Jurassic World Movies

jeff goldblum cameo

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MemberCompsognathusApr-06-2015 9:31 AM

im sure everyone is aware of the easter egg recently released showing the book written by Ian Malcolm, titled 'god created dinosaurs'. i found another article, that shows an image taken from a website of a filmography for jeff goldblum, and at the top of his filmography listing it shows 'Jurassic World' post-production (2015). it shows it as being the most recent item on his filmography list. to me this looks like a very real possible indication that Jeff Goldblum does in fact make some sort of an appearance in the film. i am sure that he wont have a major role, or be seen walking around the park. i cant imagine them justifying him taking his kids there or working there. however i could easily see him being shown in a television interview for his book, where the interviewer asks him about the book, and then about how he feels about the new park, and him stating his opinion on it. i could also imagine him instead being shown flipping through tv programs and coming across breaking news about the dissater taking place at jurassic world, and him making a comment abou it. i personally think it would be great to see a cameo for ian malcolm. it may be a bit cheesy, but it would be great for the fans. ian was my favorite character in the series, and i think it would make the film feel more like it ties into the previous films. what do you guys think? here is the link for the filmography: filmography article, and here is a link discussing the recent easter egg: easter egg.

12 Replies

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexApr-06-2015 11:25 AM

AARONLIF10 - How very interesting! I could not agree more with you; it would be absolutely fantastic to see a cameo from Dr. Malcom! The possible instances in which we might see him are numerous, however, I greatly enjoy your ideas! Thank you so much for bringing this bit of information to us! :)


MemberTriceratopsApr-06-2015 11:45 AM

I don't know, I'm going to take this with a grain of salt.  There was no confirmation that any of the cast of the past 3 movies would return, and also it was really unlikely.  Nonetheless, I would like it if Malcolm does make a cameo, because it would show that Spielberg and Trevorrow are staying loyal to the franchise.

But there is something else to consider.  Remember in JP3 when Dr Grant and Eric were in the sunken truck, and Grant asks Eric about Malcolm's book?  Could "God Created Dinosaurs" actually be the book that Grant was referring to?

Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusApr-06-2015 11:56 AM

^I agree.


Anyway, Dr. Malcom is the least likely of the original characters to visit the park. However, I'll have to scan the image.

“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

Peter Zanetti

MemberCompsognathusApr-06-2015 2:31 PM

Not a snowballs chance in hell that Jeff Goldblum appears on screen in any capacity in the entire 150 minutes.

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexApr-06-2015 3:06 PM

PETER ZANETTI - That is a very firm assertion! Why do you speculate Mr. Goldblum will not appear in Jurassic World? Have you read a an article that states as much? :)


MemberCompsognathusApr-06-2015 5:44 PM

Of course he won't set foot in the park, but perhaps in the beginning of the movie there is a short blurb of him on TV talking about Jurassic World and how it's doomed to fail.

Here, have a waffle (-'.')-#


MemberCompsognathusApr-06-2015 9:43 PM

I think this cameo would be fantastic. Jeff is fantastic. If he's in the movie then we're all going to have a fantastic time.

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexApr-06-2015 9:58 PM

BIGARCH - Hahaha! Quit saying "fantastic"! ;)

    Welcome to SCIFIED! It is always quite agreeable to see new faces! :)

Peter Zanetti

MemberCompsognathusApr-07-2015 6:11 AM

SOMETHING REAL - for one, because it has indeed been confirmed by the director himself multiple times that (besides Wong) none of the original cast is in. He hasn't pulled any punches with this kind of info, he's been very straightforward and honest about any details he's weighed in on. 

Secondly, it would be very difficult for them to keep secret that Goldblum shot even a cameo sequence for the film.

And lastly, because any time someone says 'not a snowballs chance in hell'...it usually ends up coming true :)


MemberCompsognathusApr-07-2015 7:57 AM

havent had a chance yet to read the responses to my original post, but i want to update real quick that i saw the web page IMDb, which appears to be the same one shown in the article i posted, however on the IMDb website i do not see the jurassic world film located on the website. i do not know if its because the original posting i saw was a haox (which it very well may have been), or if perhaps IMDb had at one point posted it, and then took it down (maybe they were contacted by universal and asked to remove it to aviod spoiling anything). the image that was posted on the website looked very legit, so its really hard to say. just wanted to mention this as i didnt want to lead people along on something that may have turned out to be false.


MemberCompsognathusApr-07-2015 1:39 PM

There's a chance, Much like Rexy, They're trying to Keep Goldblums involvment extremely under wraps.


If he does make the cameo, It'll be equivilant to John hammond's in TLW. Not a major role, But still important for the story to develope. 



Good Find @ AARONLIF10 


As for the Legitimacy, The movie can disclose or include which actors they headline at will... So, Goldblum likely won't be immediatly listed, with his role most likely some what secret.


Keep in mind, I believe Colin Also Tweeted something (Or the JW Page) about the easter egg (Again, they were the original posters of it) It's most likely truthful that Dr.Malcolm will have some involvment, but what, We don't know. 

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexApr-07-2015 5:48 PM

PETER ZANETTI - Oh! Hahaha! Thank you for the clarification! :)

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