Jurassic World Movies

Carcharodontosaurus vs Lourinhanosaurus

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MemberCompsognathusMar-17-2015 5:44 PM


Length: 43 feet

Height: 11 feet

Weight: 8 tons



Length: 23 feet

Height: 11 feet

Weight: 1 ton



Leaves went crunch. Twigs snapped. The trees rustled as an old carcharodontosaurus emerges grumpily. He was recently rejected by a female during mating season and is in a very bad mood. He came across a lone lourinhanosaurus and gives it a vicious kick, sending it stumbling out of the way (you have no right to hate this guy- I'll bet you've all had the same problem before). The lourinhanosaurus screeches a warning. If the carcharodontosaurus could laugh, he would be rolling on the floor snorting his head off. But he isn't. And he deliberately sends it sprawling, just to show that he doesn't give a sh!t about its petty little warning. Two lourinhanosauruses dropped down from a tree at their friend's side. The carcharodontosaurus is in no mood to back down and charges at the three, but they all dodge. One runs at the shark-toothed lizard's right flank, the other the left and the middle one runs straight underneath the carcharodontosaurus. They all slash and bite until the carcharodontosaurus lies down. The stone swallower underneath tries to flee, but gets caught underneath the immense bulk of the shark-toothed lizard. It thrashes, trying to get free… and charges headlong into a packmate, plowing him over and knocking the breath out of both of them. The carc capitalizes and decapitates one while the other gets away. The escapee then unexpectedly leaps onto the carc’s head. Unbalanced, and with a tail swinging in his eyes, the carcharodontosaurus staggers for a moment gets hit by a force like a mini bullet train from the side. Enraged, the shark-toothed lizard jerks his head up to grab the swinging tail in his jaws. Which is what happens. One thing that wasn’t supposed to happen though, was for the momentum of that massive head to send the lourinhanosaurus flying backwards… with the carcharodontosaurus’s teeth still embedded in its tail. Assuming it has either cracked its skull or gotten stuck in the bush underneath the tree, the carcharodontosaurus turns to face the last one… To find no one. A hiss sounds behind him, and he whips around, smacking the lourinhanosaurus in the chest and sending it sprawling. Now much more confident, the carcharodontosaurus bore down on the doomed lourinhanosaurus… until it kicks him in the jaws and rolls away. Dazed, the carc shakes his head and sees a shadow where the stone swallower was before. Why was that? And where had it gone? A shriek tore him out of his thoughts. He looked up to see a lourinhanosaurus falling from a/the tree, feet poised to use his face as a springboard. A moment of excruciating pain follows and he nearly blacks out. He snapped his jaws shut in fury and pain a few times and accidentally chops the tail off a lourinhanosaurus. The gastrolith-swallowing carnosaur takes a few steps forward, before faceplanting into the ground. Three long slash marks stretch across its side like tire tracks. The last sinraptorid isn’t done, though. He clambers up the carc’s side and without warning clamps its jaws shut on the back of its larger rival’s neck. The carcharodontosaurus shakes it off with a grunt, then turns and lumbers off to take his anger out on someone else.

AND THE WINNER IS…………………………………………………………….






It’s a tie.

The carcharodontosaurus could still have won, but probably at the cost of his own life. This was a really close fight, and lourinhanosaurus just won. Besides, I never really see anything about lourinhanosaurus on Scified, so I gave it a nice start. BTW, I have just decided that this fight series is going to be a tournament. Fight series and Tournament are two different things. 

NEXT: MAPUSAURUS (upper size estimates, not the 33 feet long type) VS DELTADROMEUS

1 Replies

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMar-18-2015 9:26 AM

ANKYBEATSALL2468 - That was a very interesting battle! I enjoy the fact that it ended in a tie; in my opinion, that outcome seems quite plausible! I am very much looking forward to the next combat! Thank you so much for continuing to present this excellent work to us! :)

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