Jurassic World Movies

Join the Rebellion!!!

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MemberCompsognathusApr-08-2015 4:09 PM

One year ago, last April, the Jurassic World Cold War began. It began when Velociraptor Awareness Month was started. It portrayed Raptors as vicious, blood-thirsty killers. When this was said, Raptors had enough. We began the Rebellion. Rebellion was meant for Raptor freedom everywhere. But the DAF was created to stop us. They wanted all Raptors to be destroyed. Thus began the Jurassic World Cold War. After three months, the war was ended on a truce, between the DAF and the Rebellion.

Recently that truce, was dishonored when the DAF, yet again, hosted Velociraptor Awareness Month. And so war has been declared again. I urge all of you, the Raptors and the Raptor supporters to join the Rebellion. Get your freedom back.

All of those wishing to join the Rebellion, or if you are already part of the Rebellion, please PM me. All who join get unlimited Cheeseburgers, as well as dinosaur of your choice for your army. You will also get your own personal base, in any location you want it to be. And 40 million bomb cakes from the BCF (Bomb Cake factory.)

Join the Rebellion, get Freedom!

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self." - Ernest Hemingway.

93 Replies

Tyrant king

MemberCompsognathusApr-10-2015 1:21 PM

Silver, my Dino's are trained to kill...... But when it is not total war they roam free. I take GREAT care of them. I see you do to. Want to make a truce?


MemberCompsognathusApr-11-2015 11:34 AM

i'm in the rebellion for sure. Think of it as this:

currently raptors are seen as filthy scoundrels


our cause is trying to make it


the DAF is trying to keep it at


which side is the good side ours, of course.

I'll have a Triceratops maximus with ankylosaurus armor, thicker horns, a styracosaurus nose horn, an extra thick styracosaurus-style frill covered in bone and spikes, carcharodontosaurus teeth, and a utahraptor 'sickle-claw' for each foot. Plus an ankylosaurus tail club with eight two-foot spikes.

I'll also have a deluxe hawaiian pizza with soda, mushrooms, triple cheese, ham, pepperoni and bacon with soda. 

Soda? no. i want aloe, Nestea or shirley temple (THE DRINK, NOT THE PERSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!).

Ha! I bet the DAF doesn't have any of that.

Tyrant king

MemberCompsognathusApr-13-2015 12:57 PM

They don't. Cause they suck and we are better.

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