect the Nanotyrannus. The Alpha Nano stomps towards Tyrana, who bellows madly at the beast. It wasn’t phased, until Tyrana began to snap her mighty jaws at it, sending the beast into fear and making it back up.

The Nanotyrannus had enough, they charged the pack hoping to kill each one with a single bite, they didn’t know their plans were exactly in alignment with Tyrance’s. The Nanotyrannus charged, but just as they did this Tyranno knocked over the sharp rock build-up sending tons of spike like rocks onto the Nanotyrannus.

The entire pack of Nanotyrannus bellowed in pain, two of them were dead. The remaining three regained their ground and charged again. Tyrance had no plan for this, and watched in shock as Tyrantic was rammed into and knocked over. Tyrance charged towards Tyrantic, but just as he did this Tyrana was knocked over as-well.

Tyrance couldn’t make a choice, he ordered Tyrani to ram into the Nanotyrannus while he saved Tyrana. Tyrani ran over with her incredible speed and bull charged the Nanotyrannus sending it rolling away, Tyrantic stood up and didn’t even appreciate the deed. Tyrance clamped onto the neck of the Nanotyrannus that was biting Tyrana, but before he could break it, a collapsing tree fell right next to Tyrance, halting his clamp.

While all of this happened, Tyranno stood away from the battle in fear. He didn’t know what to do, he was too young, he could only watch as the Nanotyrannus began to win the fight. Tyrance looked at the fallen tree, but this was a awful mistake as the Alpha Nanotyrannus clamps onto his neck, this could be the end.

Tyranno watches as his oldest brother is put into a hold he can’t get out of. He looks over and sees Tyrana, Tyrani, and Tyrantic are all held up battling the other two Nanotyrannus. He only has one choice. Tyranno dashes towards Tyrance with primal rage and rams into the Alpha Nanotyrannus, sending it stumbling in pain.
The beast swings it's head down and raises up it’s tiny forearms, attempting to terrify Tyranno. It works, and Tyranno begins to back up. The Nanotyrannus makes his movements, but they were nothing, as Tyrance clamps onto the foot of the beast and breaks it.

The Nanotyrannus stumbles back bellowing in agony, yet it doesn’t give up. With it’s remaining foot it limps over to Tyranno and knocks him over. As Tyranno is knocked over, he bellows a screeching sound so loud, it could be heard for miles. This would be the end of the Nanotyrannus.

Five miles up north, the hunting squad of ten alpha Tyrannosaurus continue their hunt. Tyranoa walks along with Tyranak and the others, following the scent of Alamosaurus. As Tyranoa continues walking however, a strange sensation pulsates through her body. She stumbles down, worrying the entire pack. The sounds of Tyranno’s scream was awakening her maternal senses. Tyranak chirps at her, and she bellows back, yelling that she must return to the nesting grounds. Tyranoa immediately begins to dash back before Tyranak can even do anything.

Tyranoa dashes back full speed, smashing fallen logs, breaking apart small mammals, and biting through mangroves. She was determined to save her children, she was the only one who could.

Tyrance rams into the Nanotyrannus, saving Tyranno. Finally, Tyrance clamps onto the neck of the beast and breaks it, shattering the Alpha’s neck. By this defeat of the Alpha, the remaining two Nanotyrannus are sent into a state of shock, they don’t know what to do anymore. Tyrance bellows at his siblings, ordering them to form a line in-front of the remaining Nanotyrannus.

This was truly a stand still. The Tyrannosaurus and Nanotyrannus stand facing each other, waiting for the next move. Tyrantic bellows, Tyrance bellows, and Tyrana bellows. The Nanotyrannus don’t, they didn’t care about asserting dominance, and simply wanted to stay at the top of their game.

This stand still would last for forty minutes. The pack of T.rex began to get weary, they couldn’t keep up this awareness for much longer, this was exactly what the Nanotyrannus were waiting for. The Nanotyrannus, with their sleek design and better stamina await for the moment when one of the T.rexes cripple down from sleep deprivation. The moment they were waiting for was here, Tyranno’s legs began to shake, and he fell down to the ground.

Tyrance ordered him to get up, but he couldn’t he was too weak. One of the Nanotyrannus charged at Tyranno and clamped onto his neck. Tyrance instantly rammed into the Nanotyrannus. He clamped onto the Killer’s neck and threw it away.

The face-off resumed, with the five rexes staring wearily at the Nanotyrannus, who circled around the juveniles. It wasn’t long before Tyrana, Tyrani, and Tyranno all collapsed to their knees from lack of sleep. Tyrance and Tyrantic still stood firm, but even they were beginning to feel the effects. Tyrantic finally collapsed down, breathing heavily, he couldn’t even move.

Tyrance was the only one still standing, and even he was about to collapse. The Nanotyrannus loomed in for the kill. Tyrance didn’t give up, he bellowed at his comrades, they managed to stand up, but it was only for a second as they collapsed again.

Tyrance finally succumbed, and collapsed onto his knees. He could only watch as the Nanotyrannus prepared to end this battle. The Nanotyrannus opened their jaws, and Tyrance could only stare in fear. Just as the Nanotyrannus were about to end the struggle, Tyranoa bursted through the trees! She bellowed with her un-matched roar, sending the Nanotyrannus into pure unbridled fear.

The Nanotyrannus began to run away, but Tyranoa didn’t let them! She grabbed each of them in her jaws and smashed their bodies to pieces, killing the Killers. Tyranoa stared at her children, who looked at her with pure ecstasy. Tyranoa lied down and began to lick her children, most predators including Tyrannosaurus have a special property with their tongues that can heal wounds. Tyrance and his siblings could finally sleep, and they did just that, no questions asked.

Meanwhile, the hunt for prey has lost a member, but Tyranak still presses forward. The smell of alamosaurus looms closer. Tyranak bellows to his pack to remain quiet, their hunting prowess is going to be put to the limit for this hunt.

Part 2 End.

I hope you all enjoyed. Chapter 2 will be on Wednesday, and I do know there is a lot of controversy involving Nanotyrannus. But I think I handled each specific theory of the being in a manner that isn't too unreal.

Good grief.

5 Replies

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexNov-22-2015 5:12 PM

GORILLAGODZILLA - That was superb! The addition of the nanotyrannus was quite interesting- and nail-biting! I am definately looking forward to reading your next chapter! Thank you ever so much for continuing to present this excellent series to us! :)


ModeratorAllosaurusNov-24-2015 7:14 PM

Thanks SR!

Good grief.


MemberTriceratopsNov-29-2015 12:42 PM

Very cool! I must say I've never heard of Nanotyrannus, so this was a nice difference from some other common hunters in stories. Well done!


MemberAllosaurusNov-29-2015 7:29 PM

Cool story! I am definitely looking forward to when I read chapter 3 later on in the week, and I did like the addition of the nanotyranni!


Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusDec-01-2015 1:01 PM

Good chapter! I liked the Nanotyrannus addition and more Tyrannosaurus sibling rivalry.

“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

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