Jurassic World Movies

Five Nights at Jurassic World: Part 2

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Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusMar-07-2015 6:43 AM

                Mike woke up on the floor. His flashlight was on. Somehow, the door was closed. Mike got up, and looked at his shirt. There were three long tears in it, all of them soaked in blood. Mike shined his flashlight at the door, and saw Delta peeping in through the small window. He checked his watch. It was 5:30 AM. Just half an hour, Mike thought, half an hour at the worst job on the face of the Earth… Finally, Omar’s whistle called the raptor away. It was 6:00 AM.



* * * * *


 Mike listened for the next call-


“Hello? Well, we’ve updated the security a bit. Now you can play audio to lead the raptors away from your door. Why? Well, if you use too much power at once, such as the both doors and your camera, for a long period of time, the power goes out. Also, interestingly enough, Blue rarely leaves her stall. She just stands there… staring… Heh, gotta go now. See you tomorrow.”


Well, Mike thought, why don’t I give this a try? He looked through the cameras, and saw Charlie was missing. Mike played the audio, but nothing happened. He shined his flashlight, and Charlie was in his room. In a blind panic, Mike shined his flashlight in Charlie’s eyes. Hissing, the raptor ran off. However, shining his flashlight again, he saw Charlie move off to the side. Strange.Mike thought. However, looking through the cameras again, Mike saw Echo dashing through the hallway. Closing both doors, he heard crashing outside of the right door. They always come in through the right… Mike thought as he shined his flashlight at the left door. He saw Delta waiting there. Checking his watch, Mike noticed that it was 4:00. He shined his flashlight at the left door, and nothing was there. Waiting, Mike tried to lead the raptors as far away as possible.


Finally, it was 5:00. Looking out of both doors, he saw nothing. He heard nothing. No trace of life. Opening the doors, he saw Charlie standing at the end of the hallway. However, Mike immediately shut the left door. Looking out of it, he saw Delta waiting for him. However, looking down the right hall, Echo was rushing towards him. Closing the door, it was inches away from closing on her snout. As the raptors tried to tear down the doors, Charlie leaped at it, and shattered the Plexiglas. He pointed his snout into the room and hissed. After a while, the right door was ripped right off its hinges. The raptors cornered Mike, but then Omar called them away.



* * * * *



“Well, looks like you had a rough night. Tonight’s not gonna be any better. Blue tends to become more active when you survive long enough. Also, the raptors can disable doors. We found that out the hard way with the last guard. Also, look out for wild dinosaurs. There’s some prowling though the area, but don’t worry about it. Just stay calm, and check the doors.”


Mike looked at the raptors, but there was spit on one of the walls. Putting down his monitor, he saw a Dilophosaurus, with its frill extended, standing in his room.


“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

3 Replies


MemberCompsognathusMar-07-2015 7:42 AM

The dilophosaurus is golden freddy?

I don't know what to put here 

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMar-07-2015 2:58 PM

SCI-FI KING25 - That poor fellow is not having a very good night! I am looking forward to seeing what will occur next! Thank you for continuing this fun, little series! :)

Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusMar-07-2015 6:27 PM

@Lopsquid, yes. That's what I'm trying to do here.

“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

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