Jurassic World Movies

What If You Designed Jurassic World?

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Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusMar-27-2015 3:41 PM

What if you were put in charge of designing Jurassic World, with just a few billion dollar budget and a map of Isla Nublar*? What species would you add and what attractions would you put where?



*= Staff, electrical grids, pipelines, etc. are already put into place, like JP:OG.


Mine would resemble Jurassic World, with some other features. At the southern tip, I'd have a few ferry docks and a helipad. After a monorail track up to the center of the park- with a variety of living and extinct plants on both sides of the path- you would reach the Jurassic World Hotel, complete with a Tyrannosaurus and Triceratops skeleton locked in combat in the lobby. From your hotel room, you could view the entire park! A couple hundred feet past the hotel, you'd enter the Jurassic World Lagoon. Complete with a Mosasaurus Feeding Show, the attraction would be the main part of the lagoon. The Mosasaurus tank would take up almost half the lagoon! Jurassic World uses the best security available to guard the next parts-


The Elasmosaurus pool! Taking up the middle section of the lagoon, it’s one of the most accessible areas of the park, going from the edge of the Main Street and a short walk from the Megalodon, a restaurant near the hotel. You can see our Elasmosaurus pair and group of five Dolichorhynchops from the Underwater Observatory, a Plexiglas underwater tunnel that goes through all three parts of the Jurassic World Lagoon. The Elasmosaurus pool is the largest part of the lagoon, and next to the smallest section, the Jurassic Sea! Just take a walk to the side area of the lagoon a short distance away from the Megalodon, the restaurant near the lagoon. This side area houses Jurassic World’s Plesiosaurus pair and Ichthyosaurus trio!


Past the lagoon, walk down Main Street, an area filled with shops and restaurants and paths to all of Jurassic World’s attractions, including the water park and the Gentle Giants Petting Zoo, where you can pet all of your favorite baby herbivores. However, you can even see adult dinosaurs here, such as the Microceratus and Hypsilophodon. At the end of Main Street is the Innovation Center, which is basically our museum with the best technology available. Next to this is the Hammond Creation Lab, where our dinosaurs are created. Named in honor of John Hammond, you can see the cloning process of our dinosaurs! To the right of the Innovation Center, in the center of the park, is the Tyrannosaurus Rex Kingdom. See Rexy, our resident Tyrannosaurus, the queen of Isla Nublar, in her large exhibit (Feeding shows every two hours!).


To the right of the T. Rex Kingdom, see our Pachycephalosaurus herd at the Pachy Arena. In this circular exhibit, you might see two ram their heads at each other! Past the mountain range, see the Jurassic World Aviary, built into the side of a mountain. See our Pteranodon and Tupandactylus flocks swoop down to catch fish in this Plexiglas path. In a smaller section of the aviary, see the Dimorphodon and Pterodactlyus flocks snap and insects and small fish. Right outside the aviary, be sure to see the Microraptor Dome! A short walk from this, visit the Cretaceous Cruise, where you can see a recreated Cretaceous landscape, with Edmontosaurus, Centrosaurus, Einiosaurus, Parasaurolophus, Pachyrhinosaurus, Edmontonia, Ankylosaurus, and Corythosaurus! Right next to the Cretaceous Cruise and a short distance from the lagoon, see the Spinosaur Swamp, complete with Baryonyx, Suchomimus, and Spinosaurus! In the northwestern section of the park, ride the Gyrosphere through a recreation of the Morrison Formation. Get close to our herds of Stegosaurus, Apatosaurus, Camptosaurus, Dryosaurus, Gargoyleosaurus, and even our Brachiosaurus trio! However, creatures far too dangerous for the Gyrosphere- Allosaurus, Ceratosaurus, and Dilophosaurus- can be seen in smaller exhibits outside of the area.


Next to the Gyrosphere, visit the Triceratops Territory. See our Triceratops herd frolic among groups of Einiosaurus and Centrosaurus. To the right of Triceratops Territory, take a tour in an armored vehicle through Gallimimus Valley, where you can see our Gallimimus flock run among Protoceratops, Saurolophus and Therizinosaurus! Finally, next to the mountains, be sure visit our Velociraptor pack!

“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

2 Replies


MemberTriceratopsMar-29-2015 11:11 AM

I would have no idea how to design my own JW w/o the help of a team.  There are so many things to go into making such a park, and not just the enclosures for the animals.  There are restaurants, hotels, pipelines, electrical grids, and other mechanisms that have to be put in place.

Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusMar-29-2015 11:59 AM

^I forget about a lot of things. :P Let me edit this topic.


There! Finished.

“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

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