Jurassic World Movies

Deinonychus vs Utah Raptor

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ModeratorAllosaurusJul-18-2015 7:43 AM

Lets begin.


Height: 6 ft

Diet: Carnivore

Claws: Jagged

Chance: 50%


Utah Raptor

Height: 6.5 ft

Diet: Carnivore

Claws: Razor sharp

Chance: 50%


A male Deinonychus enter's an open field. He has been starving for the past 4 days, only being able to eat the occasional Egg and even that, was scarce.

Knowing his next destination will mean life-or-death, he sets off on a final hunt for a meal.

He come's upon a forest, expectedly rich with foilage and wood. In the deep distance however, he see's beach....No... a Mesa. He sniffs with all of his might for if their is any animals in the area, he gets a whiff of flesh, this was it. The Deinonychus dashes with all his power through the forest, sprinting with everything left in him. When he reaches the end of the wood, his excitement turns into sheer fear as 2 Male Carcharodontosaurus's stalk a dead Parasaurolophus. He study's their actions, waiting for a perfect moment too steal a piece of meat.

The moment was here, he dashed at the corpse and leaped onto a hanging piece of flesh, visciously attempting too rip it off he was unable too. As his eyes rolled up the 2 Carcharo's gazed at him with demented intent. One of Carcharodontosaurus bites at him visciously, trying to claw and rip off his head! The Deinonychus dodges with everything left in him and escapes back into the wood, he failed his mission.

The Deinonychus watches from the distance waiting for another moment too get his fill, that was not going too happen. He sat with great excitement waiting for the perfect moment to strike, until he heard the trembling of a Tyrant. He turned his head to the left, only to see a male Tyrannosaurus Rex inching closer too the corpse.

He saw the Rex attempt to take a bite of the corpse, only too be charged by the Carcharo's. He knew he wasn't getting the flesh, he fled with great speed too escape from the impending battle.


Deep in the Mesa lies a pack of Utah Raptors. The pack normally has 18 Utah Raptors, but it was down too 17. For they had recently kicked out a member for his sheer incompetents, this member is the one in our story. 

The Utah Raptor, now on his own struggled to find a steady meal. He prowled the Mesa with intent of catching a Troodon or an Herbivore egg. After one whole hour of hunting, he found truly nothing. These moments of failure brought Utah back too his past, a baby struggling for food but relying on his parents, hunting for the first time and failing, breaking his leg on a stone, and then when tragedy struck. His parents were killed by a pack of Deinonychus, and thus he was forced to move into the sister pack in the hot Mesa.

Now back in the present, hunting for nothing is what he would call it if he could talk as he stumbles across the Mesa with nothing but an egg in his stomach. He regretted leaving the pack more then ever now as his feet were burned scorched by the heat of the rocks.

After one hour of struggling he gets his first whiff of flesh in two weeks, he dashes too where he senses the animal only for no avail as the carcass was being fought over in a gruesome battle between two Carcharodontosaurus's and a Tyrannosaurus Rex. He however saw a forest in the distance knowing their maybe herbivores in their, he attempts too dash through the impending battle.

Dashing across the Mesa he leaps over a boulder, lands, and continues running through the impending battle, underneath the the feet of the beasts! He escapes into the forest, his first true victory in 2 weeks.

He proceeds through the forest not knowing what to expect. Back in the forest, the lone Deinonychus prowls every crevasse for any form of food. As he was about too get up he see's in the distance, a sick Styracosaurus, he watches it with every bit of focus left in him. The Styracosaurus gives one last bellow, before death.

The Deinonychus, blessed with this meal dashes towards it. He reaches the carcass and instantly begins too tear into it. As soon as he begins too enjoy his meal however mis-fortune strikes, he hears a thieves roar. He look's up too see an Utah Raptor looking visciously at the dead Styracosaurus, he bellows at the Raptor with intent of him leaving, he knew in his heart he was going to have too fight for this meal.

The Utah Raptor leaps at the Deinonychus, he dodges. They stand at a still looking deep into each other's eyes waiting for the impending strike, The Utah raptor dashes at the Deinonychus and attempts too claw him, the Dei ducks but his head is still scratched with a bloody wound. The Deinonychus bites the Utahs neck and throws him over, the Utahraptor gets up and grabs the Deinonychus's leg and throws him over into a nearby tree.

The Deinonychus using wit, runs away into the wood. The Utah Raptor senses a impending attack he waits and circles around his perimeter, but before he can even think he is on his back. The Deinonychus leaps at the Utah and pounces him ferociously gnawing at his neck, the Utah rolls over and stabs the Deinonychus with his viscious claw toe.

The Deinonychus gets up, and once again they are at a stand still....a Sniff...a gaze... A strike!! The Utah claws the Deinon in his leg and impales him, the Deinon bellows in pain. Fighting through the pain the Deinonychus stabs his sharp claws into the Utahraptor's furry back.

The Utah-Raptor lets out a horrible yell and lets go of the Deinonychus's leg, both combatanants now weakened return too their feet.

The Deinonychus knowing the next strike will mean death goes into a more defensive mode, he was right, the Utah Raptor lunges his mouth at the Deinonychus, expecting this he dodges, bites his neck, and throws him into a nearby tree.

The Utah Raptor using his brain for once in his life thinks, he looks at a branch that is blocking a tree from falling.

The Deinonychus watches with anticipation of his next move, the Utah leaps at the branch and breaks it off releasing the tree.

The Deinonychus's cocky face turnes to fear as he barely escapes the falling tree. The two are now blocked by an endless array of thorny branches, the two now realizing they have backed off extremly far from the carcass both see it in the distance, and run. The two Dromeosaurs dash with the most of they're speed towards the carcass, leaping over small branches and rocks. They meet for the final battle by the carcass.

The Deinonychus tired of waiting charges at the Utah Raptor, claws clash and lock as teeth cut skin. The Utah Raptor and Deinonychus now extremely bruised and weak are at their final stand still, the Utah Raptor however is even more weak as he never got too eat anything unlike the Deinonychus. The Utah raptor collapes too his feet for a second before getting up, the Deinonychus growls with evil intent as he lunges at the Utah Raptor, bites, holds and throws him into a sharp branch impaling him.

The Deinonychus has won, limping over too the Styracosaurus he finally gets his meal.

Good grief.

8 Replies

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexJul-18-2015 11:09 PM

GORILLAGODZILLA - That was an exceedingly fun battle to read! I am very pleased with the amount of detail you placed within the scenario! Excellent work! Thank you so much for taking the time to create this and present it to us! :)


ModeratorAllosaurusJul-19-2015 7:28 AM

^Thank you so much!

Good grief.

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexJul-19-2015 12:10 PM

GORILLAGODZILLA - You are most welcome! :)


MemberAllosaurusJul-19-2015 1:45 PM

Good fight, it was nice that you put a lot of detail into it. Although I recommend taking a quick glance over your work before posting to better assure the quality of it.



MemberCompsognathusJul-19-2015 4:56 PM

Good job man! The only thing that could be a problem, is that your punctuation could use a tiny bit of work. But I'm kind of a stickler about that. But that's it. Story was great and how they fought is pretty accurate.

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self." - Ernest Hemingway.


ModeratorAllosaurusJul-20-2015 11:01 AM

^Thank you!

Good grief.

Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusJul-22-2015 1:04 PM

It was a good fight, but I was kind of disappointed seeing my favorite dinosaur lose.


Also, a little voice in me was screaming at the grammar (I hate grammar errors).

“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

I Meme Everything

MemberAllosaurusJun-28-2017 2:35 PM

^Well Claw is now a Dakotaraptor, I'm satisfied now xD

"Part of the journey is the end..."

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