Jurassic World Movies

Jurassic world teams

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Jackson 5

MemberCompsognathusMar-25-2015 4:24 PM

I need help joining a dinosaur team for the jurassic world dinosaur team for wicy dinosaur will reigne suprem over isla nublar




2 Replies


AdminIndoraptorMar-25-2015 7:16 PM

Like you need help knowing how to choose one? Or you can't decide?

Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4


Community ExecutiveMemberCompsognathusMar-27-2015 10:45 PM

Hello Jackson, I know what is happening. ( I think I know what is )

Are you trying to join the teams by clicking the JURASSIC WORLD TEAMS above RECENT STATUS UPDATES? that is only a counter, if you intend to join a team, go to the up very up part of the page, the place that you can see your profile picture and all the buttons to start new discussions.

Please go there and search the icon with the dinosaur (to the left to your profile picture) and CLICK there; once you do it you will see 4 pictures, pick one and you will be part of one of our teams.

If the problem is you dont know what team to chose.. u.u just pick one, you will be able to change your team as many times as you want it.  

Let me know if it was what you were needing. 



Ill do a quick remimder of a few things now that you are new:

You can exchange messages with other members, to do that be sure to log in in www.scified.com and here in this forum at the same time.

 Do you want to know a bit more about out community? check this thread, WELCOME TO JURASSIC PARK! (INTRODUCE YOURSELF!)


And welcome to the forums.


The world will spin well past our last breath, but I will always care about you

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