Jurassic World Movies

possible ending?

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MemberCompsognathusMar-29-2015 6:57 PM

so here is what i think could possibly happen in the end of jurassic world. the t rex and indominous will probably fight to see who is king. they will both die but a baby of indominous will be left behing starting the next sequel. i say t rex will die because he is at the end of his life span and this will be one last fight and it could be an asesome but sad ending. what does everyone else think?

2 Replies

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMar-29-2015 7:38 PM

BOOSTEDBMW1993 - Welcome to SCIFIED! It is always quite nice to see new faces! As for your hypothesis: that is a very neat proposal! I would certainly be extremely sad if rexy were to slay the I-rex only to die from mortal wounds; the thought makes me misty-eyed! Thank you so much for sharing this very interesting idea with us! :)

Spartacus Rex

MemberCompsognathusMar-30-2015 7:41 AM

The only problem is, I am not sure whether it is a good idea to introduce I-Rex in the sequel all over again. It would just make it cliche.

Other than that, I have my own version of that encounter somewhere on the board, but I like your idea of Rex dieing of it's wounds after it kills I-Rex. So we have a clear victory of T-Rex, and then it just passes away. Sad, but would make it probably pretty strong.

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