MemberCompsognathusJul-20-2015 4:24 AMWelcome to PBU (Prehistoric Battle Universe).Here we make prehistoric beasts fight the mythical and legendary so lets go on with our first match.
Utahraptor vs Grim Reaper
Comepetitor Info
Name Utahraptor
Lenght,Weight:7 m(23 feet) in lenght,500 kg(1,100 lb) in weight
Advantage:More Powerful,Faster,Heavier
Disadvantage:Not that powerful when there is a 6 foot tall scythe,And big enough that the opponent will not miss.
Name:Grim Reaper
Size,Weight:Probably 7 feet tall and weight is unknown
Advantage:Giant Sythe which can cut through almost anything,a lot of accuracy
Disadvantage:Not fast or with that power with out his scythe
The battle between life and death has started
A lone male Utahraptor is roaming Utah.He hasn't ate much from the past few days.He soon finds a iguanodon,he dosn't think he can take it down alone with that hunger and he has also been very weak for that.Just before he was going to lose hope of today's meal a scythe hit the iguanodon's head and teared it out of the iguanodon's body and went back from the direction it came from.
The utahraptor was curious about what exactly happened.He slowly and cautiously approached the dead iguanodon as he was scared that what happened to the iguanodon might also happen to him.But when he reached the dead carcass nothing hapened.The utahraptor looked everywhere but nothing happened at all after he finished eating a slight wisper came which went like this "Death".
The Utahraptor got the feeling that sometheing was not right.He could had heared a voice some thing that was tearing through the air and was headed right where he was.The Utahraptor swiftly ducked and he did that at the right moment.The same scythe crashed from a tree making the tree fall off.The scythe flew back to where it came from.
The utahraptor looked back and saw a humanoid figure holding the same scythe,it was Grim Reaper.The Reaper had come to harvest the Utahraptor's soul.But the Utahraptor was not going to agree to die right now.The Utahraptor knew that the scythe he was holding the Utahraptor will not stand a chance. So the raptor decided to make a run for it.The grim reaper followed while doing an evil laugh.
The Utahraptor had bought the reaper to the place he wanted.Here there were many giant predators.The grim reaper made himself ready for some destruction.The Utahraptor charged the grim reaper tried to slash him with the scythe but it missed.Utahraptor took the opportunity of being behind the reaper and he kicked the hands of the reaper with all the force he got.
The grim reaper's arms shatered to bits and scythe fell to the ground but this reaper had the ability to move his scythe with out even touching it through his mind contol.The utahraptor backed off to rock but not in wait for the scythe to hit him.Achrocanthosaurus came out of no where and smashed into the reaper causing many of the reaper bones to break off once the acro had saw the raptor he charged while the raptor was in wait.The reaper casted his scythe toward the raptor.
The Utahraptor jumped behind the rock and then waited the scythe and the acro both to come in position.The utahraptor jumped over the acro's head which caused the scythe to cut through the acro's head.The utahraptor the headed for the reaper then the raptor swiftly jumped and the sythe hit the reaper in the skull.The Utahraptor came near the reaper and a touch of its sickle shaped claw cause the reaper's skull to crack into a thousand fragments and then disappearing into a dark smoke.
The Utahraptor had won a legendary battle and he roared in victory.Soon after that his packmates came up and Utahraptor who we are talking about became the alpha.Plus he had earned food for a month.
So our winner is:
The Utahraptor
Maybe this battle was a bit short but hope you guys enjoyed it and be sure to let me know in the comments
The next battle we see the spinosaurus vs the xenomorph rex.
Ok just for your information the spinosaurus is bipedal dino.Meaning it stands on two legs.