Jurassic World Movies

Jurassic World SPOILER FREE Review! (fixed spelling error)

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MemberCompsognathusJun-10-2015 3:51 AM

JURASSIC WORLD (Spoiler-Free review) *still cant contain my excitement even after i left the cinema few hours ago*

So the film begins similar to the original Jurassic Park movie, scary and awesome. Introducing us to the movie's main villain like the first movie. The movie slowed down a bit from there, showing family drama that i don't really care at first but grow significantly throughout the movie. The main character is not Owen, contrary to public's belief, its Claire. This shows claire evolution from a whiny corporate drone to a strong, fast thinking, and bad ass woman.. Zach and Gray in my opinion, was twice better than lex and tim, their relationship really shows here, how the older brother treat his younger brother, and conflict between them and how they are really different but united through the film. Owen also do a lot to the plot, and his interaction and relationship with raptor are complicated, OWen really loves them, but they are animal, unpredicted. The human cast are wonderful, even the stereotypical villain like hoskin who eventually shows his truecolour. They are all well acted, stereotypical at some, but well acted.

And the dinosaurs are good too,the effects,the scenery, and they are well "acted" too so to speak.. THey behave like real animal, move like them, and sorry, die like real animal. This movie will make you hate indominus,not because of thedino itself but her personalities, she is a jerk and a buly. Boy i hate her so much.

And GOD the trailer are awful compare to the movie. It plays with emotion and nostalgia. Some momment really make me tearing up, some are funny, and most of them are intense and scary as hell. Its not non- stop like Transformers, but beautifully directed and the action are logical and soo natural, the dino moves so smoothly and the cgi is... wow, almost cat tell the difference between animatronics and CG, not almost, i really cant tell the difference. BEAUTIFUL movie!! 

I know all you guys will ask me "how the final battle? is it epic?" Guys, washed your brain from the awful dino fight from JP 3, the fight is brutal, gory but natural and very smooth..Just like seeing 2 lions fighting for dominance, and there is a pleasant surprise in the end of the movie.. This is definitely one of the best summer movies of 2015 ever!! AND BETTER THAN THE OTHER SEQUEL!! 

WOrds of advice, watch it in 2D or normal 4D because the 3D will make the movie a bit darker, but still beautiful nonetheless..

JURASSSIC WORLD IS...Awesometacular!!


7 Replies

King Of The Monsters

MemberCompsognathusJun-10-2015 1:02 PM

Very good to hear! I'm even more exited now as JeremyJahns's review made me slightly disappointed. I guess I'll see saturday... however may I ask does Suchomimus make an appearance?

King Of The Monsters

MemberCompsognathusJun-10-2015 1:02 PM

Very good to hear! I'm even more exited now as JeremyJahns's review made me slightly disappointed. I guess I'll see saturday... however may I ask does Suchomimus make an appearance?


MemberCompsognathusJun-10-2015 1:58 PM

Now I'm excited as hell to see the film!!!


MemberCompsognathusJun-10-2015 2:15 PM

I mostly agree with you, I really enjoyed the film, I will watch it again this weekend. To me was better than JP3 and TLW and had the potencial to be better than the original but...



For the people who didn't watch it yet,  don't expect new dinosaur species. I was hoping to see Baryonyx, Metriacanthosaurus, Microceratus or even good old Dilo, but only the former made an apearence in form of an hologram. That was one of the let downs of the film. Other was Rexy and raptors new designs, aswell the lack of memorable dinosaur sounds/roars.


MemberTriceratopsJun-10-2015 3:29 PM

@NYWadumela, do you mean that Rexy doesn't have her signature roars and growls?  Not asking for a spoiler, yet if the JW crew never used the sound effects we know, then it's an insult to the franchise.


MemberCompsognathusJun-10-2015 3:59 PM

No dilo?! Restricted area is empty...omg they just throw us these dino renders just to tease us for the next JW, anyway the movie will still be awesome :)


MemberCompsognathusJun-10-2015 4:11 PM

Well, this is actually the first review I've seen (I don't really browse for them because i often find that what the reviewer *Who've seen thousands of films and this is their job* Don't quite give the film it's dues where they're needed. The fan is different then the reviewer by a long shot,) But great to see one with such high regard for the film.


Bonus: No spoliers, Besides the grammar here and there, It was a fair review.


Now I'm looking foreward to it more. 


@SpinoRulez I don't remember anything about No Dilo. Are you sure you read the same review... ?

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way

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