Jurassic World Movies

original visitor center confirmed!

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MemberCompsognathusApr-28-2015 4:05 PM

i just read an article confirming that the original visitor center will be seen in jurassic world. not only will it be seen, but we will be seeing the INSIDE of the visitor center as well! the article also mentions that Dr. Wu will not be the only character from the original films making an appearance! herer are some pieces from the article: "there’s another set that re-creates a key location from Steven Spielberg’s 1993 franchise-launching blockbuster, the original Visitor’s Center where Dr. Alan Grant (Sam Neill) and his makeshift family faced down a gang of wily velociraptors before being saved by the arrival of a snarling T. rex. The center may be a weed-covered ruin now, with dinosaur bones strewn about and the “When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth” banner still lying where it fell two decades ago. But seeing this particular Jurassic Park locale preserved in such loving detail can’t help but send a shiver of excitement through any visitors, just as its appearance in the new film will no doubt thrill audiences when Jurassic World opens its doors to the general public on June 12." "B.D. Wong is reprising his role as geneticist Dr. Henry Wu — and another that’ll have to remain a secret (for now)". here is a link for the full article: FULL ARTICLE. I am pretty excited about this news. this movie is going to be epic! :)

5 Replies


MemberCompsognathusApr-28-2015 4:40 PM

after reading another article, it is heavily hinted that the other returning character is the T-Rex (which we knew already)

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexApr-28-2015 5:01 PM

AARONLIF10 - This is extremely compelling news! I am very pleased that the original Visitors' Center is definately going to make an appearance in Jurassic World! Thank you so much for finding this information and sharing it with us! :)


MemberTriceratopsApr-28-2015 6:22 PM

As usual, I get more and more excited whenever I hear updates about Jurassic World, and now I get to know that BD Wong is not the only cast member from Jurassic Park to join the JW cast.  I truly have no idea who it will be, but I have a feeling it will be someone who just flies right over our heads, in the sense that we did not expect.  Nedry's body?  Tim as an adult?  Maybe even Dr Hardin?!  JP The Game isn't really canon, so it would make sense that he could appear as the vet since the early 90's/late 80's.

indiana jones

MemberCompsognathusApr-28-2015 6:54 PM

I hope they arnt talking about Rexy, because we already know that she is returning, anyway we can cross out Allen, Ellie, and Ian.

thank you for posting this, you have made my day.


"That is one big pile of sh*t" -Doctor Ian Malcom


MemberCompsognathusApr-28-2015 7:28 PM

Indiana, thats just what i am thinking. i am hoping it will be another character and not just the T-rex, which is exciting, but most people are already aware of it. im really excited to know that the original visitors center is in fact in the film, and that its not just a rumor. even more so since they are going to show the inside of the visitors center. good point about Nedry's body, i wouldnt be surprised if they stumble across that as well. especially since they showed the east dock sign covered with leaves, hinting at that location being discovered. i really think they will come across the jeep that nedry was (and maybe still is) inside of.

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