Jurassic World Movies

A new Jurassic World attraction.

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MemberCompsognathusMay-17-2015 12:26 PM

So let's say that you're a member of the creative team that comes up with attractions that bring in a profit for Jurassic World. You have to brainstorm an idea for an attraction and it can be anything from a new animal, a modified version of the current feeding shows, or even a new ride (dinosaur themed of course). So let's see what you guys can come up with.

12 Replies

Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusMay-17-2015 1:46 PM

I did this already, but a bit differently. :)


Anyway, why build ONE when you can A FEW???


I had this idea in my build-a-Jurassic World topic, but I'll post it again-


The Jurassic Sea, where you basically get inside of a bubble on a tank floor and watch the Plesiosaurus pair and Ichthyosaurus trio.


Now, one I thought of a while ago (except with Dienosuchus)-


Sarcosuchus Lake. The title is pretty self-explanitory, but you can zipline over it!!!


Now, onto my original ideas-

Microraptor Forest- walk through a one acre glass dome, featuing a pack of Microraptor, along with Jeholosaurus, Insicivosaurus, and Psittacosaurus.


That's all I got for now. :P







“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster


MemberCompsognathusMay-17-2015 2:15 PM

The Sarcosuchus Lake sounds scarier than the Indominus Rex. I like it.

Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusMay-17-2015 3:04 PM

^It would be a shame if someone were to fall into it...


Besides, who doesn't like crocodiles?

“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMay-17-2015 4:44 PM

Interesting topic Siks, and cool ideas SFKing. 


I have no ideas personally, I'm not creative in that sense. 

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberTriceratopsMay-17-2015 6:07 PM

The only idea that I have is to untie the goat from it's post in Tyrannosaurus Kingdom, which would allow some "hunting action", but it's very flawed.  If Rexy runs around when chasing her food, she could hurt herself, or the people who are watching in the viewing structure if she accidentally hits it.  As well, if the goat runs around, odds are that Rexy will either kill it where it can't be easily seen or she will carry somewhere private, since most animals prefer to eat in private.


MemberCompsognathusMay-17-2015 6:21 PM

Add more tyrannosaurs to Tyrannosaurus Kingdom. Who doesn't want to see two tyrannosaurs and their baby?


MemberCompsognathusMay-17-2015 7:39 PM

That would be heartwarming to see.


MemberCompsognathusMay-17-2015 11:42 PM

I would like to see/make a "Nature Paddock" where there would be both carnivores and herbivores and nature did what it pleased. It would be there for those who wanted to see the hunts, battles, births, etc. 


Before you say it would take long, this is make believe, and it would not cost, because after the first batch, the females and males (yes both genders since it is "nature") reproduce and you don't need handlers and feeders since its not meant to be touched. Thats what I would like. Aswell as a Ceratosaurus Mountain Paddock. :D



Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMay-18-2015 2:34 PM

SIKS - Oh, what a very fun topic! Hmm...If I were given the freedom to create a new attraction for Jurassic World, I believe I would make a "Dinosaur Encounter" site! It would allow visitors to actually watch the animal keepers take care of the various animals when they are brought in to receive vaccinations and medical care. Visitors would actually get to touch the large predators and other hazardous animals while they are sedated for checkups! Naturally, this would all transpire beneath heavy monitoring within the presence of a small army of guards - to ensure the safety of both the visitors and the animals. This was a very copelling topic! Thank you so much sharing this concept with us! :)

Peter Zanetti

MemberCompsognathusMay-18-2015 7:23 PM

Jurassic Jungle Experience™ - Hike or Bike along manmade trails winding 15 miles deep into the jungle…and straight through the habitat of over two dozen species of dinosaur! The trails are narrow paths that are discretely fenced on all sides. Around you is dense jungle, in the heart of dinosaur country.

Choose from several beginner and expert trails as you travel into our dinosaurs’ natural habitat. Don’t worry! Our elaborate infrastructure of barriers and fencing will keep our dinosaurs safely contained. But please be mindful of all trail barriers. Do not get too close to any barriers, or attempt to bypass.

Be on the lookout for: Microceratops, Troodon, Ceolophysis, Allosaurus, Hypsilophodon, Othnielia, Iguanodon, Diabloceratops, Procompsognathus, Tyrannosaurus, Carnotaurus, Euoplocephalus, Styracosaurus, Kentrosaurus, Maiasaurus, and more!

Trail ends at the Treetops Lodge, near Sauropod Swamp. Hungry hikers that survive their trek through the jungle can enjoy a nutritious meal alongside the island’s largest creatures. The Feeding Deck on Treetops Lodge is open daily, and is a favorite stop for our sauropods during their grazing hours. At 40 ft. above the jungle floor, only the largest sauropods on the island will be stopping by. Get up close to our family of Brachiosaurs, a pair of Sauroposeidon, and the massive Seismosaurus.


Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMay-18-2015 9:49 PM

PETER ZANETTI - Hahaha! That would be extremely fun! Sign me up! :)

Peter Zanetti

MemberCompsognathusMay-19-2015 5:02 PM

Thanks, I thought that was a neat idea...similar to Cretaceous Cruise, but on foot. And the idea being similar in design to the Aviary...in the way that the individual walks through an "inner" cage so-to-speak, while the dinosaurs are in the "outer" cage.

You build an interconnected grid of paddocks that have a central overlapping area, and build a fence/cage-like tunnel that passes straight through them all. You literally traverse 15 miles of the darkest jungle, but are completely protected from it by your tunnel. The dimensions of the tunnel would be large enough so as not to make the trailgoer claustrophobic..maybe 12 ft. W x 20ft. H. And the fence/cage-like structure is very transparent and blends well with the jungle. Almost giving the impression that you are walking unbarricaded through the jungle.

Dinosaurs could and would be encountered at very close proximity. It would be thrilling. Once the dinosaurs get used to the activity, they would venture quite close to the tunnel.

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