Jurassic World Movies

More Tyrannosaurs?

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MemberCompsognathusApr-29-2015 10:22 AM

Hey there, I'm new to the Scified JW discussions, even though I have been reading every topic along the years for new on Jurassic World, which I am very excited to see. Anyways, on to the topic...


We all know that our old gal, Rexy, is returning for Jurassic World to become the anti-hero we remembered her against the Indominus Rex, but is there more rexes than we thought? With the new detail that dinosaurs are now able to be male and female in the park, it would be interesting to see Rexy having her own mate and infant, similar to The Lost World. A second Rexy would be a good substitute incase Rexy does die by the end of the film from fatal wounds.


7 Replies


MemberTriceratopsApr-29-2015 11:43 AM

Welcome to Scified Tyrannowright!

As far as we know, only one is confirmed for the movie, and that is the old girl herself.  But the geneticists could easily clone another T.rex in Wu's lab faster than you could say "Goat anyone?" :P

Now think of how much would be at stake if a male T.rex and a baby would join her.  That means there is twice the strength, and twice the aggression.  Neither parent would let anyone near their baby to perform any medical/health tests (because the fathers are just as protective as the mothers of their young in the JP universe).  An answer to this?  Tranq them of course!  But tranquilizing an animal many times is bad for their health, and it is not recommended unless it is completely necessary.  And think of how much more food and space would be needed to house the 2 adults and the baby(ies).  They would need to spend so much more money and use so much more material AND TIME to expand the paddock.

And one more thing:  it's not the best idea to keep such large  land animals of both genders together.  It is done with lions, only because they are the most social cats, but that's just about it.  There is a very high risk that the male and female could start attacking each other.  A few years ago at a zoo a new male tiger was brought in to breed with the resident female, and they started to fight; the female was killed on impact as the male broke her neck with one swipe of his paw.  Imagine how much damage a T.rex fight would make, and how much money each is cost?  Sure, keep them in separate enclosures, but again, the males are there for the young and he would go mad not being near his young.  

All in all, it's simply too risky to have 2 fully grown T.rexes together in JW, or even in adjacent paddocks, only because they're T.rexes and there is so much at stake.


MemberCompsognathusApr-29-2015 11:46 AM

I don't know if Rexy has her own mate and infant, but I do know that from looking at someone else's raptor pass that the park is in fact breeding more T.Rexes; possibly to replace Rexy.


MemberCompsognathusApr-29-2015 1:27 PM

Well, it can't be that hard to treat either Tyrannosaurs. Just sedate the parents and infant, quickly treat it, then leave them be to wake up.


MemberCompsognathusApr-29-2015 1:41 PM

is the male female thing actually confirmed now?


MemberCompsognathusApr-29-2015 1:53 PM

Yes, there's an article in the news talking about the major plot details.

Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusApr-29-2015 2:20 PM

I agree that there's probably another Rex for when Rexy dies. It's probably in its own seperate area, like the raptors.

“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster


MemberCompsognathusApr-29-2015 2:24 PM

so many spoilers. i didnt even know this one. but yeah if they have a male its most likely in a seperate area. dont know if the old rex would want a male in her territory after living alone for so long. but who knows

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