Jurassic World Movies

Tyrants Chapter 1: Life

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MemberAllosaurusNov-20-2015 9:26 AM


Written and Created by GorillaGodzilla

Prequel to a 7 chapter novella by GorillaGodzilla

We’ve seen Tyrance go through hell itself, we saw him face the Unstoppable Lord Nequit Dominum. But We haven’t seen him as a child have we? Have we seen the struggles and perilous journeys he went through just to make it to the age of eighteen? Have we seen Tyrance have to fight his own brother who was determined to kill him? Have we seen him lead his pack to greatness? No, but you will.

*20 years prior to The End*

In a massive swamp, deep inside thick mangroves, a nest lies. This nest houses five eggs, these eggs are of the most powerful predator around, Tyrannosaurus Rex. These nests are guarded by a entire colony of Tyrannosaurus, a entire pack of ten. The Alpha male and female of this pack have been watching the eggs for awhile now, they know very well they’re beginning to hatch. The father bellowed, assuring his hatchlings awaken to his un-matched roar.

The first egg began to hatch, this would be the first born who goes by the name, Tyrance. Tyrance kicked through the egg shell, and blinking stepped into the light of day, smelling the clear air for the first time. He crawled out of his shell. As soon as Tyrance broke free from his shell, another egg began to hatch, none of them knew this egg housed a true to heart beast. Tyrance’s first brother was born, his name was Tyrantic. A few hours later another sibling was born, a female Tyrannosaurus. Her name is Tyrana, and she broke through her covering and smelled the swamp air for the first time.

The first three siblings had been born! The oldest being Tyrance. Immediately Tyrance began to observe his surroundings, he used his already incredible vision and gazed around his location, smelling the scents all around him. As Tyrance circled around his perimeter, Tyrantic, his brother did the same- attempting to equal Tyrance. Tyrana began to plead to her mother and father for food, this made Tyrance and Tyrantic do the same. And with that their father, Tyranak, made his way on a hunt for a meal for the entire family, including the other pack members.

As Tyranak began the hunt, the remaining two siblings hatched. The youngest brother of Tyrance, Tyranno, and the youngest sister of Tyrance, Tyrani.

Tyranak began to smell with his max potential for any prey, no scent caught his un-matched nose, but he pressed forward. Walking through algae, seaweed, and a lot of rivers in this massive swamp, Tyranak was truly the King and felt no sense of confusion through all of this. His massive feet smashed through the ground, tearing apart the floating algae and breaking any fallen tree logs in his way, he was attempting to alert prey.

Tyranak began to use his nose again, he smelt a scent, a scent only of Triceratops. Tyranak immediately homed in on this scent, and began to run towards his potential prey; Tyranak ran and ran more, using only half of his speed he was already running at twenty-three miles per-hour, and the scent was becoming closer.

The beautiful sun was beginning to set, and was letting off a ominous red glow accompanied by flyings herds of Quetzalcoatlus and Pteranodons, but even they feared Tyrannosaurus, especially Tyranak. He had established his position as the King of the Predators, and they wanted nothing to do with his pride.

Tyranak finally homed in on his scent. A lone Triceratops, separated from his herd, it was the perfect prey. Tyranak crouched down and began to walk slowly, attempting to ambush this massive herbivore, he didn’t know what was coming. Tyranak walked ever so slowly across the swampy plains, while the Triceratops grazed on. Tyranak circled the perimeter, breathing slowly, and walking slowly, but he was more than ready for this hunt.

The ominous sun still shined enough light to glow the ground where the Triceratops was grazing, the beast was completely oblivious to Tyranak’s hunting prowess, and was not even prepared for an attack. Like lightning, Tyranak let out a massive bellow and leaped from his covering, dashing at the Triceratops- but just as he did this the behemoth of a herbivore swung it’s body around and prepared for Tyranak’s wrath.

The Triceratops and been told by his parents that a fierce-some group of Tyrannosaurus prowled most of the land, led by a Apex leader, he couldn’t believe that he had stumbled into his territory. The Triceratops flaunted his horns, attempting to intimidate Tyranak, it didn’t work.

Like a flash of light, Tyranak charged the Triceratops and clamped onto his left horn and tore it off with ease underneath 19,000 pounds of pure pressure. The Triceratops bellowed in pain, but it wasn’t over as Tyranak grabbed the shield of it and clamped on, breaking it. The Triceratops attempted to buck at Tyranak, he didn’t know he was dealing with a far too experienced predator, Tyranak knew all of his moves and prepared for all of them.

Tyranak had enough, he charged the Triceratops, grabbed it’s remaining horn, and tore it off. He then proceeded to bite the shield and from there swung down to the neck of the behemoth, and broke it’s neck. Tyranak had succeeded in his hunt, and tore into the carcass.

Tyranak feasted on the carcass, he tore out whole ribs and swallowed them whole, he indulged in the flesh, it was the circle of life after all. Before it was too late, Tyranak remembered this meal was for the pride, and using his massive jaw muscles lifted the remaining carcass, which was the body and some remaining ribs, and began to carry it back home.

Tyranak ran back home, as night had set in and although he was the apex predator, he didn’t want to have to risk being injured over the carcass. Tyranak began to hear a sound in the woods, he knew exactly what the scent was, Giganotosaurus. He didn’t want to have to fight the behemoth, and made sure to keep his distance, luckily the leader of the pack of Giganotosaurus, Giganoctus, had already acquired a kill and was well fed with his pack.

Tyranak made his way back to the nesting grounds. He dropped the carcass and the entire pack began to feast, the mother, Tyranoa, made sure to save a few large pieces of meat for her newborn children. Tyranoa carried a few pieces of meat to the children who dug in, but Tyrance however asserted his position as the Alpha of the pack, and he ate first. The only one to oppose Tyrance however, was Tyrantic, he wanted to be the Alpha, and from this young of an age was determined to take out anyone who opposed that theory, and with that he began to tackle Tyrance.

Tyrance fought back against Tyrantic, who attacked Tyrance with fierce prowess. However, Tyrance had more physical strength than Tyrantic, and easily knocked him over. The parents thought nothing of this bout, nothing more than childhood rivalry, it was so much more.

Tyrance finally clamped onto Tyrantic’s neck and knocked him over, winning the fight, and the title of being the first to eat. Even though Tyrance was the Alpha, from this young of an age he still respected his siblings, and allowed them to eat most of the carcass, even Tyrantic. This trait would carry him through the toughest of perils, the awful things to come, Tyrance wouldn't have had a glimmer of hope without his will to survive.

Although Tyranak indulged in the meal, he knew Giganotosaurus were nearby, and that worried him. In the morning he would attempt to scare them away, he didn’t want to risk a pack attack from them, it could be fatal. However, for now, Tyranak enjoyed the carcass along with the fifteen other pack members including Tyrance and his siblings.

Five more members had been brought into the pack today, these five are going to go through absolute hell, I can assure you that. For now, let’s enjoy the blissful moment.

Part 1 End.

I hope you all enjoyed Chapter 1! Chapter 2 will be on Sunday.

Good grief.

6 Replies

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexNov-20-2015 3:50 PM

Nice start.


Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberBrachiosaurusNov-20-2015 11:40 PM

Can't wait to see how this unfolds!

Remember that chap, I forget his name, he climbed Everest without any oxygen, came down nearly dead. They asked him, they said, "Why did you go up there to die?" He said, "I didn't, I went up there to live."

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexNov-21-2015 12:41 AM

GORILLAGODZILLA Oh, how neat! I can already tell this is going to be a very fun series! Thank you so much for producing this for our enjoyment! :)


MemberAllosaurusNov-21-2015 7:16 AM

Thanks guys! It is going to become so much more than what it seems, stay tuned.

Good grief.


MemberTriceratopsNov-22-2015 8:23 AM

Another great cliff hanger. I just see Tyrance and Tyrantic fighting and it's so cute to see little T-Rexs fight xD. Can't wait for the next one :D!

Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusNov-22-2015 9:27 AM

Off to a good start! Though I might question the idea of Tyrannosaurus living in prides like lions.

“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

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