MemberCompsognathusJul-11-2015 9:00 PMNote
If anyone reads my chapters then please tell me in the coments or whatever we tell that on scified
Anyways,Fire's team asked Cage how he got in there.Cage said that he was walking near the rock structure but an earth quake came and made a small 10 feet hole and Cage fell in it.After word a huge rock fell above the hole leaving no escape route.There was some water inside the hole that Cage was stuck in the hole for a day until Fire's team took him out.
Fire's team had got Cage in their team now.They were walking to the cave but on the way they were seeing a huge predator talking out five sauropods.The predator's name was Storm and he had three horns on his head which were just like those of the ceratosaurus but the only differance was that the horns were long and were shaped like a katana(japanese sword).Within minutes Storm jumpedgrabbed and tore apart each of the sauropods heads and started feasting on those.
Fire slipped on some water nearby and fell straight into Storm's territory.Storm did not look happy and he took an aggressive stand and charged.Storm impaled Fire with his horns which did a severe injury to Fire.Before Strom could have done another charge a female Utahraptor stood in front of Fire and said "Storm stop it you should not hurt him".Storm took some steps back and apoalagized for hurting Fire.
The female Utahraptor's name was Yuri and she was having the exact same flame shaped scar as Fire has.She looked back at Fire and asked if he can stand up.Fire could have stood up but it was hard for him to walk.Yuri guided Fire to a nearby river.Yuri said if you rest here for some time your wound will heal fast.Fire slept near the river for a while and when he woke up he realized that he had seen Yuri before many times.First when he was born he saw her before the velociraptors attacked.Then in the forest burn,then in the the new area finding and then some times in the paradise.
As soon as Fire stopped thinking a voice came in the background.Fire saw Yuri in the distance and asked where are his teammates.Yuri told that they came to see Fire if his wounds were healed then they got hungry and went to eat some food.Fire realized that his wounds were healed instantly.Fire asked Yuri that why didn't she go to eat.Yuri said "It is my responsibility to take care of you as I am your sister".Fire said "wait what,you are my sister".Yuri replied "I was the first Utahraptor to hatch,maybe you didn't see the fifth egg,I was grabbed by those deinonychus but because you steped in the wrong section you saved me but I was injured and I fainted and when I woke up the pack was gone and then Storm found and took care of me".