Jurassic World Movies

Nature vs Abomination

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MemberCompsognathusMay-19-2015 4:06 AM

With the movie coming soon and people countinue to ask the question who will win Nature vs Abominaton Trex is on the side of Nature and the I rex is a Abomination which shouldn't have existed to begin with because we all know how well creating something new like that will come back to bite you in the ass, I don't have anything against I rex because she looks amazing so i might be a fan but i'm a T rex and Raptor fan 100% but in this poll feel free to say your opinions

6 Replies


MemberCompsognathusMay-19-2015 1:18 PM

well in real life the abomination would win. the thing killed five sauropods at once. a rex in real life would get its ass handed to him. but this is a movie so of course the rex will win most likely 

Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusMay-19-2015 4:00 PM

^I agree. If Colin has seen JP3, he'll know what will happen if he suddenly kills of Rexy.

“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster


MemberCompsognathusMay-19-2015 8:03 PM

Sci-Fi King25 yea alot of pissed off fans and i keep hearing that Indonimus has venom why the hell would it have venom none of the dinosaurs used to make it had it so why should she and dinoboy22 those sauropods were much smaller if you noticed so doesn't really matter even Rex is bigger then those


MemberCompsognathusMay-19-2015 8:33 PM

It's likely for Rexy to have actually kill Brachiosaurs in her times after the incident.


MemberCompsognathusMay-20-2015 12:57 AM

I am going to straight up say, I like Rexy more (still like the I-Rex though), rooting for her, movie she will win, real life, destroyed by the I-Rex. You can't disagree will the last part. (I know theres opinnions and I respect them but in logic is what I mean) It killed a whole ACU squad(including Hamada), killed 5-6 sauropods, tricked the humans into coming in to her enclosure and thus her escaping and killing a worker in the progress, ate its sibling, broke out all the pteranadons who took down the chopper, quicker, larger (height and length, LEGO confirmed), claws, faster, thumbs, 90 degreese bite/jaw and POSSIBILY : camoflouge, venomous, communicate with other animals.


I don't think Rexy can top that (in real life) but in the movie she will...






My personal favourites... (The ACU seen is what I am looking forward to most so far, and Hamada is who I am looking forward to character wise.)

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMay-20-2015 7:06 PM

Well, I don't know what to say here. Nature's perfect predator, the Tyrannosaurus Rex, taking on the abomination, I-Rex. I like I-Rex, but I like the one true King more than that big white mutant. The victor isn't always determined purely by appearances. You never know. A good deal of what would determine the winner of that battle is size. Sure, I-Rex was designed to be bigger than the T-Rex and probably will be, but you never know the outcome until it happens. 

Jack of all trades. Master of none

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