Jurassic World Movies

Five Nights at Jurassic World: Part 5

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Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusMar-14-2015 6:57 PM

                Mike confidently walked into his office. Night Five, he thought, my final night… Well, there’s not going to be a call, so I have to get straight to work.


                “*Hiss* *Snarl* *Growlllll* *Screeeeee* *Caw, caw* *Hiiiiss* *Ssssss*


                Mike trembled as he listened to the raptors growl and snort through the radio.


                “*Hisssss* *Caw, caw* *Sssssssssssss* *Scree-*


                There was silence. They broke the radio, Mike thought. As he shined his flashlight, he saw Charlie poke his head through the right door. However, Charlie backed away as a running sound approached them. Echo! Mike thought as he immediately closed the left door. As Echo crashed her head against the door a few times, Mike shined his flashlight at Charlie. However, the raptor wouldn’t go away. Mike banged the flashlight against the wall as Charlie tried to disable the door. However, the raptor ran off at the sudden noises and bright lights. Checking for Delta and Blue, Mike heard Echo run away. Opening the door and shining his flashlight through it, he saw Delta standing outside. Immediately closing the door again, Mike continued his search for Blue.


                There was a loud snarling as Blue entered the room closest to the office. Mike closed the door and checked for the other raptors. Seeing Delta still at the left door, Mike checked for Charlie and Echo. However, he heard Charlie in the meat locker and saw Delta’s head peeking through the door that separated her pen from the rest of the facility. Mike heard Blue enter a room farther away from the office, so he opened the door and checked his watch- 2:00.


                How is it only two?! Mike thought as he checked the camera. However, when he pulled it down, Blue screeched in his face. Screaming, Mike shined the flashlight wildly as Blue began to put her jaws around Mike’s head. Mike tried to push her away, but eventually punched her in the face. Here at Jurassic World, you can’t injure an animal, Mike thought as he fended off the animal. This is life or death! As Charlie peeped his head through the door, Mike shut it. However, he heard Echo running down the left hall. As he heard Blue crash against something, he checked for her and Delta. Eventually, Echo left, but Delta immediately took her place. Now, both Charlie and Delta were crashing against the doors, and Blue was nowhere to be found.


                After what seemed like forever, the audio systems went out. A few seconds later, the camera feed turned to static. When Mike pulled down his monitor, the room was filled with darkness. Finally, the doors went out.



*  *  *  *  *



     Mike remembered when the man on the radio told him that if too many systems were used at once, the power would go out. As Blue entered the room with a loud snarl, Mike feared for his life. Blue slowly approached him with loud hisses and snarls. After a couple minutes, she was only a couple feet away from him. However, Mike pulled a cord near him. Sunlight entered the room, disorientating Blue. She winced at the sudden light, and Mike checked his watch- 5:59. A couple seconds later, Omar called the raptors back to their pens. As Mike left the building, he was greeted by the Head of Security.


        “Good job, sport!” The man told Mike, handing him his paycheck. “Now, there’s something we need of you. Overtime will be included. We need a guard to work the night shift for a sixth and seventh night!”

“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

2 Replies

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMar-14-2015 7:38 PM

SCI-FI KING25 - Hahaha! That was delightfully chilling! I liked the way in which you ended this chapter! If I happened to be this Mike fellow, I would have delicately declined the overtime offer and fled the area as fast as humanly possible! :)

Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusMar-15-2015 8:03 AM

^Thanks! :) I would too, but I'm making Mike accept it for the sake of the story.


“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

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