Jurassic World Movies

JP origins

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MemberCompsognathusJun-23-2015 3:52 AM

I just found out about the Jurassic Park fan film called "Jurassic Park Origins". I noticed the websites not been updated for a year or two, so I was wondering wether its happening or not.




JPOrigins Facebook page, Most frequently updated with Info about the film's status.


**Updated by x_paden_x with Footage and Links
4 Replies


MemberCompsognathusJun-23-2015 4:46 AM

it's a great idea - I'd love to find out about this too


MemberCompsognathusJun-23-2015 3:10 PM

It's been a SUPER long time since this forum has seen anything about JPO.


JPO was a fan project designed to tell the tale of Jurassic park prior to the film. They had made substainal progress before falling off the face of the earth a year or so ago. 


I know that they had been trying to gather footage to film. They actually do have a Trailer out, That was released September 8 of 2014, so it's safe to say that the project is still in Existance and is moving foreward, Albiet, at a slow pace due to the small team working on it, and the heavy reliance on the fans for the production of the film.


It's a fan film, so, it's only 45 minutes long or so, And the Director used to work for ILM doing CGI. The project has been given a Lot of support. 


I'll add some things to the discussion to help out about that. Thanks for bringing this to light, I'd thought the project had been C-D'd by Universal. Good to see it wasn't. NOT ONLY THAT, their facebook page is Incredibly active! The Footage provided Is Incredibly good, Even if it's mostly CGI. 



The Film still is in production, and if you wish to support it they've got a Website with all the Details you could want!


JP Origins Website



Also, Another little Tid-Bit. Their page, Has not only been Recognized by the JP facebook page, But by Micheal Crichton's and Stan Winston Studios Facebook pages. 


Cue end Spiel. 



Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way

Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusJun-23-2015 3:20 PM

I can't say I've ever heard of this. Now I want to see it.

“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexJun-23-2015 4:02 PM

JURASSICWORLD - This is very compelling information! Thank you so much for sharing this with us! :)

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