Jurassic World Movies

Five Nights at Jurassic World: Part 7

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Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusMar-24-2015 6:08 PM

                That day, Mike made a very risky move. To ensure his safety, Mike altered the audio so that it would sound like Omar’s whistle instead of just regular sounds, such as a cow moo or a bell ringing. When it was time for Mike’s final shift, he was ready for anything.


                Mike sat in his chair, waiting for the raptors to move. Finally, Delta and Charlie went out of their stalls. However, both raptors moved three spaces and were found at the end of the right hall. Mike played the audio by the meat locker, and the raptors went in. Waiting a little bit more; he found that Echo was gone. However, she was just standing at the end of the left hall, hissing. Mike flashed his flashlight at her, and eventually she went away. However, when he checked to see if Blue was still in her pen, Delta forced down the monitor. Snarling, she prepared to attack as Charlie entered the room.


                Shining the light in the raptors’ eyes, Mike forced them out of the room. Shutting the right door, he heard Blue leave her stall. However, immediately after, he heard her enter another. Checking for her, he saw her near the meat locker. However, he played the new audio, and Blue slowly approached the area next to the raptor pens. Checking for Echo, he saw her standing right outside the closed area, about to run off. Immediately shutting the door, Mike checked for Delta and Charlie.


                Both raptors were in the meat locker with Blue, and Echo was approaching the area. Opening both doors, Mike waited for a few minutes. However, he heard all four raptors charging down through the building. Delta and Echo ran in from the left, while Charlie and Blue slowly came in from the right. Immediately shutting both doors, Mike heard the raptors crash and bump against the doors. Finally, the left door started to come loose…


                Finally, the door fell in. Shining the flashlight in the raptors’ eyes, Mike repeatedly played the audio, leading the raptors to the pens. Finally, they left, and Mike checked his watch- it was 3:00. After waiting a bit, Mike heard Blue enter a new room. Checking for her, he saw her about to enter the hall. However, Delta and Charlie were also gone. He saw them in the cameras closest to the office. They’re surrounding me… Mike realized. He heard Echo run down the hallway, and went to the back of the office. Echo accidentally ran through the office, and before she could turn around, Mike shut the right door.


                Soon, Delta stared into the office. Mike watched her slowly enter. She was just popping her head in, no harm in that. However, that was when Echo started to crash against the door. After using the audio to lead her away, he pulled down the monitor. When he at Delta, he saw her standing in the room, snarling. Using the audio, Mike led her away before she could do any serious damage besides tearing his shirt. After hearing Blue leave her pen, Mike checked his watch. Just then, all four raptors charged again. This time, Charlie and Blue tore through the right door, pushing it down. As Blue stepped forward, Charlie began to follow her, hissing at Mike. However, as Mike was beginning to die of fright, he squeezed his eyes shut. However, as his heart felt like it was about to burst out of his chest and Blue began to place her jaws on his head, Mike heard Omar’s whistle. That’s strange… he thought, I didn’t play the audio. Finally, he checked his watch. It was 6:00.


                As Mike left the room, he got a slip from the Head of Security. Expecting a paycheck, this is what the pink sheet of paper read:







                “Nice try.” The Head of Security told Mike as the men exited the building.

“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

3 Replies

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMar-26-2015 4:43 PM

SCI-FI KING25 - Hahaha! What a fantastic way to end your series! I was hoping Mike would make it out alive! Thank you so much for having taken the time to produce and present this to us! :)

Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusMar-26-2015 5:44 PM

^Thanks SR! :) I might make a second, but most likely not, but maybe in the future.

“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMar-26-2015 7:43 PM

SCI-FI KING25 - You are most welcome! I will certainly be interested to see what you have in store for the future! :)

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