MemberCompsognathusJun-10-2015 3:37 PMI may look like a new scified member but I'm actually just an oldie with a new account for some exciting to tell you. Ill be creating a scified site based on the new game ARK: survival evolved... If you don't know what this is stop reading this damn discussion and watch the trailer, your mind will be blown... To go alongside this new site which I hope to launch tomorrow I will set up a very own PVE specified ARK server where we can all play together, (Maybe even have some rexy v spino team battles) and feel free to set up recruitment s for your tribes. At the moment the game is on a sale and costs around £20 which seems a lot for a game in early access but trust me, it's worth it. Also expect a Jurassic Worldreview from me on Saturday! Have a good one guys, meet you there...
Leader Of The Pack.

AdminAllosaurusJun-10-2015 3:42 PMI am currently playing that, there are huge framerate issues for some players though, even on low settings. Just wanted to get that out there so people are aware they can't play it on a potato. Apart from that, it's an amazing game, I did link it on SB the day it was released, and it will cost more than the 27$ it currently is at when the game is out of Beta. (It's currrently in Beta) It's a better game that Rust. The devs are currently working on some fixes for the framerate issue and the blackscreen issues.

MemberCompsognathusJun-10-2015 3:45 PM@Svanya. It depends on your computer and what's happening in game. For instance lots of trees or a T-red stomping around will definitely lower your framerate
Leader Of The Pack.

AdminAllosaurusJun-10-2015 3:47 PM@Blue; Yep! I know, which is why I said it can't be played on a potato, heheh. If you host your own server the framerates tend to be better, servers cost around 40$ though.

MemberCompsognathusJun-10-2015 3:54 PM@Svanya. Hmmmm, if this is so it may take longer thank expect... if they add steam server integration I'll just wait. However A friendly YouTube named the gamingbeaver hosts a friendly server which I play a lot in... in the meantime I recommend everyone play there for PVE fun and I'll get my server running in about a month...
Leader Of The Pack.

MemberCompsognathusJun-10-2015 4:20 PMOh... wow... This game looks like every dino fan's dream come true. Count me in! *Prays for Project Morpheus compatibility.*

AdminAllosaurusJun-10-2015 5:31 PM@Blue; You say you have another account? What happened to it? If it's a lost password then we can reset it.