Jurassic World Movies


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Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusMar-31-2015 4:46 PM

First, there's a lot more species than on the website. There may be Camptosaurus, as seen on a park name tag on the website, and the Gyrosphere is said to have 30 species, almost double the amount seen on the website. Also, look at this-

JW map back3


The Underwater Observatory offers a look at the Mosasaurus Feeding Show and a few "proto-aquatic" oceanic creatures.


Also, according to this-


Jurassic world map tl


The Pachy Arena is in the ampitheater. Also, the little signs in the JW Lagoon say "Boardwalk West" and "Boardwalk East". That's pretty much it for these updates! :)


Now, onto my question:



 Jurassic World Super Bowl Trailer Screenshots

She has yellow eyes in the trailer, but red eyes on the napkin. Can someone explain this?




I. rex (red eyes) eats I. rex (yellow eyes)

“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

1 Replies

Peter Zanetti

MemberCompsognathusApr-01-2015 6:34 AM

I'm sure that the materiale that we've been given is just to make things tangible. Because of the ease with which CGI can insert new species....I'm sure there will be things in the final film that were never mentioned on the website or any brochure that was created more than a year before CGI work even started.

I'm sure they probably filmed LOTS of blank slates during production that are to be filled later with whatever they want. I'm sure that content has evolved over time too. In the end, I bet we'll see fleeting glimpses of so many dinosaurs that we can't even readily idenitfy upon first viewing.

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