Jurassic World Movies

DNA, Genetics, Inconsistencies and Dinosaurs in the JP Universe: Part 1: Raptors...

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MemberCompsognathusMar-31-2015 1:11 AM

Hello Everyone!

This is the first of a series of discussions about some aspects of the Jurassic Park Universe which I think merit discussion. This post is a place to put your theories, ideas, facts or questions about these topics. 

First off, let's begin by talking about one of the most debated things from the JPU: The Raptors.

Before anything, let's imagine that in the world of the Jurassic Park movies Velociraptors ARE in fact aproximately 6 ft. tall and that they were also found in North America, NOT Mongolia. (I think we should also pretend Utahraptor and Deinonychus never existed...)

In the first movie the raptors were tan colored, with some black stripes which were barely noticable. They were very vicious and smart creatures, who were able to plan tactic attacks and work as teams.

In the second movie, they were now dark orange, with black stripes and had white on their underside. Their eyes were also more sharply colored.(My personal favorite design) Their behavior didn't really change much since the last movie, although they did show a little bit more of how tense their relationship as a pack. Why did their colors change so suddenly? Was it because they were on a different island? Weren't the embryos the same? If it was because of time, why such a drastic change in just a couple of years?...

Now in the third film was where there was the biggest change and dilemma. The raptors now had sexual diphormism. And a rather drastic one too. The males being black with white undersides, having a couple of white stripes running down their back and bright red eyes with blue eye sockets. The females were white with black stripes and spots around their bodies, and had bright YELLOW eyes. Both now had a pair of crests before their eyes, only the male ones being red colored. And now the male raptors had QUILLS on the back part of their necks. One of the worst parts being that they are supposed to be on the SAME ISLAND that the ones of the second movie. And aside from that, the raptors were now extremely intelligent, with most of the movie focusing on this aspect. They created traps for the freaking HUMANS! Why such a drastic change now? Why such a change on animals that were supposed to be the same on the same island? Why the sudden sexual diphormism? And crests? And such extravagant colors? Are they supposed to have feathers now? And if not, What Are those QUILLS? Where did the inteligence come from?

Now in Jurassic World the raptors look like the first ones, with their colors ranging from blue to green to brown. ...How? Why? Then what was the deal with the JP3 raptors then?

Most of these questions can be answered pretty easily: Movie designs. They needed a better versions of the raptors to keep the people interested. But what would be the logic in this world for all of this?

I once read an article in JPLegacy.com that gave preetty valid reasons, saying that the more the raptors reproduced, the more they got rid of the genes that were IMPLANTED in them and they got closer and closer to their true form. This gave a very valid explination to all of this, but it still left a lot of things unresolved...(the freaking JP3 colors man! I REALLY don't think Velociraptors had that kind of sexual diphormism.)

So what are your thoughts, theories and ideas? Please share them and feel free to comment!

"Its a Tyrannosaurus."

"I don't think so... It sounds bigger. It sounds like death; the destroyer of worlds...."

6 Replies


MemberAllosaurusMar-31-2015 6:08 AM

Well the raptors film were female and the raptors from the second film were male verisons of the same species of Ingen's velociraptors, Velociraptor nublarensis. 

While the third Film are Velociraptor sornaensis.

I think the raptors from the fourth film are either the same species or subspecies as the ones from Jurassic Park and The Lost World. I personaly think the Jurassic World are probably different subspecies of Velociraptor nublarensis, which would explain the difference in color palette.


Peter Zanetti

MemberCompsognathusMar-31-2015 6:59 AM

Its really important to understand that every tweak to the genetic code is essentially a new species. None of them are real dinosaurs.

If you have read JP: the novel, I direct you back to that for the clearest understanding. Here, more than anywhere, they acknowledge the reality of genetic creation...its all artificial, and manipulated by man.

Tyrannosaurus v4.1, Velociraptor v.4.3, etc.

These are creations of genetic manipulation, and each new version is different enough by genome standards to be considered a different animal altogether. Comparing Jurassic Park dinosaurs to the fossil record is always...always, a foolish endeavor. It is far more accurate to view the Jurassic Park creations as having originated with a particular genetic blueprint, but every modification done in the lab rendering them farther and farther away from anything that could be considered a 'real dinosaur'.

All of the comparing one movie to the next is completely futile because it can all be explained away instantly by what takes place in the lab from one day to the next.


MemberTriceratopsMar-31-2015 1:02 PM

As well, in TLW, there were males AND females.  One of the three raptors that were attacking Malcolm and company at the compound was a female.  If you look closely, her hide is darker than the two other males.

Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusMar-31-2015 1:17 PM

^Hm. I didn't notice that.

“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster


MemberCompsognathusApr-01-2015 9:28 AM

Great point and its always something that has bothered me aswel

Now the explanation has probably already been said. But I just want an onscreen justification. All we need is wu to state in JW that it is a version number! Then all will be forgiven! 

And spinojira raptors like every species would most probably have major differences especially colour for asexual attraction duringnthe mating season, just look at modern day birds, its there in front of us. Jp3 males are my favourite anyway look morennatural . and like animals apposed to monsters 


MemberAllosaurusJul-18-2015 12:37 AM

Dr. Henry Wu does say this in Jurassic World "Nothing in Jurassic World is natural, we have always filled gaps in the genome with the DNA of other animals. And if the genetic code was pure, many of them would look quite different. But you didn't ask for reality, you asked for more teeth. "

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